
Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity

author:Microscopic scriptures
Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further promote the study and education of party discipline, on June 24, the People's Procuratorate of Loufan County held the 79th lecture of "Lou Jian Classroom".

Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity
Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity
Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity
Lecture 79 of Lou Jian Classroom: Strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, and always maintain the true character of honesty and integrity

In the class, Chen Lirong gave an in-depth and systematic explanation of the great significance of integrity discipline, the new regulations of integrity discipline, and the case analysis of strict compliance with integrity discipline, so that all cadres and police officers have a deeper understanding and awareness of integrity and self-discipline. Honesty and discipline are the lifeblood of procuratorial work and an important guarantee for safeguarding judicial fairness and safeguarding the interests of the people. Every procuratorial cadre and police officer must always keep a sober mind, strictly abide by the party's discipline, and ensure that the "high-voltage line" of discipline is not touched under any circumstances. In the case analysis session, Chen Lirong selected several typical cases of discipline violations that have occurred in recent years, and through detailed interpretation, the cadres and police officers were deeply aware of the serious consequences of violating integrity and discipline. Through these cases, the police officers have become more aware of the need to keep the alarm bell ringing at all times, be strict with themselves, and ensure that their behavior is always within the framework of law and discipline.

In the next step, the Loufan County People's Procuratorate will continue to promote the normalization and institutionalization of party discipline education, and continuously strengthen the discipline and legal awareness of cadres and police. At the same time, the hospital will also strengthen the supervision and management of the daily behavior of cadres and police, to ensure that every cadre and police officer can better perform their duties, serve the people, and contribute to the maintenance of social fairness and justice under strict discipline. (Wei Honghui, Hou Xuanxuan)