
What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

author:Entertainment Assault
What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Today's topic: What can you do to open a page on your family tree?

Text丨Entertainment Assault

Editor丨Entertainment Assault

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese


This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

Genealogy, as a unique romance of our Chinese, is the continuation of the family bloodline!

Every family member has a place in the family tree, but the contribution of those who can open a single page speaks for themselves!


No, netizens can't sit still, and the comment area has its own tricks!

Damn, the 1 in 1,000 survival rate is terrifying, and if he says so, he deserves a genealogy for him!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

I know this, but this is not as simple as opening a single page of the genealogy, this is a real people's hero!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

It's amazing, I want to know if I can open a single page if I become a county magistrate now?

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Good guys, do you still have to queue up to make an appointment for your family's tomb sweeping in the past Qingming Festival!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

If there is such a day, the whole family will be able to follow the light, and the great cause of liberating Taiwan depends on your sister!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Okay, okay, this is God's eyes open to a person, is it too late to reincarnate now...

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Your family is really talented, and this gene is really not ordinarily excellent!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

As far as your ancestors are concerned, it's no wonder that you can't open a single page, you're still too weak compared to them!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

It's easier to see so much, but my physical condition really doesn't allow me to live so big!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Forehead... Take back what you said, I'll act as if I didn't see it...

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

If you say so, then whether you can open a single page depends on luck!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Hahahaha, are you here to be funny, who can get married so many times, is it really not going to be talked about by others?

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

I've heard of this too, but having said that, I can't even think about how much it would take to contribute to be transported home wearing the national flag!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Seeing that you are developing so well now, I think your father must be very proud!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Just ask who can see this if you can be impressed, this is not only a person's honor, but also your grandchildren and grandchildren!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Cow, cow, when do you say you can be like your grandfather, I will be the first to incense you!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Hey, why didn't such a good person end well, it's really chilling to read it!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Forehead... It's not easy to take out each of these singles, so I'll think about it!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Mr. Yuan's one-ten-thousandth is really not easy, but I think Mr. Yuan is not interested in a single page of the genealogy, even if there is no such thing, he will always live in our hearts!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

I think everyone knows the difficulty of the Shandong Gong Examination, I am too presumptuous to think about it, this honor deserves to be given to you!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Laughing to death, if you don't want to live, just say it, this is no longer a matter of opening alone, this is the extent to which even the family tree has to be broken!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

It's a pity that such a huge family was broken!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

Oh my God, if that's the case, won't all his grandparents and grandchildren be implicated?

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

For an adult male with aspirations, who doesn't want to have this honor, besides, this is unique to us Chinese!

What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

The content of the above pictures is all comments from netizens, and there is a certain inauthenticity and plot fabrication, I hope that the majority of netizens will eat melons rationally.

Since ancient times, talents have been produced in the comment area! And what do you think of it after reading it? Feel free to join the discussion!

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What can you do to open a page on your family tree? Netizen: Under multiple buffs, 1V5 kills the Japanese

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