
China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

author:History of Cloudscape

Recently, during the "Rim of the Pacific" military exercise, China and the United States suspected of breaking out electronic warfare in the South China Sea.

Under the fierce exchange between the two sides, the northern part of the Philippines suffered an impact, and the signal in the area near the Bass Strait suddenly disappeared, including the satellite signal, which could not be received normally.

According to Philippine media reports, the 12-hour electronic warfare ended with the United States choosing to retreat, and the PLA seized electronic control of the South China Sea.

What's going on here?

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

Prepare for joint military exercises

The scale of the RIMPAC military exercise by the United States this time is indeed not small, and it is different from the casual "coping" in previous years, and this year 29 countries have been invited to participate, and it is planned to last for more than a month.

Moreover, the exercise brought together 40 surface ships, 3 submarines, more than 150 aircraft, and more than 25,000 military personnel.

The U.S. claimed the exercise was aimed at strengthening cooperation with allies and maintaining a "free and open Indo-Pacific."

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

However, from the very beginning, the mainland has maintained a high degree of vigilance against this military exercise, believing that the US move is intended to target China and attempt to create tension in the Asia-Pacific region.

According to reliable sources, the mainland's electronic reconnaissance ships have long been quietly deployed in place and are well aware of every move of the US military.

Our reconnaissance equipment is advanced and sophisticated, and it is able to monitor the movements of the US fleet in real time and transmit intelligence back to the command center in a timely manner.

This high degree of vigilance and preparedness has fully embodied our military's strategic thinking of "being prepared for any danger."

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

For a time, a funny picture appeared on the ocean, and the mainland's "815 electronic reconnaissance ship" was running around chasing the exercise fleet.

Therefore, 815 is also known as the "Ocean Street Runner", and not only can the exchanges of the US military and other exercise fleets not escape our "surveillance", but it is rumored that they can also enter their channel to play "music".

This really made all netizens laugh, every time a military exercise occurs, there will always be a "looming" figure on the sea in the distance, so that the US military can't get rid of it.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

The United States wants to make small moves

Sure enough, the US military still couldn't hold back during the military exercise and wanted to make some small moves.

They seem to have underestimated our reconnaissance capabilities and tried in vain to carry out some unknown activities in the waters around the mainland.

However, these small actions all fell into our "magic eye".

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

On June 27, the first day of the exercise, the US military sent a P-8A patrol plane to hover over the South China Sea.

The P-8A is one of the most advanced anti-submarine patrol aircraft of the US military, with powerful reconnaissance and anti-submarine capabilities.

The plane circled over the South China Sea for quite some time, apparently conducting some kind of reconnaissance activity.

What is even more alarming is that the plane also dropped an unidentified object into the sea.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

This move immediately aroused a high degree of vigilance on our side.

According to Major General Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, the mainland coast guard immediately discovered this act of the US military.

The coast guard responded quickly and immediately dispatched coast guard ships to the target sea area to prepare for the salvage of unidentified items dropped by the US military.

This action by our side is in full compliance with international and domestic law, and is a legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

However, the U.S. military is clearly unwilling to let us go.

They soon realized that their actions had been discovered, but they were not willing to be salvaged in this way, so they sent warships to try to stop the legitimate actions of our coast guard.

Such an act by the US side is undoubtedly a blatant provocation against the sovereignty of the mainland.

For a time, the situation in the South China Sea became tense.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

At this critical moment, the mainland's Shandong aircraft carrier arrived at the scene in time for reinforcements.

The Shandong is the first aircraft carrier independently developed by the mainland, and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

The appearance of aircraft carriers has undoubtedly greatly enhanced our strength and exerted tremendous pressure on the US military.

At the same time, our side also dispatched Y-10 electronic warfare aircraft.

The Y-10 is a new type of electronic warfare aircraft independently developed by the mainland, which has powerful electronic reconnaissance and jamming capabilities.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

In the face of our strong lineup, the US military is not to be outdone.

They sent RC-135 electronic reconnaissance planes and "Growler" electronic warfare planes to confront our side.

The RC-135 is the main electronic reconnaissance aircraft of the US military, and the "Growler" is one of the most advanced carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft of the US military.

After a tense standoff, the two sides exchanged hands, and a smokeless contest began over the South China Sea.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

The Philippines suffered, and the U.S. troops retreated

According to the news, the electronic confrontation lasted up to 12 hours.

During this period, both sides are exerting their respective electronic warfare skills with all their might, trying to suppress each other's electronic equipment and gain information superiority.

This contest not only tested the technical level of both sides, but also a contest of willpower.

It is worth noting that the sphere of influence of this electronic countermeasure is quite wide.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

During the confrontation, it was reported that during the confrontation, all GPS signals in the northern part of the Philippines were cut off, and the communication system was also paralyzed in a large area. The whole of Luzon was in a state of chaos for a time.

Not only that, but in the Bass Strait area, the signal is completely gone, and even satellites cannot provide a signal here.

This once caused panic in the Philippines, and local mainland compatriots also said on the Internet that they felt a strong sense of signal loss at that time.

This speaks volumes about the power of modern electronic warfare.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

In the end, after a long period of wrestling, facing the pressure of the mainland's Shandong ship and the dilemma of "lack of stamina", the US military had to choose to retreat.

Our side has successfully controlled the electromagnetic control over the South China Sea, once again demonstrating its strong strength.

This incident not only demonstrates the mainland's strength in the field of electronic warfare, but also sends a clear signal to the world: China has the ability and determination to safeguard its core interests.

Even the United States cannot arbitrarily place military facilities in mainland waters.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated


In general, this "electronic warfare", although it did not cause substantial damage, its impact was far-reaching.

It not only demonstrates China's strength, but also allows neighboring countries to rethink their position in regional affairs.

This "confrontation" with the US military has also made other countries see that the mainland's strength in coastal waters is no longer weaker than that of the United States.

This invisible war may become an important turning point in changing the regional pattern.

It will also exert very strong pressure on the Philippines and other countries that follow the United States.

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated


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[1] Strait Shinkansen - "Another Outbreak of Electronic Confrontation in the South China Sea between China and the United States? As soon as the Shandong ship appeared, the Philippines completely calmed down》

China and the United States are suspected of breaking out electronic warfare, communications in the northern Philippines are paralyzed, our side is stubbornly responding, and the United States is defeated

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