
After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

What are some of the sports we should avoid after the age of 65? First of all, I have to tell you a story, which is about Uncle Zhang, who has recently encountered some minor troubles about sports.

Uncle Zhang, a retired senior engineer over 65 years old, has always been an active old man. But recently, he noticed that his shoulder pain was getting worse. No, in order to alleviate this frozen shoulder, he came to the clinic today to do acupuncture, hoping to improve. Uncle Zhang was lying on the acupuncture bed, and Dr. Li was busy treating him, telling him to heal his shoulder as soon as possible.

At this moment, Uncle Zhang's old classmate, Aunt Wang, was also doing physiotherapy in the same clinic. Seeing Uncle Zhang, she couldn't help but joke: "Zhang Gong, how is your retirement life?" Look at your spirit, are you quite diligent in exercising? Aunt Wang's words made Uncle Zhang smile bitterly. He replied, "To be honest, I really don't want to be old, and I went to play badminton a few days ago." But now, the shoulder hurts terribly. ”

Hearing this, Dr. Li shook his head and said with a serious expression: "Uncle Zhang, exercise is a good thing, but some sports really can't be touched anymore at our age. Aunt Wang answered curiously: "Ah, what else do you say?" What are the exercises that can't be done? Dr. Li put down the tools in his hand, sat down and began to explain: "Actually, many middle-aged and elderly people think that the more exercise, the better. But in fact, some sports are too taxing on the body of the elderly, and the risks are not small. ”

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

This conversation not only made Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang refreshing, but also made others present start to think seriously about their exercise habits. This brings us to the question we are going to explore today: What are the exercises that people over 65 should avoid? And Dr. Lee's words undoubtedly kicked off this topic. Next, I'll take you through more details to ensure that we can all enjoy sports while maintaining our physical health.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

The first thing he talked about was running. You might be thinking, "Isn't running a good exercise?" Why is it suddenly not recommended? Actually, running is indeed a good sport for young people, but for people over 65 years old like Uncle Zhang, the situation is a little different.

Dr Lee explained that running, especially on hard concrete surfaces, can have a very strong impact on the knees. This impact accelerates the wear and tear of joints and cartilage, which can lead to serious joint problems in the long run. Dr Lee referred to a study that showed that up to 40% of people over the age of 65 had knee injuries caused by running. This is not a small probability event, but a fairly common problem.

Then, Dr. Lee talked about weightlifting. Weightlifting sounds pretty cool, and a lot of young people do it by lifting to reshape and build muscle. But for the elderly, this high-intensity exercise can easily cause muscle and ligament strain, and may even lead to fractures. Dr. Li recounted an example of a retired elderly man named Lao Li, who was keen on weightlifting after retirement, but accidentally trained and severely strained his back muscles, resulting in bed confinement for several months.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

Dr. Lee then talked about sports like basketball and football, which require fast movement and intense confrontation. For young people, these exercises can undoubtedly enhance their physical coordination and cardiorespiratory fitness. But for older people, especially those with osteoporosis, this strenuous exercise can easily lead to falls and collisions, which can lead to fractures in severe cases. Dr. Lee mentioned an elderly man in his 70s who accidentally fell while playing basketball and suffered a hip fracture that resulted in a very slow recovery.

In addition, there are those dances that look elegant, such as tango and jazz dances. Although these dances look light and elegant, they are actually very demanding on cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle coordination. Dr. Lee said that many elderly people were rushed to the hospital because they had a heart attack while dancing this type of dance. This condition is not uncommon in older people, as the strenuous activity while dancing is often beyond their physical capacity.

Finally, Dr. Lee mentioned some of the more difficult movements in yoga. Yoga is often considered a gentle exercise that is suitable for people of all ages. But in fact, for the elderly, some difficult yoga poses such as handstands and splits can put a lot of stress on the spine and joints. Aunt Li is an example, she accidentally broke her neck while doing a yoga handstand, but fortunately she was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

These words shocked both Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang. They realized that the matter of exercise, especially in old age, really needed to be chosen more carefully and scientifically. This information is not only a reminder for them, but also an important warning for all their peers. How to protect their bodies while enjoying the fun of sports has become a problem that they need to think about further.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

Well, after listening to Dr. Li's words, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang couldn't help but look at each other seriously, obviously they deeply felt the importance of this information. Dr. Li did not intend to stop there, and continued to give specific suggestions and solutions on how to ensure the safety and health of elderly friends while enjoying sports.

