
After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

author:Entertainment Complex


Recently, many foreigners who have "never seen the world" have appeared on the streets of the mainland.

They really haven't "seen the world", don't believe it

See the Chongqing subway - "Wow, this is a spaceship".

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Take the high-speed train - "so fast, so stable, so spacious, not enough"

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Staying in an ordinary hotel - "so comfortable, clean, so high-class"

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

I ordered a random pancake on the street - "This is the best thing I've ever tasted"

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Even when you see the blue sky and white clouds, rivers and streams, you have to be moved, "It's so blue, it's so beautiful!" So clean! ”

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

These exclamations are really outrageous and true!

Because this is our most ordinary daily life. Isn't high-speed rail fast? Doesn't the subway have to be clean?

Isn't our education just to sit still and wait for the owner to be lost?

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

But in the eyes of foreigners, all this is incredible. The China they imagine is very different from the China they see.

This vast chasm has been deliberately drawn by the Western media for decades.

It's not that they haven't seen the world, they're just victims of the information cocoon.


China shaped by Western media

Backward, feudal, dirty, messy

"Does China have cars? Is there electricity? Is there a bank? Is there a railway? A foreign netizen asked on an extranet website.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Before most foreigners come to China, they can only learn about China through Western media.

China, portrayed by the lens of Western media, is a poor, backward, unfree, uncivilized, dirty and messy country.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

The smear against China is as small as the living environment, as large as human rights and human nature.

When the BBC reports on China-related news, it will put a layer of exclusive filter on the video - gloomy and cold, gray and depressing.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Reporting on the heavy rain in Zhengzhou is also a consistent underworld filter + nonsense.

There is no picture of the People's Liberation Army rescuing people, the camera focuses on the people waiting for rescue on the platform, and then the headline: Passengers are thrown on the platform waiting to die.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

In the midst of the pandemic, the West reported on the lockdown of Wuhan: this measure came at the expense of people's livelihoods and personal freedoms.

In the eyes of Westerners, the Chinese people live in dire straits.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Even more outrageous, they also promote forced labor in China.

BBC reporters forcibly filmed without the consent of the subjects, using a few pictures that do not represent anything, falsely claiming that there is large-scale "forced labor" in cotton products in Xinjiang.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

It's really all about making it up.

When the report returns to China, I wonder how our Xinjiang compatriots will feel about lamb skewers in their left hands and beer in their right hands?

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Smearing China has become the mission of the Western media. They seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding-

No matter what the truth is, no matter whether it will be debunked or not, and smearing China, we must do it, and we will do it consistently.

So when China began to rise and stand on top of the world, they couldn't find a suitable opportunity to smear China, and invented a "universal sentence":

"China's economy is growing, but at the cost of ......"

"China drives Cambodia's economic growth, but at the cost of ......"

Under such careful weaving by the Western media, many foreign friends naturally have the impression that the environment is poor, the quality is low, and it is not safe.

Even if they knew that China had developed, they tacitly agreed that it was a very painful price to pay.

Therefore, many foreigners have always misunderstood China and avoided China.


Before coming to China, you will see death as if you were at home

I can't wait to come to China

China is an inclusive nation.

"Since you misunderstand me and hate me, if not, come and see at home."

In 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the 144-hour transit visa exemption is open to 54 countries.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

As a result, many foreigners come to China with an adventurous mentality.

The true face of the land of China was revealed in the exclamation of air tickets and "wow".

The developing China gave them a little shock.

The moment almost all foreigners land, they will ask the same question: "How is it different from what is said on the Internet?" ”

Because, at this moment, the China under your feet is the real China.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


I casually went into a convenience store, the door was open, the owner was asleep, not afraid of stealing, and there was no robbery.

A foreign blogger did an experiment in Shanghai where he left his notebook and cash at a café and left to test if his phone could be stolen.

An hour later, he gave up on his own, and no one approached his notebook.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


The spotless Chinese subway, full of science and technology, directly controls the French.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Unlike the dilapidated Paris subway, there are no homeless people, no garbage, no rats, and not even a single cockroach in the damp Guangdong subway.

A flyover tunnel, no mattresses, no urine smell, can also make foreigners marvel again and again - it's so clean! It's hygienic! It's so bright!

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


Now, in popular tourist cities such as Chengdu, Sichuan, and Chongqing, an 8D city, as long as foreigners gather, they can listen to the sound of "wow".

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

But what makes foreigners even more unbelievable is that they experienced drone food delivery and drone shows in Shenzhen.

The moment I got the takeaway, not only the foreigner was stunned! I was also stunned off-camera!

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


China's high-speed rail is famous all over the world.

Coming to China to take the high-speed rail has also become a must-visit option for foreigners.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

A little brother took his foreign girlfriend to a convenience store and showed her face payment and palm payment, which almost shattered his girlfriend's three views.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


Foreign bloggers lamented: The Chinese people are one of the friendliest nations in the world.

