
Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

author:Critical Medicine

Author: Chen Chuxiong

Review: Qiu Kaifeng

Affiliation: Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University

Source: Yat-sen Pharmacy

Qi deficiency constitution refers to the physical condition characterized by low breath and low functional state of the internal organs due to the lack of qi in the body. Qi deficiency is often manifested as paleness, palpitations, shortness of breath, self-sweating, dizziness, loss of appetite, chills, cold limbs, fatigue and weakness, listlessness, poor memory, and women are prone to menstrual leakage. People with qi deficiency obviously feel a lack of physical strength and energy, and they feel fatigue and discomfort after a little activity or work or exercise, and are prone to colds.

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

The spleen is the source of vitality, and the lungs are the center of the main qi, so the qi deficiency constitution should strengthen the spleen and lungs. Qi-tonifying Chinese medicine has the effect of replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen, and is used to treat spleen-lung qi deficiency syndrome. It is suitable for limb fatigue and fatigue, shortness of breath, shortness of breath when moving, low voice and lazy speech, pale complexion, loss of appetite, pale tongue, weak or weak pulse, and even hypothermia and sweating, prolapse, uterine prolapse and other symptoms.

Here are 10 kinds of Chinese medicine for your reference.



Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Ginseng is sweet, slightly bitter, warm in nature, and enters the spleen, lungs, and heart meridians. It has the effect of greatly replenishing vitality, restoring the pulse and strengthening the body, replenishing the spleen and lungs, intellect, rejuvenating the body, and calming the nerves. It is mostly used for strain injury and deficiency, cold limb and slight pulse, spleen deficiency and less food, lung deficiency, wheezing and coughing, thirst for wounds, stool slippage, internal heat and thirst, self-sweating, palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, impotence, frequent urination and other symptoms. Ginseng should not be used for empirical evidence (evil prosperity and righteousness), heat syndrome (dry mouth, short urine, dry stool), hypertension, blood fever and bleeding.


Western ginseng

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

American ginseng is bitter, slightly sweet, cold, and enters the heart, lungs, and kidney meridians. It can replenish qi and nourish yin, nourish the stomach, clear deficiency and fire, and is usually used for long-term cough and lung deficiency, dry mouth and throat, slight knots in stool, less red tongue, hot palms, insomnia and dreams, and fatigue of limbs.

Ginseng and American ginseng both have the effect of replenishing qi and rejuvenating the body, but there is a difference between warm and cold, ginseng is sweet and warm, suitable for cold disease, and replenishes temperature and yang; American ginseng is bitter and slightly sweet and cold, suitable for fever, replenishing qi and yin, not hot or dry, American ginseng is superior to ginseng in terms of anti-hypoxia, anti-low temperature and other stresses. Ginseng, on the other hand, has a strong ability to replenish qi and is superior to American ginseng in terms of anti-fatigue and immunity.


radix astragali

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Astragalus is also known as Astragalus membranaceus and Mianqi, which is sweet in taste and slightly warm in nature. into the lungs and spleen. Nourishing qi and strengthening the surface, supporting toxins and muscles, diuresis and swelling. It is mainly used to treat self-sweating or body weakness that is easy to catch a cold, qi deficiency and edema, carbuncle does not ulcerate or ulcerates for a long time.

Astragalus membranaceus is often combined with atractylodes to form Qishu ointment, which is used to treat spleen and stomach qi deficiency syndrome. It is composed of Bupleurum and Cimicifuga that have the effect of raising the sun, and it is composed of tonifying and benefiting qi to treat the symptoms of Zhongqi sagging. It is compatible with fengfeng and atractylodes, such as jade screen powder, and is used to treat self-sweating of surface deficiency and unstable yang. Pay attention to the empirical evidence and those who are deficient in yin and yang.

Hongqi is also called "single root", the color is ruddy, the sex is warm, and the taste is sweet. It is the dried root of the leguminous plant Polymorphic Astragalus. The 2015 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia records that the efficacy and indications of Hongqi and Astragalus are exactly the same, and the two can be used equally. Due to the limited origin of red membranaceus, it is only produced in Gansu, and the output is relatively small, so it is more expensive than astragalus.


Party Ginseng

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Codonopsis is the dried root of Codonopsis in the Platycodonaceae plant. It is suitable for most people to eat, and has the function of nourishing the body and invigorating the spleen and lungs. Because the price is lower than that of ginseng, it is often used as a tonic instead of ginseng, but the effect is far less than that of ginseng, so the dosage should be doubled, and it is generally taken in decoction.


