
The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

author:Entertainment Complex


The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Jung Joon-young (left), Lee Seung-seung (middle) and Choi Jong-hoon (right).

The stone was thrown into the lake of the Korean entertainment industry,

The ripples are almost gone.

Author: Wang Zhening

On May 19, BBC News Korea released a one-hour exposé documentary titled "The Burning Sun: Uncovering the Stories of Women in K-pop Stars' Secret Chat Rooms."

The documentary exposes in detail the crimes of Lee Seung-seung, former member of the South Korean boy band BIGBANG, singer Jung Joon-young, and Choi Jong-hoon, the leader of the band FTlsland, including the investigation process of the incident.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Lee Shengli.

In this shocking story, women have to bring criminals to justice even at a terrible cost, and the main culprit has been released from prison after being sentenced to only one year and six months in prison.

The stone was thrown into the lake of the Korean entertainment industry, and the ripples were about to disperse.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars


The beginning of the story is a lawsuit that ended in nothingness many years ago. South Korean singer Jung Joon-young is loved by many fans because of his good image in the national variety show "Two Days and One Night".

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Jung Jun Young.

As early as September 23, 2016, Zheng Junying was prosecuted by his ex-girlfriend for illegal filming, the latter said that when he was at Zheng Junying's home, he found out that he was secretly filmed on the spot, and called the police because he was worried that the film might be disseminated. After reporter Park Hyo-sil learned the news, he also began to investigate.

When questioned, Cheng was worried that the police would recover the deleted information on his phone, so he sent it to a private supervision company after consulting with a lawyer.

Unexpectedly, the police did not continue the investigation, but just asked the supervision company to issue a report that the data could not be recovered, and the matter was hastily settled.

After that, Zheng Junying's agency held an emergency press conference for him.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Zheng Junying held a press conference.

Zheng Junying said on the spot that he was involved in a sex scandal and just misunderstood. "The video was filmed jokingly in early 2016 when I was dating xx (his girlfriend) and knew each other. The video was deleted immediately, not taken secretly. ”

The direction of public opinion changed in an instant. According to the lawyer, because of insufficient evidence, Zheng Junying's ex-girlfriend may be guilty of false accusation, so she had to withdraw the lawsuit.

The withdrawal of the lawsuit by his ex-girlfriend and the good image created by Zheng Junying in the past made people think that this was a "hype".

Netizens attacked Zheng Junying's ex-girlfriend: "Zheng Junying is going to date a mentally normal woman in the future haha." "It's you who sued, and it's you who canceled the indictment, and you're here to hype it up."

On October 6, 2016, South Korean prosecutors announced that Jung Joon-young's clandestine filming was not established and ruled that he was not suspected.

The prosecutor's exact statement was, "It is difficult to conclude that a photograph of a specific body part was taken against the will of the plaintiff." We couldn't find any physical videos or photos that would make us feel sexually humiliated."

It all came to an end. Jung Jun-young is still active in the entertainment industry, while the victim and reporter Park Hyo-sil are tortured by "cyberbullying". Park Hyo-sil had two miscarriages because he was intimidated and harassed, and he has no children until now.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Journalist Park Hyo-sil has been repeatedly intimidated and threatened. (Photo source documentary)

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

丑恶的Burning Sun

What Zheng Junying didn't expect was that the chat history he deleted at that time had been copied. Three years later, reporter Kang Kyung-yoon accidentally got the chat history that was deleted that year, and the content made her shudder.

From 2015 to 2016, Zheng Junying secretly filmed indecent videos of dozens of women and uploaded them to multiple chat groups. The group includes Korean stars such as Lee Seung-seung, Choi Jong-hoon, and Lee Jong-hyun (former CNBlue member).

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Lee Seung (left) and Choi Jong Hoon (right).

Each of them presents a well-packaged gentleman image with a large number of female fans, but in private life they treat women as playthings, make them unconscious, and maliciously criticize, violate and insult them.

In January 2016, Jung Joon-young, Choi Jong-hoon, and others gang-raped an unconscious female friend during a resort tour and took images and video evidence. After that, they ostentatiously uploaded multiple sets of videos to the chat group and shared them with Li Shengli, who was not present.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Exposed group chat history. (Photo source documentary)

Not only that, Jung Jun-young gang-raped an unconscious woman with Choi Jong-hoon the day before the fan signing meeting; filming videos of group chat members encouraging women to drink; Li Shengli forcibly dragged and intimidated young women at a party......

In the group, Li Shengli, as a "big brother", advertised himself as the "Korean Gatsby", using his social influence to make crazy friends with wealthy business investors.

In December 2017, Li Shengli rented a resort in the Philippines to celebrate his birthday, invited a lot of wealthy people, and brought a dozen young girls from South Korea to "use women as a tool to get investment from rich people."

At that party, Lee Shengli pulled a huge investment, and then opened the largest nightclub in South Korea at that time, Burning Sun, in Gangnam.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Choi Jong-hoon (left) and Lee Seung-seung (right).

Here, illegal activities are carried out systematically and covertly. Because Li Shengli works as a DJ in a nightclub, a large number of female customers often come.

In order to attract male customers, nightclub salesmen often secretly photograph beautiful women or drunk women and send the photos to male VIP customers. Those girls who are fancied will become the "prey" of the rich.

