
"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

author:Literature and Social Sciences


Airbus' giant aircraft A380 was previously announced to be discontinued in 2019, but recently it has been reported that Airbus is planning to resume production.

"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

With the recovery of the global civil aviation market, the demand for large aircraft by airlines in many countries is increasing rapidly, and in this case, some giant large aircraft have also been pursued by many airlines, such as Airbus' A380 and Boeing's 777 wide-body aircraft.

Among them, Airbus's A380 aircraft was actually discontinued as early as 2019, which is bad news for many aerospace enthusiasts. After all, in the field of international civil aviation large aircraft, Airbus A380 can be called a super giant, with its huge volume and excellent passenger capacity are the world's top level.

It can even be said that, in a sense, the Airbus A380 represents the highest industrial level in the field of civil aviation large aircraft.

Just recently, the head of Airbus' civil large aircraft division said that Airbus has not completely ruled out the possibility of resuming production of A380, but the possibility of this happening is relatively small. Many industry insiders believe that from this statement, Airbus may still retain the production line of the A380 large aircraft.

"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

Judging from the information released by Airbus, a total of 251 A380 aircraft were delivered before the production was stopped, which is actually very low compared with other mainstream models of Boeing and Airbus. Even today, the number of 737 MAX series that Boeing has completed production but has not yet completed deliveries is close to 100.

In 2021, the last Airbus A380 was delivered to Emirates, and the reason why Airbus chose to stop producing A380 is actually closely related to the retirement of a large number of A380 aircraft during the epidemic. It is worth noting that during this period, the Chinese airline China Southern Airlines also chose to retire all five of its A380 large aircraft.

It is precisely because many airlines have chosen to retire the purchased Airbus A380 aircraft, so many people in the industry believe that in today's stage of rapid development of the technical level of large aerospace aircraft, in fact, the performance and economic benefits of Airbus A380 in all aspects are difficult to adapt to today's market demand.

Although the large-scale retirement of Airbus A380 is related to some external factors, in fact, in essence, the passenger capacity of this "super giant" has actually exceeded a boundary line in the field of civil aviation. There are very few scheduled routes around the world that can fill a large aircraft with a capacity of more than 400 passengers, such as the Airbus A380.

"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

For airlines, one of the most critical purposes is to make money, although the Airbus A380 is huge in size and has a high passenger capacity, but as a large aircraft with four engines, its fuel consumption is also relatively high. As a result, if airlines are unable to guarantee a certain occupancy, it is easy to lose money when operating the Airbus A380.

In fact, it is not uncommon for a large aircraft to be similar to the Airbus A380 in terms of passenger capacity and volume on a global scale. This wide-body long-range large aircraft is mainly divided into four engines, that is, equipped with four engines, and twin-engine, that is, equipped with two engines.

In addition to the Airbus A380, in fact, many other four-engine large aircraft are now gradually retiring, many airlines have retired these large aircraft in advance, and Airbus and Boeing have gradually begun to stop production, such as Boeing's 747 series.

Nowadays in the global civil aviation market, in fact, twin-engine passenger aircraft has become the mainstream, after all, with the rapid development of space engine technology, two engines are enough to support the long-distance flight of large aircraft, and the possibility of space shuttle failure is further reduced. In this case, even if one engine fails during flight, the other engine will be enough to support the aircraft to land.

"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

Although the twin-engine airliner is slightly inferior to the four-engine airliner in terms of thrust, it has a very significant advantage, that is, low fuel costs. Twin-engine airliners require much less fuel than four-engine airliners, and are easier and cheaper to repair. This also means that twin-engine passenger aircraft can bring more revenue to airlines under the same route situation.

Today, although the demand in the global civil aviation market is gradually beginning to recover, in fact, the demand for four-engine passenger aircraft is still not high. That's why Airbus said that while it is possible to resume production of the A380 large aircraft, it is very unlikely. After all, even if Airbus still maintains the A380 production line, the number of airlines willing to buy this large aircraft on a global scale is not very large.

"Super Jumbo", which can be called the world's largest civil aircraft, A380 may resume production

Judging from the current situation, more airlines around the world are actually more inclined to choose to buy second-hand A380 large aircraft, after all, it has a super high passenger capacity, but the price of second-hand aircraft is not high. Only a few smaller airlines are currently using the A380, and most of these aircraft are actually pre-owned.

However, in any case, for many civil aviation enthusiasts, the resumption of production of a super giant like Airbus A380 must be very exciting good news.

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