Because the kind Chinese, whether they can understand foreign languages or not, are trying their best to help foreign tourists.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


Chinese cuisine is also a hard-handed foreigner.

Barbecue, crayfish, hot pot, barbecue, pancakes, meat buns, stinky tofu, sugar water, sugar gourd, milk tea... I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

British blogger "Jason in China" also uses irony to promote Chinese food -

Chinese night is indeed very "dangerous", you can't go out casually, otherwise you will easily "run out of money" when you encounter night market food stalls, and you will gain ten pounds.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Endless beautiful scenery, endless food, safe security, and clean environment. This is the real China.

It is in great contrast to the image of China created by the Western media.

Today's China has made foreigners feel an unprecedented impact.

Before coming to China, I saw death as home, and after coming to China, I couldn't miss it.

6 days, not enough to play, not enough to play at all.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe


From China "dangerous" to

"Chinese True Fragrance"

Before coming to China, the foreigner's original plan was to watch the national flag raising in Beijing on the first day, go to Chengdu to see the giant pandas on the second day, and go to Guangzhou for morning tea on the third day...

After coming to China, I found that I couldn't get out of Beijing for 6 days.

Therefore, some bloggers also learn to get stuck bugs, and when the time of 6 days comes, they fly around neighboring countries, and then fly back to China, and they can continue for another 6 days.

China is so good!

It's so good that they go to great lengths to renew their Chinese visas.

So good that they can't help but spontaneously show the world the real China.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

On the Internet, as long as the video is labeled "China Travel", the traffic will not be bad.

According to statistics, "China Travel" has millions of posts, more than 5 billion views, and it has been rising.

You don't need to make any high-end editing or how shocking the picture, just simply upload the captured Chinese experience, and there will be dozens or millions of views.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

The time has come for me to be debated by Confucianism, but there are still people who don't believe it.

From planning to travel to China to posting travel vlogs on the Internet, there have always been voices of skepticism.

For example, blogger Ken, who traveled to China for a month and shot a lot of videos to praise China, was questioned in the comment area:

"How much did you charge? How much money do they give you to post such a message? ”

For this reason, he also specially sent a video to clarify.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Another blogger who was also questioned was not so good-tempered, and he replied directly:

"Of course, they gave me thousands of dollars to go to China to shoot McDonald's and KFC."

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

However, as more and more people come to China, more and more foreigners are being conquered by China.

There are many videos of "China blowing", and many people are slowly believing that China is indeed a dream country.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

They went from feeling that China is dangerous, to now dreaming of "coming to China to see".

China's image is being reversed. At the same time, the information cocoon woven by the Western media has been gradually broken.

Under the love of this group of "adventurers", the whole world is now opening its eyes to China.

China's image is on the rise.


Be confident and open

It's because the strength is tough enough

The reason why China's image can have such a big reversal is not only because of the propaganda of foreigners, but also because we are now strong enough!

A hundred years ago, China was carved up by foreign powers, torn apart, and slaughtered by others.

Today, China has risen from a clean sheet to the world's second largest economy.

The GDP of Jiangsu alone is close to the output value of the entire country of Britain and Germany.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

The economy is taking off, and the culture and sports are not left behind.

In recent years, large-scale international events such as the Winter Olympics and the Asian Games have been hosted by China.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

China's high-speed railway, the world's first, has a mileage of more than 45,000 kilometers.

Not only in China, but also in neighboring countries and European countries, such as Laos, Thailand and Serbia.

The speed of high-speed rail is the speed of China.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

China's infrastructure is the world's first.

The construction of Daxing Airport in 5 years and the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in 9 years, the speed of infrastructure construction has not only shortened the distance between China and the world, but also allowed the world to see China's strength.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

China is also far ahead of the new energy technology that is being vigorously developed.

Not only is it the world's largest renewable energy market, but China is also the world's largest in terms of new energy-related patents.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

In aerospace engineering, the mainland has independent aerospace technology.

Since 1992, it has gone from unmanned flight to manned spaceflight, and now has its own "Tiangong" space station.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

China's journey has never stopped.

From the people's food and clothing to the stars and the sea, it has been completed step by step in the past few decades.

Looking back, the Chinese land, which is now overgrown with foreigners, has a feeling of reappearance of the Tang Dynasty - peace and prosperity, and prosperity.

Our motherland, accumulated over the years - quietly worked hard, and then amazed the world.

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

The 144-hour visa-free policy is an opportunity for China to shine in the world.

It's like saying: the time is ripe, it's time to give them a little shock.

This shock is to solemnly inform the world:

China is a safe country;

China is a friendly and tolerant country;

China is also a powerful country;

Welcome to China!

After 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners: China is indeed too unsafe

Maybe China isn't perfect enough to satisfy everyone. But there is no doubt about it:

The daily life we take for granted has become a template for other people's happiness.

Maybe she's not good enough, but she's always trying to bring the best to us, to the world.

This is China!

Welcome to China for "adventure"!

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account once a day)

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