
3 behaviors that can seriously damage the battery, try to do it as little as possible!

author:Every word is you

Many people use mobile phones very casually, throw them away when they don't use them, and charge them in a bad way, which makes the loss of the mobile phone greater, and it may not work in less than a few years, and they often complain that their mobile phones are not easy to use, in fact, the same mobile phone, some people can use it for more years, and they will not feel bad to use, and some people may not use it for two or three years, which has a lot to do with personal habits, bad usage habits will seriously affect the life of the mobile phone, especially in terms of charging. The following 3 behaviors will seriously damage the battery, try to do as little as possible! Friends can find out.

3 behaviors that can seriously damage the battery, try to do it as little as possible!

First: Try not to play while charging

After saying so many times, there are still a lot of people who don't listen, and they will always play with their mobile phones while charging, because many people live with their mobile phones, and they play with their mobile phones for five or six hours a day.

When the mobile phone is out of power and needs to be charged, let the mobile phone be charged there, and they will rest and rest properly, always play with the mobile phone in a posture for many hours, not to mention that the eyes are also sour, and it is just right to relax during the charging period, if you often play while charging, it is easy to aggravate the heating of the mobile phone, because it will produce heat when charging, and at this time, it will also produce heat with high intensity.

3 behaviors that can seriously damage the battery, try to do it as little as possible!

Second: Less charging in a high-temperature environment

Try not to charge in a high temperature environment, if the temperature is too high, it will cause the mobile phone to heat too heavy, the best working environment of the mobile phone lithium battery is between 0 ° and 35 °, if it is overheated, it will cause the lithium battery to accelerate the loss, and the charging battery life will be reduced quickly under the temperature of frequent overheating.

Pay special attention to charging in the summer, especially don't charge in a too hot environment, the internal components and the battery will be damaged, and the battery durability will not work at that time, and it will only take a few hours to fully charge, which is really a bit annoying.

3 behaviors that can seriously damage the battery, try to do it as little as possible!

Third: Don't just use a charger to charge your phone

When you need to charge, you will always find a cable to charge, or buy a cheap charging cable and use an unofficial cheap charging cable, which not only does not have a fast charging function, but also consumes the battery and affects the battery life, accelerates the scrapping of the battery, and even produces potential safety hazards.

So don't charge your phone with a charger casually, once or twice there is no big problem, it's best not to do this often, because many people have lost the charging cable, they will buy a new one, and the official charging cable is a bit expensive, so as to buy a cheap charging cable, so charging the phone is very unfriendly to the battery.

3 behaviors that can seriously damage the battery, try to do it as little as possible!

Final summary

Some people use the same mobile phone for a year to drop below 90% of the power, but some people use a year and more than 90%, want to make the battery life longer, use three or four years and have a strong power durability, usually pay attention to some bad habits, reduce the loss of the battery, use for many years is still easy to use, when charging about 20%-80% is enough, you can also do not need to overcharge, just use as you charge, and do not use too low power, at about 20% to charge.

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