
It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away

author:The exclamation point of history

I often hear neighbors say that we want to get rid of the property company and realize the autonomy of the community, and my ears are almost calloused, and I don't see these people taking action.

are waiting for others to move and dedicate love.

Some people's understanding of the meaning of community autonomy is: everyone does not need to pay property fees, there is no charge for parking in the community, and the owners of the property committee should be enthusiastic public welfare people to do.

At the end of the year, the accounts must be made public, and there must be dividends.

Recently, in Bauhinia Xinyuan Community, Jinhua Road, Hudao Street, Shibei District, Qingdao City, after one year of autonomy of the owners, the property committee was automatically dissolved, and the property company will be ushered in again, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away

What happened:

(1), on January 1, 2023, Qingdao Hongxiangsheng Property Management Co., Ltd. entered the community for management by winning the bid, and withdrew from the community at the end of June 2023, managing the community for a total of half a year.

(2) From July 1, 2023, the community will be managed by the community business committee. From July 2023 to April 2024, the total income announced by the community is 496,969.54 yuan (including the balance of public revenue in 2022), the total expenditure is 290,159.71 yuan, and the book balance of the community is 206,809.83 yuan.

(3), starting from April 1, 2024, the original free parking lot in the community has become a paid parking lot, in the past three months, because of the continuous disputes over parking fees, the owners have complained through multiple departments, and now there is finally a preliminary result, that is, the industry committee that leads parking fees will be automatically dissolved.

(4) On June 26, the community issued a notice stating that since the existing owners committee of Bauhinia Xinyuan Community is less than one-half, the Bauhinia Xinyuan Community Owners Committee will be automatically dissolved from July 1, 2024. In addition, it is planned to hold a general meeting of owners in mid-July 2024 to vote on the selection and appointment of property companies, hoping to introduce property management companies to settle in as soon as possible.

According to the person in charge of the street:

"The person in charge of the owners of the Bauhinia Xinyuan Community automatically submitted his resignation, which was also because he was incompetent in the early stage. The sub-district office supervised and interviewed him many times, and even ordered him to provide information on the disposal and publicity of the public income of the business committee in recent years, and also asked him to make a detailed publicity, but he did not fulfill the obligations of the business committee."

It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away
It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away

What is the root cause of the failure of community autonomy?

This news does not say whether there is a property fee in the year of the autonomy of the property committee, what is the proportion of the fee, and whether the fee can maintain the daily maintenance and operation of the community.

Please security, please clean, garbage removal and transportation in the community, greening maintenance, water and electricity costs in public places, these are all must-haves, hard expenses.

I guess that there are no property fees, or there are not many households who have paid, otherwise why would the Owners Committee start charging for parking in the community?

It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away

The community where I live has also experienced the autonomy of the Owners' Committee.

0.55 yuan, each household should pay about twenty or thirty yuan per month, which also includes 8 yuan of garbage removal freight. However, in communities with more than 2,000 households, less than one-third of the households have paid fees.

There are also various reasons for not paying the fee.

Some say that they don't pay the fee anyway, and the owners committee does not dare to sue the owner, whether to pay the fee depends on the mood and the attitude shown by several members of the owners' committee, if the attitude is good, they will pay, if the attitude is bad, they will not pay.

Some say that their own management is not as good as the original property company that was driven away, so they don't want to pay.

Some say that they are a group of people who are filling their pockets, and they are talking about free service communities, but in fact, who knows how much benefit they have made in private, "no profit, no early riser".

There is also an even funnier one, saying that the property committee has managed the community in a mess, resulting in the housing prices of the community are not as good as before, and the property committee is required to compensate him for his losses.

It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away


The Owners' Committee is self-managed, and one of the things that gets the most out of the way is that the accounts are not clear.

The owner casually said that "the accounts are not clear" and blamed the property committee, and basically the latter has to spend a lot of time and energy to prove it. And the members in it, the older ones can't do it, and the younger ones have their own jobs, and doing such things is embarrassing people.

Many times, even if you prove it, the questioning party will continue to find the flaws in it and continue to question it, and there is no intention to agree.

Because he thinks you're "here to make money."

If you go to a professional audit unit to do it, it is a large amount of audit fees, why bother the business committee?

The disclosure of accounts is nothing more than how much income and what items; How much to spend, what items, bank statements or in and out of the account on the right line!

However, for some owners, they will continue to question whether a certain item should be so much and why there are so many, and then they have to find evidence to prove it.

So, if you want to participate in the community, please never underestimate the evil of human nature!

Just like the community in Qingdao, the people who park in the community occupy the public place to park, in fact, it is to infringe on the interests of the owners who have no parking needs, and it is the best way to let these people pay parking fees to balance the interests of the people, as long as the income is used for public expenditure.

The reality is that these people do not follow all kinds of complaints, and in the end, it is not surprising that the members of the business committee are frustrated and run away with buckets.

It is impossible to cancel the property, this community has been autonomous for a year, and the property committee has picked a bucket and ran away
