
Wake up often in the middle of the night, be careful of liver fire, improve night awakening, knock on the gallbladder meridian early, and push the liver meridian late!

author:Hepatologist He Bin

Liver fire is usually caused by emotional failure, external heat and other factors, which will lead to the excessive yang energy of the liver, and the fiery evil will extend and affect the mind, resulting in insomnia, dreams, irritability and other symptoms, and affect the normal quality of sleep. If you want to improve night awakening, knock the gallbladder meridian early and rub the liver meridian at night!

Wake up often in the middle of the night, be careful of liver fire, improve night awakening, knock on the gallbladder meridian early, and push the liver meridian late!

Knock on the gallbladder meridian early

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder can infuse yang qi into the meridians of each viscera day by day, hour by hour, so that yang energy can promote and maintain the normal operation of qi and blood in the meridians of the whole body, so as to maintain normal life activities. A person's day needs yang energy to support physiological activities, and knocking on the gallbladder meridian in the morning helps to generate yang energy, helps support the day's life activities, and improves metabolism.

Efficacy: It can relieve fatigue, promote blood circulation, improve sleep quality, assist in improving constipation, and assist in the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

How to knock on the gallbladder meridian: As shown in the figure, hit the four acupuncture points on the outer thigh every day, and beat it hard, every four times a day, 50 times a day on the left and right thighs, that is, 200 times on the left and right. Since the thigh muscles and fat are thick, it is necessary to use force, and at a rhythm of about two strokes, to effectively stimulate the acupuncture points.

Wake up often in the middle of the night, be careful of liver fire, improve night awakening, knock on the gallbladder meridian early, and push the liver meridian late!


1. Strength: You can use a hollow fist, you don't need to use very force, you can just hit it with the momentum. It's normal to feel soreness at the beginning of the knock, because the human body itself is trying to open up the bile meridian channel.

2. Time: No more knocking after 11 p.m. Between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. is when qi and blood enter the bile meridian, and knocking on the bile meridian should not be performed during this time period, which is not good for the body. It is safer to use the daytime to knock on the bile meridians. Just a few minutes per leg a day is fine.

Late push the liver meridian

Generally speaking, if you want to massage the liver meridian and massage the liver meridian, you can do it before going to bed. At this time, massage can promote sleep and improve blood circulation. Moreover, at this time, massage can dredge the qi and blood of the whole body, which is conducive to liver detoxification. Massage of the liver meridian should not be too late, so as not to affect the quality of sleep, and can be done before 11 pm. This time point corresponds to the time of the passage of the liver meridian in the meridian column.

Efficacy: Promote the detoxification function of the liver meridian, relieve liver depression, and relieve liver fire, which can effectively improve blood microcirculation and sleep quality.

How to push the liver meridian: The liver meridian runs in the middle of the inner thigh, and when pushing the liver meridian, the inner thigh is facing up. Choose a time from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every night, bend your legs and open them in an O-shape, and push them forward slightly from your thighs to your knees. Push it 50 times repeatedly, you can smooth the liver meridian and regulate liver qi.

Wake up often in the middle of the night, be careful of liver fire, improve night awakening, knock on the gallbladder meridian early, and push the liver meridian late!


1. Use force to be skillful: when beating the liver meridian, you must use even force, gently force so that there is no pain on the surface of the skin, and the body will have a warming effect, uniformity is to have a rhythm, the speed of speed must be consistent, but also pay attention to strength, the strength must be moderate, too light will not work.

2. The time should be long-lasting: each beating should last for a period of time, so that my hands do not feel pain and fatigue as the standard, tapping the liver meridian is a way to maintain health, and only by persevering can you see the effect.