
If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

author:Good gravitational force

All content is stated in the article from reliable sources, and is repeated at the end of the article

As we all know, the two countries of "South Korea" and "North Korea" were actually one country before, and after they were ruled by Japan, a civil war broke out and eventually led to a split.

Although they share the same ancestry, the relationship between the two countries is not very good, and even in North Korea, the word "South Korea" cannot be uttered, and it can only be called "South Korea".

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

For some reason, many people have a question, that is, will North and South Korea be reunified in the future? If it is really unified, will it change its name?

In fact, Kim Il Sung, the former important leader of North Korea, really thought about such a thing, and had already thought of the name after the reunification of the two countries, and many people said that this name was very domineering, what is it?

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering
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Why North and South Korea are divided

North Korea and South Korea, collectively known as Goryeo before independence, were originally vassal states of the mainland, and the Qing Dynasty also established a "minister to Korea" in Korea.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

Yuan Shikai had held such a position before, mainly responsible for communication with Goryeo and other things.

After the First Sino-Japanese War, all this changed completely, the Qing army was defeated and signed the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" with Japan, as a defeated country, such a treaty must be unfair, but there is nothing to be done.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

The treaty not only demanded reparations, but also ceded a lot of territory to them, and most of it was some coastal areas, so as to facilitate their next plan to invade China.

Although Korea was a vassal state of China, Japan could not cede it directly to the Qing government like the Liaodong Peninsula and Taiwan islands.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

So they came up with a solution, which was to get China to recognize Goryeo as a completely independent country, not under the jurisdiction of the Qing government, and on the surface Japan seemed to be helping them, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye knew what they were planning.

Japan felt that the Korean Peninsula was a good place, and of course other countries knew about it, so they wanted to intervene, thus completely contributing to the independence of Korea.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

Japan originally wanted to seize control of Korea by itself, but Tsarist Russia also wanted a piece of the pie, so Japan divided Goryeo with 38 degrees north latitude, which is the legendary 38th parallel.

Unexpectedly, Tsarist Russia did not agree with such an idea, and then the dispute between the two countries began, the strength of the Japanese army at that time was really very strong, and Tsarist Russia was finally defeated, and Korea became Japan's bag.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

In order to completely occupy a country, it is very important to change the ideology and culture, so during the Japanese occupation of Korea, they continued to transmit their own culture to the Korean people, and they also called them Japanese.

In addition to this, they also forbade them to communicate in the Korean language and to celebrate their own festivals and customs, but fortunately Japan was soon defeated in World War II, and the cultural invasion was not fully realized.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

The control of Korea was in the hands of China, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, and because the Soviet Union was close, it went directly to the north of Korea, and the United States hurried to manage the south.

The United States is a capitalist country, so it has a capitalist system in the south of Korea, while the Soviet Union has always been a socialist country, so it has also implemented such a system in North Korea.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

In this way, North Korea was slowly divided by these two countries, and it went further and further, and then because of the participation of the two countries, civil strife began in the south and north of Korea.

Because the United States took the lead in crossing the 38th parallel between the north and the south and started the war, the mainland also organized soldiers to go to Korea, which is what we call to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

After the United States withdrew, the North and South Korea could not coexist peacefully, and the Korean Peninsula was divided into two countries, North Korea and South Korea.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

Kim Il Sung wanted to bring about the reunification of the North and the South

North Korea's leader, Kim Il Sung, has always believed that North and South Korea are originally the same clan, so he has repeatedly tried to merge the two countries, and has also repeatedly proposed to China and the Soviet Union, but this idea has not been adopted.

Kim Il Sung conceived the name "Democratic Federal Republic of Korea" when the two countries were reunified, respecting South Korea without losing its North Korean identity.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

First of all, the word Goryeo is because they were collectively called Goryeo before the split, democracy means that the two sides are one nation, and the federation means that the two governments are united to achieve unity.

Kim Il Sung's desire for reunification is also because both North Korea and South Korea have been under the influence of major powers since the founding of the country, so Kim Il Sung wants to achieve reunification, and he will be able to gradually get rid of the control of the big powers.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

Kim Il Sung really tried hard to achieve the reunification of the two countries, but in the end he did not achieve such a vision.

Can the two Koreas achieve reunification?

At present, it is very difficult for the two countries to reach reunification, first of all, the issue of customs, North Korea is a relatively closed country, the vast majority of ordinary people cannot go abroad, and they also have great requirements for dress, while South Korea is completely different.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

Relations between the two countries are so strained that just this year, North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, said at a meeting of the North Korean people that "South Korea should be defined in the constitution as the number one enemy country" and "the eternal enemy of the main enemy, not the same race." ”

In addition, it is necessary to abolish and cut off cooperation and exchange institutions with South Korea, just as the Gyeongui Railway between the two Koreas will also be removed, and the memorial towers of the three charters representing the reunification of the motherland will also be demolished.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

The meeting took place in January, but by May, relations between the two countries were even more strained.

On May 28, a large number of balloon "packages" appeared in the sky over South Korea, as if they were carrying something.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

After these packages landed, South Korea suffered, because they were full of garbage, and after a large number of "airdrops" landed, the streets of South Korea were a mess.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

In addition to ordinary garbage, there are also some unknown objects, these things understand what they are, and suddenly "free flight" suddenly materialized, in addition to these filth, there are also some waste batteries, I didn't expect it to be Chinese.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

It was just a small balloon, and a few days later, North Korea dropped garbage on South Korea again, this time several times larger than a person, and a bag full of garbage underneath.

This approach is like seeing an elementary school chicken fight.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

And the garbage in the bag still looks a bit like the paper that we didn't burn when we went to the grave, I have to say that North Korea is too ruthless, so the contradictions between the two countries are getting bigger and bigger, and reunification is becoming more and more difficult.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

But it doesn't necessarily mean that it won't be possible in the future, because there was a country like North and South Korea before, and that was Germany.

After World War II, Germany was divided into two parts, east and west, and the east and west sides also implemented different policies, in order to cut off the exchange between the east and the west, so the "Berlin Wall" was built.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering

It was not until after the end of the Cold War that the East German government announced that it would tear down the wall that separated German relatives and friends, and the two sides were reunified.

This wall, like the 38th parallel between the two Koreas, may one day be overthrown and reunification will be achieved.

If North Korea and South Korea are reunified, what will it be called? Kim Il Sung had it in mind 44 years ago, and the name of the country was very domineering


Reunification is a very long process that requires the joint efforts of the peoples of the two countries, and the relationship between the ROK and the DPRK is so poor that the road to reunification is a long and arduous task.

But it's not impossible, just like the German wall, after it was built, it never thought that this wall would one day be overturned, and everything is possible in this world.

Are you looking forward to seeing the reunification of North and South Korea in the future?


Nanchang Evening News [June 9, 2024] "Korean media: North Korea once again dropped a "garbage balloon" to South Korea, and Seoul and other places received reports"

China News Network [October 11, 2014] "North Korea Says It Should Establish a "Democratic Federal Republic of Korea" to Achieve Inter-Korean Reunification

China Youth Online 【March 25, 2011】"The Korean Peninsula: A Living Fossil of the Cold War"

Xinhua News Agency [January 17, 2024] "Why South Korea Has Become North Korea's "Number One Enemy"

People's Daily Online [October 14, 2014] "North Korea Proposes Federal Republic Plan for Reunification, Kim Il Sung's Vision"

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