
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President Bahagawa Dasgupta visited TusHoldings

author:Innovative circle of friends

On July 1, Bhargav Dasgupta, Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and his delegation visited TusHoldings, and had business exchanges with Cai Xiaowei, President of TusHoldings, Chen Hongbo, Senior Executive Vice President, and Yang Ming, Senior Vice President of TusHoldings.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President Bahagawa Dasgupta visited TusHoldings

During the exchange, President Cai Xiaowei welcomed the visit of the ADB delegation. He stressed that TusHoldings has been overseas for many years and has established various modes of cooperation with institutions in various countries, including the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement with HSBC Bank last month to carry out cooperation in science and technology parks and technology investment in Southeast Asia and countries along the "Belt and Road". He proposed that in the future, the two sides can jointly set up an investment fund to invest in scientific and technological projects of mutual interest in the "Belt and Road" region, and hoped that the two sides will maintain communication and continue to explore new cooperation models.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President Bahagawa Dasgupta visited TusHoldings

Senior Executive Vice President Chen Hongbo introduced the development history, business model and international cooperation cases of TusHoldings to the delegation, and reviewed the origin of cooperation between the two sides. Senior Vice President Yang Ming proposed two possible cooperation models, one is the application of science and technology in poverty alleviation, such as Tus-Enlighten through the establishment of agricultural science and technology incubators in Yunnan, Guangxi and other places to carry out science and technology poverty alleviation work, to help farmers in poor areas increase income; Second, Tus-City can provide technology services and support for ADB's global customers in the transformation of park assets.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President Bahagawa Dasgupta visited TusHoldings

The visit was accompanied by Suzanne Gaboury, Director General of the Private Sector Business Bureau, Juan-Pablo Martinez-Molina Mercado, Senior Advisor to the Deputy President, Hisaka Kimura, Regional Director of Private Sector Development, and Yuxuan Zhao, Senior Investment Officer. Chang Chang, Chief Financial Officer of Tus-Environment, and relevant colleagues from the International Cooperation Department of Tus-Holdings attended the reception.

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