
2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

author:Li Yuefeng lyf


This is an extremely infuriating incident, our two Chinese compatriots were not only kidnapped in the Philippines, but what is even more infuriating is that after the family paid the ransom, they were actually torn up their tickets!

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

After the Chinese people saw it, they were all angry, it stands to reason that the kidnappers should be asking for money, since the ransom has been paid, they should be unconditionally released, and they actually killed these two Chinese citizens mercilessly, which is simply not a bit moral, and it is an extremely serious crime.

With the media reports, the identities of the two Chinese citizens were also exposed, it turned out that they were still executives of a company, and they were very young, because they went to the Philippines to inspect the business, but suddenly suffered this misfortune, which is really regrettable and indignant, because they did not die accidentally, but were kidnapped and torn up!

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

About what happened

According to online news, the two Chinese who were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines were executives of a Chinese medical device company.

According to people familiar with the matter, the two people killed belonged to two different medical device companies, and both were middle and senior managers of the company.

Here's what happened, the two arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect the business, in order to expand the overseas market, but they never expected that after they went to the Philippines, they were kidnapped.

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

This begs the question, do the kidnappers know that they are executives of the company? Also, how was his whereabouts revealed?

It is reported that one of the victims, Xia Moumou, served as an international marketing director and graduated from Hunan City College.

In response to this incident, the police have intervened in the investigation, but more information about the progress has not been disclosed!

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

This incident has also been confirmed by the company, it turns out that Xia Moumou, from Suzhou Runmaid Medical Technology Co., Ltd., is the director of international marketing, and he is particularly young, at the age of 39, and the time of his death is June 24, 2024.

In addition, according to the "Beijing News", after they were kidnapped, one of the family members paid 3 million, but they were still killed, and the company will also help the family accordingly in response to this incident.

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

The photo of the victim was also published on the Internet, looking very young, but also the company's right-hand man, it is worth noting that in early June, there was a kidnapping and ransom case against Chinese in Manila, the Philippines, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, once urged the Philippine side to thoroughly investigate, reminding Chinese citizens in the Philippines to raise awareness of security precautions.

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

Netizens were outraged

For mainland citizens, the murder in the Philippines has made countless Chinese people angry, for this tragic practice, it is really difficult to suppress the anger in their hearts, netizens said that this is too much, and they actually killed people after getting the money.

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!
2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

Finally, we hope that the Philippine side will solve the case as soon as possible, severely punish the criminals, recover the ransom, and give justice to the families of the victims.

There are also former colleagues who revealed that the killed Sun is usually very good, and very good, and he was extremely shocked to learn the news that he was unfortunately killed.

In addition, what is even more explosive is that in early June, there were media reports that near Manila, the Philippines, the local police actually kidnapped four people, three of whom were Chinese!

At that time, a private car was stopped by armed police with three Chinese citizens and a Malaysian, and after the police stopped, they took them to a pick-up truck, and two of them successfully escaped after resisting and then called the police.

2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!
2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!
2 Chinese executives in the Philippines were kidnapped, ransom was given and tickets were torn up, and there were more explosive things in the country before!

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