
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

author:The madman is nowhere to be seen

Recently, a graduation speech by Li Yifei, a master's graduate of the School of Energy and Dynamics of Xi'an Jiaotong University, continued to ferment on the Internet, arousing great attention and heated discussions among netizens.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

It is reported that recently, Xi'an Jiaotong University held the 2024 graduate graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony, at which Li Yifei delivered a speech as an outstanding student representative. In this speech, Li Yifei's speech talent and good-looking appearance won a round of applause, and what was even more impressive was that she advocated in her speech to take root in the west and dedicate her life to the mainland's nuclear cause.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

I have to say that this was originally a good example of an aspiring young man serving the country, but he never thought that it would cause many people to maliciously attack and slander him, and even expose it on the Internet.

Judging from the current questioning issues, there are mainly the following aspects.

First, Li Yifei's academic achievements are not enough for the title of outstanding graduate

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Some people say that Li Yifei only has two invention patents in application and one international conference paper that is not the first author. Such grades are not excellent in many undergraduate schools, let alone master's degrees.

It's not funny to see such remarks, these people are obviously too self-righteous and a little taken for granted.

We do not deny that some undergraduates in Qingbei can also apply for patents and publish papers, but it is obviously an exaggeration to say that this is a common phenomenon. In many schools, the average undergraduate student does not even know the minimum format of an academic paper, how to publish an academic paper? Many people have never heard of patents, how to apply for a patent? Do you think that applying for patents and publishing papers is buying cabbage, just one person?

Let's talk about invention patents in the process of application. Anyone who has applied for an invention patent should know that it generally takes at least 3 years for an invention patent to be submitted to the preliminary examination, then to the substantive examination and then to the final authorization. It can only be said that some people have not applied for a patent at all.

Let's talk about the paper again. The quality of papers at international conferences must be poor? The level of evaluation of a paper depends on the level of journal in which it is published, not on what type of journal. Besides, if you are not the first author, there is no gold content? If you say so, then more than half of the papers have no gold content, after all, the first author of many students' papers is not themselves, which is already the rule of the industry.

Some people also said that his usual academic ability is average, why can he publish high-level papers?

There must be standards for evaluating the level of academic level, and patents and papers, as a very important indicator to measure academic level, cannot be said to be the only one, at least the key indicators. Can you say that a person who can publish high-level papers and apply for invention patents has average academic ability? Can't you just say that your own academic level is high?

It is also said that the evaluation of outstanding graduates should not only be based on papers and patents, but also on the overall quality.

Since it comes to comprehensive quality, Li Yifei not only has academic ability in papers and patents, but also extraordinary musical talent, coupled with strong communication skills, is this not considered a strong comprehensive quality? I am afraid that there are not many such people in the country, and such people are obviously excellent representatives of comprehensive quality, which is undeniable.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Second, there are doubts about the professional background and the selection process

Some people say that Li Yifei was a music student when he was an undergraduate, majoring in electrical engineering, and he was transferred to a major in nuclear physics at the graduate level, which spanned too much, and questioned the existence of insiders.

Students with music specialties do not necessarily have to take art exams to learn music. In many regions, students with artistic specialties have a bonus point policy, especially those who have won awards can even add 40-50 points. This can be seen from Li Yifei's study of electrical engineering in college, it is obvious that she did not study music, but only added points with her music expertise, which is obviously in line with the relevant policies, which is understandable.

As for the transfer to the nuclear physics major, there is no fuss, not to mention the transfer of graduate students, and the transfer of undergraduates is not a very normal thing. To put it bluntly, the adjustment is a matter of your affection and me, as long as the parties have no objections, there is nothing to say, who stipulates that undergraduate students in electrical engineering cannot apply for graduate students in physics? Does a graduate program have to be the same as an undergraduate?

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Third, Li Yifei's personal character is problematic

Some people say that Li Yifei had a close relationship with his tutor during his school days, and some people threaten that Li Yifei's achievements were stolen from others.

I have to say that these so-called insiders are the words of some people, and there is no substantive evidence at all. Does being good-looking necessarily have a close relationship with the mentor?

Some people also say that Li Yifei was married before and couldn't get used to the old men of state-owned enterprises.

At present, there is no definite evidence on whether Li Yifei was ever married. Take 10,000 steps back, what does it matter if you are married? Who stipulates that if you are married, you can't go to graduate school?

It has to be said that some people spread some unsubstantiated inappropriate remarks, which obviously have ulterior motives.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Fourth, there is a problem with employment choice and value orientation

Some people say that in his speech, Li Yifei said that he would take root in the western region and devote himself to national defense. In fact, she works for a state-owned enterprise in the provincial capital, which some have questioned about the lack of her stated ideals, and others worry that such an approach would mislead other students.

It is not difficult to see from the display board published by the school that Li Yifei has signed a contract with the Northwest Nuclear Safety Center of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. Obviously, this is a public institution.

However, it should be noted that this unit is located in Xi'an, which is also clearly a western city, which is not different from what she said in her speech about taking root in the west.

It has to be said that the scope of the nuclear undertaking is very extensive, and it is not only to conduct experiments on the Gobi Desert that one can be regarded as devoting oneself to the nuclear undertaking; even in the fifties and sixties of the last century, when the atomic energy undertaking was just starting, not all scientific research personnel were located on the Gobi Desert in Qinghai and Xinjiang, and a considerable number of them were in major scientific research institutes in Beijing and Shanghai. But these people are clearly also part of the nuclear industry.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

I have to say that at present, a lot of the hype and online exposure about Li Yifei are rumors that are caught in the wind and taken out of context, and there is no real evidence, it can only be said that some people have ulterior motives, and we still have to look at this rationally.

Finally, let's take a look at who is maliciously attacking and slandering Li Yifei, and in the final analysis, there are mainly the following types of people.

First, bad self-media.

Since the video of Li Yifei's speech was exposed, many self-media people have taken quotes out of context, chased after the wind, and maliciously hyped up for that insignificant traffic and income, and it can be said that these people have no bottom line for traffic and income.

The second is the water army.

It has to be said that the reason why this incident continues to ferment is obviously very related to the malicious rumors spread by certain trolls, who disguised themselves as so-called students and insiders, and fabricated rumors, created contradictions, divided society, and led to war on the pretext of exposing the so-called inside story.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

The third is the indignant youth.

After the incident, many angry young people also jumped out to maliciously hype, these people are convinced of the rumors created by the bad self-media and the water army, and take it for granted that they began to criticize all kinds of injustice and darkness in society, and even rose to the level of personal attacks, it can be said that these people's thinking has been seriously ossified, and even some extreme, how to change such people?

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Fourth, people with sour grapes mentality.

In the fermentation process of this incident, we have seen a lot of people with sour grape psychology, these people themselves have no ability but are doing everything possible to question others, since you don't look down on Li Yifei's patents and published papers, then you yourself will publish a high-level paper to see. Do you have a granted invention patent?

Finally, we still have to look at the Li Yifei academic Daji incident rationally.

On the one hand, judging from the current situation, there is no real evidence for all kinds of doubts, and it can only be said that some people with ulterior motives maliciously hype up in order to achieve ulterior motives.

On the other hand, whether Li Yifei is an academic Daji or not still needs further investigation by the relevant departments, and it is still too early to draw conclusions at this time.

Who is maliciously hyping up academic Daji Li Yifei? It turned out to be these people

Rumors stop at the wise!