
Haredi Jews refused to join the army, gathered in the streets to protest the conscription, and violently clashed with the police

author:Professor Zhang Ji

Haredi Jews preferred to die rather than join the army, and there were violent clashes with the police.

In the past two days, something has gone wrong in Israel.

Netanyahu implemented a new conscription policy some time ago in order to strengthen his military and fight wars with Palestine, Lebanon and other countries.

Let the original ultra-Orthodox faction of Israel, that is, the Haredis, all join the army.

Haredi Jews refused to join the army, gathered in the streets to protest the conscription, and violently clashed with the police

Some friends wondered, Israel is a national army, how can a special law allow Haredi Jews to join the army?

Haredi Jews are a very special existence in Israel, and their status is particularly high.

For a long time, there was neither a need to join the army nor a job.

Israel seems to have been raising an uncle for many years.

But lately, I really can't keep it.

On the one hand, Haredi Jews are too promising.

Of Israel's population of 9.5 million, 14 percent of them are Haredi alone.

Now, while Israel is fighting, the shipping lanes are blocked.

Spending more than earning, and raising this group of Haredi Jews for nothing is a bit unbearable.

On the other hand, the Israeli army is short of men.

Although, now Israel rarely reports.

However, in Gaza, many Israeli troops were crippled before they withdrew.

The combat capability of the Israeli ground forces is not very good.

Haredi Jews refused to join the army, gathered in the streets to protest the conscription, and violently clashed with the police

Now, Israel and Allah are fighting on the border every day.

Allah is more numerous and better armed than Hamas.

Israel, under pressure from Allah, must increase its forces as soon as possible.

And a quarter of all Israel's people who are fit to join the army are Haredi Jews.

Netanitahu, seeing that these people don't go to join the army, I'm anxious.

Therefore, a policy was imposed to allow Haredi Jews to join the army and replenish the army.

As soon as Netanyahu's policy came out, it stabbed the hornet's nest.

Haredi Jews immediately protested, marching in the streets, setting fires, and raising slogans such as "We would rather die than join the army."

Not only that, but Haredi Jews even besieged a number of Israeli politicians, beating and smashing cars.

Scold these politicians, why let them go to the army.

Eventually, the Haredi Jews got into a fight with the police.

Haredi Jews refused to join the army, gathered in the streets to protest the conscription, and violently clashed with the police

Haredi's Jews have been pampered for so many years, and they are really capable of making trouble, and it is indeed difficult to get them to go to war.

Moreover, these people are very influential in Israel.

If Netanyahu continues to forcibly recruit soldiers, completely angering Haredi Jews, it is likely to lead to the collapse of Netanitahu's government.

Let's move on to the next developments.