
Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

author:Yueyang Radio and Television

Party Day

103rd Anniversary


With the arrival of July 1st, the atmosphere of party building is strong.

Chenglingji New Port District organized and carried out

"Entering the branch, looking at the enterprise, celebrating July 1st" condolence activities,

The care and warmth of the party organization were delivered

The hearts of every party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

Yueyang Radio and Television All Media News (Xingang District Rong Media Center Liu Kehong) On June 28, Li Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chenglingji Xingang District, went to Gaolan Energy Conservation Company to express condolences to Deng Yingxiang, a party member in difficulty. Ask him about the difficulties in his family life and his work situation, and encourage him to overcome difficulties, work hard, continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role, and make contributions based on his post.

Li Jianhua emphasized that a party member is a banner, and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members is the backbone of our cause success, economic development, and effective social governance, and is a hero of economic and social development. When party members have special circumstances or even difficulties, they should be given full humanistic care and material assistance. It is necessary to take grassroots party members and cadres, party members with living difficulties, and party members who have been seriously ill for a long time as the focus of care and assistance, and regularly carry out door-to-door condolences to fully transmit the warmth of the organization.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 26, Qian Danqing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Chenglingji Xingang District, led a team to Guoxin Junchuang (Yueyang) 6906 Technology Co., Ltd. to cordially express condolences to Mao Jianguo, a party member in difficulty, and his family, ask him about his family situation, health status and living needs, and understand the difficulties he encountered in life. Encourage them to strengthen their confidence, take care of their health, and actively overcome difficulties, and the party and the government will always be their strongest backing.

Qian Danqing stressed that it is necessary to always pay attention to the lives of party members in difficulty, increase assistance to party members in difficulty, solve their practical problems and living difficulties in a timely manner, and create better working and living conditions for them.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 25, Yan Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Comprehensive Bonded Zone, called He Songyun, a party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 25, Lin Jia, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Free Trade Zone, went to Jinghong Construction Company to express condolences to Song Yuexiang, a party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty
Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 25, Yang Jinjiang, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Yueyang Free Trade Zone, went to Yunxiang Heavy Industry Company to express condolences to Wang Shanlin, a party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 28, Chen Shujin, member of the Party Working Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Work Committee, and director of the Supervision Committee, expressed his condolences to Liu Yu, a party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 28, Zhang Changyun, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of the Comprehensive Bonded Zone, went to Xiaisi Company to express his condolences to Feng Xuhui, a party member in difficulty.

Atlas丨 Chenglingji Xingang District carried out "July 1st" condolences to send warmth and care to party members in difficulty

On June 25, Liu Zhuo, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee, went to Haijixing Company to express condolences to Liu Zhongcai, a party member in difficulty.

Warm words

A cordial greeting

Earnestly put the party's care and warmth

Send it to the hearts of the majority of party members

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Let the party's cause and spirit be passed on from generation to generation