
Mengcheng: The county procuratorate reported to the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress on the work of digital procuratorate

author:Bozhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

On the morning of June 28, the Standing Committee of the 18th People's Congress of Mengcheng County held its 24th meeting to hear and review the report of the county procuratorate on the work of digital procuratorate.

1. Model display

Mengcheng: The county procuratorate reported to the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress on the work of digital procuratorate

Liu Lingli, the fourth-level chief clerk of the Comprehensive Business Department of the County Procuratorate, introduced the "Big Data Supervision Model for Medical Insurance Fraud in Village Clinics" independently created by the Mengcheng County Procuratorate from the aspects of modeling background, model construction, application and effectiveness, which won the first prize in the 2023 Provincial Procuratorate Big Data Legal Supervision Model Competition.

2. Report on digital prosecution work

Mengcheng: The county procuratorate reported to the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress on the work of digital procuratorate
Mengcheng: The county procuratorate reported to the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress on the work of digital procuratorate

Ding Jie, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the County Procuratorate, made a detailed report on the work of digital procuratorate. Since August 2023, the county procuratorate has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of a cyber power and digital China, conscientiously implemented the overall work idea of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of "business-oriented, data integration, technical support, and application-oriented", and focused on "breaking the ice in thought, breaking the situation in action, and deepening in application", and thoroughly implemented the digital procuratorial strategy, in the fields of state-owned fund protection, protection of the rights and interests of special groups, ecological environmental protection, and illegal crimes in the food industry. Persist in creating and applying 87 big data legal supervision models, handle 368 cases of various types of supervision, formulate and issue 73 procuratorial recommendations, and recover 13.41 million yuan in funds. Among them, the "Supervision Model for Similar Cases Applicable to Small Claims Procedures" was promoted throughout the country, the "Big Data Supervision Model for Medical Insurance Fund Fraud in Village Clinics" was awarded the first prize of the Provincial Big Data Legal Supervision Model Competition, and 2 cases were selected as typical cases of big data legal supervision in the province. In March 2024, the provincial digital procuratorial work promotion meeting was successfully held in the Mengcheng County Procuratorate. On June 26, 2024, the "Procuratorial Supervision Model for Enterprise Reputation Protection in the Field of Civil Enforcement" was awarded the second prize of the "Procuratorial Protection of Enterprises" special competition in the third big data legal supervision model competition of the provincial procuratorial organs.

In the next step, under the strong leadership of the county party committee and higher-level procuratorial organs, and under the strong supervision of the county people's congress and its standing committee, the Mengcheng County Procuratorate will promote the systematic governance of legal supervision from individual cases to similar cases and from one region to the whole region with a more pragmatic style and more effective measures, and strive to make new and greater contributions to accelerating the "four butterfly changes" and building the "four Mengchengs"!

Produced by Bozhou Procuratorate New Media

Source丨Mengcheng Procuratorate

Editor丨Liu Minghui

First instance丨Wu Miao, Peng Peng

Second instance丨Sun Lezeng

Final Trial丨Su Chaofeng


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