Prince ginseng

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Pseudostellaria stellariae is the dried tuber root of Caryophyllaceae. The taste is sweet and bitter, and it is slightly lukewarm. Efficacy: Nourish qi and spleen, and nourish the lungs. However, the effect of tonifying qi is weaker than that of Codonopsis, so it needs to be taken continuously for a long time to be effective. It is often used for the frail or elderly and children to recuperate after illness. If the blood pressure is high and ginseng is not suitable for those who should use it, they can also use prince ginseng instead and take it in a decoction.

The characteristics of Prince's ginseng are that the medicinal properties are very stable, which can not only benefit qi, but also nourish yin, replenish and clear the middle, and is suitable for chronic patients to take a large amount of it for a long time, especially suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, and those who are not replenished; In addition, young and middle-aged patients do not have to worry about causing fire when taking Pseudostellaria spp.; The consumption of prince ginseng in children did not cause precocious puberty. Therefore, prince ginseng can be called a rare tonic product.



Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Atractylodes atractylodes has a bitter and sweet taste, and is warm in nature. into the spleen and stomach meridians. Efficacy: Spleen and qi, dampness and diuretic, antiperspirant, fetal stability. Both Atractylodes atractylodes and Atractylodes atractylodes have the effects of strengthening the spleen, invigorating qi and drying dampness, and are used to treat dampness resistance and spleen loss. The difference between the efficacy of the two is: Atractylodes atractylodes is longer than the spleen, and dampness is not as good as Atractylodes.



Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Yam is the dried rhizome of yam, a plant of the dioscaceae family. The taste is sweet and flat. Return to the spleen, lungs, and kidney meridians. Nourish the spleen, nourish the lungs, strengthen the kidneys, and benefit the essence. It is mainly used for the treatment of spleen deficiency and diarrhea, less food and edema, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, thirst, spermatozoa, and kidney deficiency and frequent urination. External use for the treatment of carbuncles, scrofula.

As a famous product that is used both medicine and food, yam has a sweet taste and is suitable for all ages, which is very suitable for promotion in daily dietary therapy. Note that those who are full of dampness or have real evil and stagnation are forbidden to take it.


Eleutherococcus senticosus

Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Eleuthero is the dried root and rhizome or stem of the eleuthero family. The taste is pungent, slightly bitter, and warm. Return to the spleen, kidneys, and heart meridians. Nourish qi and strengthen the spleen, nourish the kidneys and calm the nerves. It is used for spleen and lung qi deficiency, body weakness, loss of appetite, lung and kidney deficiency, long-term cough and asthma, kidney deficiency, waist and knee pain, heart and spleen insufficiency, insomnia and dreams.



Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Licorice is the root and rhizome of the leguminous licorice, which is sweet and flat in taste, and enters the spleen, stomach and lung meridians. It has the functions of tonifying the spleen and invigorating qi, relieving the urgency, detoxifying and moistening the lungs, removing phlegm and relieving cough, clearing heat and detoxifying, and harmonizing various medicines. Raw can be used to treat sore throat, peptic ulcer, antidote to poisoning and food poisoning. Burning can treat lack of food, weakness of the spleen and stomach, abdominal pain, palpitations, cough, and fever.

Licorice has a long history of application as an ancient Chinese medicine. Licorice and licorice are used in almost every dose of Chinese medicine, which shows its importance and irreplaceability in Chinese medicine prescriptions.



Ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials for replenishing qi

Rhodiola rosea is one of the three treasures of Tibetan medicine, which has similar "adaptogenic" properties to eleuthero and ginseng. Rhodiola is the dried root and rhizome of the large-flowered Rhodiola rosea of the Sedum family. The taste is sweet, bitter and flat, and it returns to the heart and lung meridians, and has the effect of invigorating qi and invigorating blood, and relieving asthma. It is mainly used for qi deficiency and blood stasis, chest paralysis, heartache, fatigue and asthma, stroke hemiplegia. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Rhodiola has the effect of improving immunity and fighting myocardial hypoxia.

Others: Clams nourish lung qi, fix asthma, and help kidney yang; Gynostemma strengthens the spleen and invigorates qi, clears heat and detoxifies; Jujube nourishes qi, nourishes blood and calms the nerves; Caramel nourishes the spleen and invigorates qi, moistens the lungs and relieves cough, etc.

There are many Chinese patent medicines for qi tonification, such as Sijunzi Pill, Liujunzi Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pill, Ginseng Spleen Strengthening Pill, Astragalus Granules, Yuping Granules, Buxin Qi Oral Liquid, Eleuthero Tablets, etc. It is recommended to use proprietary Chinese medicines under the guidance of a physician or pharmacist, and at the same time read the drug instructions in detail to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medication.

It should be noted that the basis for the use of qi-tonifying traditional Chinese medicine is "the deficiency is supplemented" and "the loss is gained", and such drugs are designed for the treatment of qi deficiency syndrome, and it is not suitable to use empirical evidence or mixed deficiency syndrome.