
In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

author:Bapro's monologue

China's return to the United Nations in 1971 was an important milestone in China's diplomatic history.

One autumn day in 1976, Huang Hua, who was working in New York, suddenly received an urgent phone call asking him to return to China immediately.

To say that Huang Hua was appointed, it was actually very sudden. It turned out that Qiao Guanhua, who served as foreign minister before that, was removed from his post because of a series of mistakes in his work.

So, what's going on? Why was Huang Hua chosen to succeed him?

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

The source of this article comes from the official media [Beijing Daily client] [motherland network]. In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

From a Yenching student to a foreign minister

In 1913, Huang Hua was born in an ordinary family in Cixian County, Hebei Province. At a young age, he showed strong ability and was successfully admitted to Yenching University.

During his time at the school, Huang Hua was actively involved in the student movement. In 1935, he participated in the vigorous "129 Movement" and subsequently joined the Chinese Communist Party.

During the Yan'an period, Huang Hua was fortunate to accompany the American journalist Edgar Snow for an interview, and made an important contribution to "Red Star Shining over China" that later shocked the world.

In 1944, he participated in Sino-American intelligence cooperation. This experience laid the foundation for his future diplomatic career.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Hua entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He followed Zhou Enlai to the historic Geneva and Bandung conferences, demonstrating outstanding diplomatic skills.

In the 60s, he served as ambassador to Ghana and Egypt, and made important contributions to the development of China-Africa relations.

In 1971, when China returned to the United Nations, Huang Hua served as its permanent representative to the United Nations, speaking for China on the international stage.

Five years later, he was ordered to return to China as soon as he took over the post of foreign minister. Before Huang Hua, it was Qiao Guanhua who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

Qiao Guanhua was a talented diplomat who led a delegation to the United Nations General Assembly when China returned to the United Nations in 1971.

However, in the complex international situation and domestic political environment, some of Qiao Guanhua's words and deeds have caused controversy.

But because of a mistake in his work, Qiao Guanhua was dismissed.

Actually, these two people have a lot of connection.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

Qiao Guanhua: From prodigy to "Joe's Laughter"

In 1971, Qiao Guanhua led a delegation to attend the United Nations General Assembly, and the "Qiao's smile" that shocked the world became a symbol of new China's self-confidence.

This smile not only shows the demeanor of Chinese diplomats, but also conveys to the world China's firm determination to return to the international stage.

However, diplomacy is complex and sensitive.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

In 1976, due to a series of work mistakes and improper words and deeds, Qiao Guanhua was removed from the post of foreign minister. This sudden change not only ended Qiao Guanhua's diplomatic career, but also brought certain challenges to China's diplomatic work.

At this critical moment, after careful consideration, the central authorities decided to appoint the experienced Huang Hua to take over the post of foreign minister.

At that time, Huang Hua was serving as China's permanent representative to the United Nations in New York.

After receiving the urgent notice, he immediately put down his work and hurried back to Beijing.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

Huang Hua is well aware of the heavy responsibilities on his shoulders, and the country's diplomatic work must not be slackened in the slightest during this special period.

After returning to Beijing, Huang Hua's first challenge was how to make a smooth transition.

He needed to familiarize himself with the affairs of the ministry in a short period of time, while at the same time stabilizing the situation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ensuring that China's diplomatic work was not affected by personnel changes.

Huang Hua adopted a cautious but effective strategy: first had in-depth exchanges with the heads of various departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then convened a meeting of all diplomats to stabilize the mood within the ministry.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

Huang Hua also pays special attention to communication with diplomats from other countries.

Through various formal and informal occasions, he conveyed to the international community the message that China's foreign policy will not change due to personnel changes, and dispelled the doubts of some countries.

During this transition period, Huang Hua's calm style and rich diplomatic experience enabled him to grasp the situation in a short period of time and ensure a smooth transition of China's diplomatic work.

Despite the challenges, under Huang Hua's leadership, China's diplomatic career has not been greatly affected, and on the contrary, it has ushered in new development opportunities since then.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98
In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

The intersection of two parallel lines

Huang Hua and Qiao Guanhua, two diplomats born in 1913, although their life trajectories are different, they have both left a strong mark on the diplomatic stage of New China.

In their own unique ways, they have won the respect of the international community for New China.

Huang Hua is known for his steadiness and wisdom, and he can always turn the tide at critical moments. His diplomatic style embodies traditional Chinese wisdom and the flexibility of modern diplomacy.

In contrast, Qiao Guanhua is known for his sharpness and boldness.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98
In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

His self-confidence and candor on the international stage have opened the world's eyes to an emerging and dynamic China.

The year 1971 marked an important juncture in the diplomatic careers of the two men.

That year, the People's Republic of China regained its rightful seat in the United Nations.

Qiao Guanhua led a delegation to attend the United Nations General Assembly, and his "laughter" that shocked the world became a classic picture of that era.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

At the same time, Huang Hua worked quietly behind the scenes, laying a solid foundation for China's work at the United Nations.

Their joint efforts have made China's voice louder on the international stage.

During his tenure as foreign minister, Huang Hua presided over negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, an important milestone in China's diplomatic history.

In 1979, he accompanied Deng Xiaoping on a visit to the United States, successfully defusing a potential crisis.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

In the 80s, although Huang Hua became the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, he did not stop contributing to the country's diplomatic cause.

He founded a number of Sino-foreign friendship organizations dedicated to promoting international exchanges and opening up new channels for China's people-to-people diplomacy.

These organizations have played an important role in enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and other countries in the world.

In his later years, Huang Hua published a memoir in which he recorded many little-known diplomatic anecdotes.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

This memoir is not only a summary of his personal diplomatic career, but also provides valuable first-hand information for the study of the diplomatic history of New China.

Through this book, people can get a glimpse of the development process of New China's diplomacy and the story behind it.

In 2010, at the age of 98, Huang Hua passed away, drawing an end to his legendary life.

His death is not only a great loss to China's diplomatic community, but also marks the end of an era.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

The light of a diplomatic superstar lives on

Huang Hua's life has witnessed China's journey from poverty and weakness to its rise to becoming a world power.

His diplomatic wisdom and dedication will forever inspire future generations. Today, when we look back on this period of history, we can't help but sigh:

It is precisely these diplomats who, with their wisdom and courage, have won the respect of the international community for New China and set an example for later Chinese diplomats.

Huang Hua's story will forever inspire generations of diplomats and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country.

In 1976, he succeeded Qiao Guanhua, who was on trial, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the rank of vice state, at the age of 98

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[1] [Shangguan News] - "Future Network Commentary: Half a Century of Wind and Rain, Dare to Be a Pillar of the World"

[2] [Beijing Daily Client] - "China Breaks Through the U.S. Obstruction to Return to the United Nations, "Joe's Laughter" Becomes a Symbol of China's Diplomatic Confidence

[3] [] - "Returning to the United Nations, the New Chinese Delegation Brings "Shining Red Stars""

[4] [Shangguan News] - "Vertical and Horizontal: These Senior Diplomats Served as China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations"

[5] [Motherland Network] - "Former Foreign Minister Huang Hua Recalls Chairman Mao's Invitation to Snow to Watch the National Day Ceremony at Tiananmen Tower"

[6] [The Paper] - "Personnel Time: These Senior Diplomats Served as China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations"

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