Clubbers and partners would add drugs to customers' drinks without their knowledge, and then deliver them to the depths of the clubs or to their rooms in hotels. There are a lot of security guards outside these rooms, and no one can hear what is going on inside.

One of the victims later recalled in the documentary that she initially just played with a few girls and didn't drink much, but got drunk quickly. When she woke up, she was already lying on the bed in a strange hotel.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Victim statement. (Photo source documentary)

A strange man violently attacked her, covering her mouth as she tried to scream, and sitting directly on top of her, constantly pushing her down "as if he was going to kill me". Finally, she knelt on the floor, crying and begging for mercy. The man just said, "I'll let you go, but you won't be able to leave until you've taken a picture." ”

"He asked me to smile and take pictures, but I couldn't laugh at all, I wanted to cover my face, but he wouldn't let me." The victim went to the police station to report the crime, and the man took a photo to prove that she was voluntary, and then left South Korea without incident.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

"Hello reporter, I'm Goo Hara"

Small groups such as Lee Shengli and Jung Jun-young are becoming more and more rampant. Reporter Kang Kyung-yoon is determined to expose their misdeeds.

In the process, Kang Kyung-yoon was under tremendous pressure. At the time of the investigation, she did not speak to anyone. At that time, sorting out the chat history during pregnancy, she had to go to the toilet almost every 10 minutes to throw up.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Reporter Kang Kyung-yoon.

After the report was issued, there were very few people who believed in Kang Kyung-yoon. Her phone number was exposed, and she was constantly harassed and verbally abused by fans.

Jiang Jingyun persevered like this for 3 years, and when he was about to hold on to it, a phone call changed the direction of events. "Hello reporter, I'm Goo Hara. I really want to help you. ”

Goo Hara is a member of the popular Korean girl group KARA. She had a similar experience with the woman who was the victim in the case.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Gu Hara.

As early as 2018, her ex-boyfriend Choi Jong-beom intimidated her with a public private video and violently beat her to cause uterine bleeding.

Becoming a singer has always been Goo Hara's dream, because she was afraid that her future would be completely ruined, she once knelt on the ground and begged Choi Jong-beom, "Please, don't do this".

At that time, the lawyer advised her to settle, otherwise the exposure of the incident would be detrimental to her image. However, Goo Hara was unwilling to let the wicked continue to run rampant, and finally chose to call the police and took the initiative to appear at the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

It is precisely because of empathy for the murdered women in the case that Goo Hara bravely stood up.

As early as when he was a trainee, Goo Hara became friends with Choi Jong-hoon, and also knew Li Shengli and others. Kang Kyung-yoon hopes that Goo Hara will help her find the umbrella behind Lee Seung-seung.

So, Goo Ha-ra talked to Choi Jong-hoon on the phone, persuaded him to tell the truth, and asked "Who is the chief of police?"

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Choi Jong-hoon (first from right) and the chief of police. (Photo source documentary)

It turned out that the "chief of police" who appeared in the chat records of Li Shengli and others was a senior superintendent named Yoon Kui-geun, who had worked in the Blue House. He took bribes for many years and, together with his subordinates, helped cover up the illegal activities of small groups.

After the incident was exposed, Lee Shengli, Jung Jun-young, Choi Jong-hoon and others were immediately arrested, and Yoon Kyu-geun was suspended.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Jung Jun Young.

Huge public opinion pressure came to Gu Hara. Many people think that she is "indecent" and "hype", pointing fingers at her and full of malice.

Kang Kyung-yoon was worried about Goo Hara's mental state and encouraged her, saying, "Hara, you are a very brave and handsome woman, I hope you can be happy." ”

Goo Hara replied in a relaxed tone, "I'm fine, I'll try to live." ”

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Gu Hara. (Photo source documentary)

However, she was already depressed, but in the end, she could not get rid of these pressures and chose to end her life on November 24, 2019.

Jung Joon-young was sentenced to six years in prison for committing gang rape; Choi Jong-hoon was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for his involvement in the same case; Li Shengli was sentenced to 18 months in prison on charges of arranging sex trafficking, embezzlement of public funds, illegal filming and inciting violence.

Now, Lee Shengli and Choi Jong-hoon have been released from prison in February 2023 and January 2021 respectively, and Jung Jun-young has also been released from prison in March this year. According to a South Korean journalist: "I heard that (Jung Joon-young) is preparing to emigrate overseas. ”

In 2023, a friend with Li Shengli posted a video of the party. In the video, Li Shengli is wearing a black shirt and sunglasses, shaking a wine bottle and bartending, with a smile on his face.

The "devilish" side of South Korea's top male stars

Lee Shengli at the party.

A former BIGBANG fan told Global People that he once had a crush on Lee because he was smart and dedicated. "BIGBANG once toured China, and Li Shengli worked hard to learn Chinese, spoke very well, and could host on stage, which made many people feel good about him. At the time, many fans thought he could do a lot of things so busy that they jokingly called him a 'time management guru'. After this incident was exposed, I was basically in a state of 'de-powdering', but I was very shocked. Now that he's out of prison, no one should pay attention to him anymore. ”

Today, Burning Sun is down and the bad guys in the incident have been punished. But in South Korea, what happened in the past is still happening today.

Even though it is difficult to change the status quo, women's voices have begun to be taken seriously. More and more people are daring to stand up and face the darkness.

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account Global People)

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