
The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

author:The heart of social security
The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

As of July 1, the pension adjustment plan of 31 provinces and cities in the country has all been unveiled, retirees can already be based on their own programs, their own calculation of their own amount of rise, we have seen a lot of retirees on the Internet to share, especially corporate retirees to share a lot, we found that some retirees said that although the overall increase this year is only 3%, but after a simple calculation, they found that their increase actually reached more than 6%, what is going on?

As we all know, on June 17, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance have issued a notice to clarify that the overall increase in pensions this year is 3%. So why do some retirees rise by more than 6%? Friends who are familiar with pension adjustment should know that pension adjustment is not directly multiplied by the pension, but in accordance with the three-step model of fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and inclined adjustment. The official 3% increase is only an upper limit of the guidance value, requiring that the average increase of all provinces and cities cannot exceed 3%.

The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

Then the increase of retirees in some enterprises is more than 6%, which is the result of the three-step comprehensive adjustment mode, and the general pension of retirees with relatively low pensions will increase relatively high.

For example, in Shandong's adjustment plan this year, the fixed amount will be adjusted by 32.6 yuan; the part of the payment period of less than 15 years will be increased by 0.8 yuan for each full year, the part of the payment period of 16 to 25 years will be increased by 0.9 yuan for every full year, the part of the payment period of 26 to 35 years will be increased by 1 yuan for every full year, the part of the payment period of 36 to 45 years will be increased by 1.1 yuan for every full year, the part of the payment period of more than 46 years will be increased by 1.2 yuan for every full year; and the pension level linkage ratio will be 0.9%; Retirees aged 70-74, 75-79 and 80 will be added by an additional 10 yuan, 15 yuan and 20 yuan respectively this year.

It is worth noting that Shandong still retains the highlights of special age tilt this year, which has been praised by the majority of retirees. The standard is still for retirees who happen to be 70 years old, 75 years old and 80 years old, and can add an additional 290 yuan, 190 yuan and 360 yuan.

Then a retired employee in Shandong, with a pension of 3,600 yuan, 33 years of service, and an age of 70 years old, will increase by 32.6 + (15×0.8 + 10×0.9 + 8×1) + 3600×0.9% + 290 = 384 yuan, an increase of 10.6%, far more than 6%.

The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

Another example is Shanghai's pension adjustment plan, the fixed amount is adjusted by 61 yuan, the pension is linked to 1%, the unit price of seniority is 1 yuan, and the elderly are inclined to increase by 25 yuan, 35 yuan and 45 yuan respectively for 70 years old, 75 years old and 80 years old. In addition, for women who have just turned 60 in the previous year and men who have turned 65 in the previous year, an additional 90 yuan will be added.

Then a retired person from Shanghai has a pension of 3,100 yuan, 35 years of service, and is 65 years old. His increase is 61 + 3100×1% + 35×1 + 90 = 217 yuan, an increase of 7%, which is also more than 6%.

The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?

Sum up

The pension adjustment in 2024 is imminent, and the adjustment plans of various provinces and cities have all been unveiled, and retirees can also calculate the amount and increase of their own increases according to their respective plans. Although the overall increase this year is 3%, but specific to the individual, the actual amount and increase of each person are different, in the three-step adjustment method of the increase adjustment characteristics, for most corporate retirees, the increase will be higher than 3%, and even some personnel can increase by more than 6%. Of course, there are also cases where the increase of some retired personnel is less than 3%, and we have also seen some netizens share.

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The pension adjustment plans of various provinces have been announced, and some retired personnel have increased by more than 6%, what's going on?