
What to do if you get on fire? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you to distinguish between different types of fire, and the symptomatic "fire extinguishing" is effective

author:Xuanyuan Island

In daily life, many people will often be troubled by fire sickness, either today's mouth ulcers, or tomorrow's mouth blisters, eating is not good, and some people will be physically and mentally irritated after the fire, accompanied by insomnia, sweating and other symptoms, and even easy to thirst. So, what's going on with this fire sickness?

When the heat in the body is too vigorous, the fire is inflammatory, and the rising head is easy to induce a series of diseases, and the heat in the body will also consume the fluid, and the fluid is insufficient, and the symptoms of the fire will be more obvious. So, how can we improve this series of fire manifestations in our daily life? In this regard, the doctor said that finding the cause is the key, distinguishing different fires, and "extinguishing the fire" can be effective.

What to do if you get on fire? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you to distinguish between different types of fire, and the symptomatic "fire extinguishing" is effective

The first is liver fire, which is actually very common in life, because the liver is related to our emotions, so the appearance of liver fire is mostly caused by external stimuli, due to the emotional distress in the heart, not smooth, it will lead to liver qi disorders, qi depression and fire, and then induce fire symptoms, this kind of people in the symptoms, often red face, chest and flank burning pain, but also there will be dry mouth and bitter mouth, easy to lose temper and other manifestations.

For this kind of "fire", traditional Chinese medicine mostly uses the way of clearing the liver and purging the fire to alleviate it, and the most commonly used prescription is Bupleurum soothing the liver, combining Bupleurum, tangerine peel, Chuanxiong, Xiangfu, peony, citrus aurantium, and boiled licorice to relieve liver depression, qi and relieve pain, of course, according to their own specific symptoms, you can also add or subtract the medicinal materials as appropriate, so as to better clear the liver heat.

In addition, if the food enters the stomach and intestines, it is not digested in time, it will lead to food accumulation and fire, in terms of symptoms, such people are particularly hungry, and will be accompanied by symptoms such as bad breath, swollen and sore gums, dry stool and other symptoms.

What to do if you get on fire? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you to distinguish between different types of fire, and the symptomatic "fire extinguishing" is effective

The prescription commonly used by traditional Chinese medicine doctors is the White Tiger Soup, the White Tiger Soup is a classic prescription of the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, which combines gypsum, Zhimu, licorice and japonica rice together, with the effect of clearing heat and generating Jin, and is often used in the treatment and improvement of Yangming Qi and heat syndrome, and the gypsum in the prescription belongs to the medicinal materials of Xingan and Dahan, which is classified into the lung and stomach qi, and has a strong ability to clear heat, and the gypsum will not hurt the yin fluid in the body while clearing heat, which can quench thirst and remove annoyance.

In fact, this type is also very common in life, the most obvious symptom is insomnia, Chinese medicine believes that the heart hides the spirit, the heart is too hot, it is easy to disturb the mind, resulting in insomnia, sleeplessness and other manifestations, in addition, the heart is open to the tongue, people with strong heart fire, the tongue is also easy to blister, in severe cases, there will be sores on the tongue.

At this time, it is necessary to clear the heat in the heart, the most common prescription is the addition and subtraction of Xingxin Tang, Xingxin Tang is also a classic prescription of Zhang Zhongjing, included in the "Jin Kui Yaolu", the composition of this prescription is very simple, only the three flavors of medicinal materials are used, namely Coptis chinensis, Phellodendron chinensis, Skullcap, this is a rare "three yellows" in traditional Chinese medicine with the same prescription, the combination of three medicines, with the effect of detoxification, dampness and dampness.

What to do if you get on fire? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you to distinguish between different types of fire, and the symptomatic "fire extinguishing" is effective

Finally, there is lung fire, there is fire in the lungs, mostly external causes, it is due to the dry climate, the invasion of dryness, resulting in the lung fire is vigorous, and the lungs are open to the nose, the lung fire is too vigorous, which often affects the nose and throat, and makes the patient cough or cough and wheezing, yellow and viscous phlegm, dry mouth and throat and other symptoms. The lung fire is mostly real fire, therefore, for the improvement of this kind of real fire should be based on clearing heat and promoting the lungs, and there are many prescriptions with this effect in traditional Chinese medicine, among them, represented by the prescription of Wu Jutong, a master of warm disease. Wu Jutong's Sangju drink is a common prescription to improve this condition, of course, if your symptoms are more severe, you can also use Qingjin phlegm decoction to better regulate the health of the lungs and intestines.

All in all, although the symptoms of fire are very common in life, there are many reasons, so before using prescriptions, we must distinguish the syndrome and treat, find out the cause, first figure out what kind of heat you are, and then adjust the symptoms, and do not use drugs indiscriminately, so as not to aggravate your own symptoms.

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