First of all, Dr. Lee emphasised the importance of choosing the right exercise. "For people of our age, you really have to take into account your fitness and health when choosing sports," he said. He advises older people to do low-intensity, low-impact exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling. These exercises are joint-friendly and are enough to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and strengthen muscles without putting too much strain on the body.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

Dr. Lee also mentioned that many older people overlook the importance of warming up. "Regardless of the type of exercise, a proper warm-up is essential," he explains. Warming up can help prepare muscles and joints for upcoming activities and reduce the risk of injury. He recommends at least ten minutes of gentle stretching and light activity before each exercise to wake up the body.

Next, Dr. Li reminded everyone to pay attention to the regularity and moderation of exercise. "Don't do high-intensity exercise all of a sudden on a whim, it's a big challenge for the body," he says. He suggests that the intensity of exercise should be increased gradually, and the frequency should be kept to a few times a week, and the duration of each exercise should not be too long, so as to help the body gradually adapt and avoid excessive fatigue.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

Dr Lee also mentioned that it is also very important to monitor the body's response during exercise. "During exercise, if you feel any discomfort, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain or extreme fatigue, you should stop immediately," he stressed. He advises seniors to have a companion when exercising, especially when doing water activities or cycling, so that they can get timely help if they encounter difficulties.

Finally, he highlighted the importance of regular check-ups, suggesting that older people should consult their doctor before starting any new exercise program to ensure that the exercise they choose is appropriate for their health condition. He also reminded everyone, "Doing regular physical examinations to understand your physical condition is very helpful for making a suitable exercise plan and timely adjustments." ”

These words deeply inspired both Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang. They realize that exercise is good, but what fits is the best. Through this conversation, they not only learned which exercises to avoid, but also learned how to scientifically arrange their exercise plan to stay active and protect their bodies. This conversation was certainly a timely reminder of how to be more careful and safe when it comes to enjoying the pleasure and health benefits of exercise.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

Okay, everyone has heard this, and I believe that Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang are not the only ones who have benefited a lot. After Dr. Li's detailed explanations and suggestions, Uncle Zhang's eyes were full of new determination and recognition. He turned to Aunt Wang and nodded, indicating that he was ready to make some changes.

At the end of the conversation, Uncle Zhang not only had a new understanding of his shoulder pain, but also a deeper understanding of exercises suitable for the elderly. He deeply feels that although exercise is good, choosing the right exercise is more crucial. Uncle Zhang said: "It seems that I have to adjust my exercise plan, I used to always want to challenge myself, but now it seems that I should pay more attention to protecting my body." ”

He decided that from now on, he would avoid high-impact, high-risk sports and opt for joint-friendly, moderate-intensity activities. Swimming, brisk walking or cycling became his new options. He also plans to join a local health club with Auntie Wang for fitness classes designed for seniors, such as aqua aerobics or gentle group yoga, to stay active and safe.

Not only did Dr. Li's advice benefit Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang, but they also decided to pass on this valuable information to more elderly friends. Uncle Zhang proposed to hold a mini-lecture at their community center and invited Dr. Li to share his knowledge about exercise and health for the elderly. He feels that this will not only help their old friends get useful information, but also improve their understanding of healthy ageing.

After the age of 65, don't touch these sports! Experts warn that aging may be accelerated

At the same time, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang also decided to become advocates of this active lifestyle. They plan to share their experiences and feel community on a bulletin board after each workout to inspire more of their peers to join them.

Through this experience, Uncle Zhang not only gained a new understanding of exercise, but also significantly improved his frozen shoulder after acupuncture treatment. This made him more convinced that proper treatment coupled with scientific exercise is the best way to maintain health. "Retirement is not the end of life, but the beginning of another way of life," he said. Choose the right exercise and enjoy a healthy day. ”

So, whether you are an elderly friend like Uncle Zhang or not, remember one thing: the right exercise can bring health and happiness, but the key is to choose the right exercise method for you. I hope Uncle Zhang's story can inspire everyone, so that we can all live a healthy and wise life in our golden years. What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section!


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