
Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

author:Henan Photographers Association
Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

Welcome "July 1st" and feel the party's kindness. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, on the morning of June 30, 2024, the Volunteer Service Committee of the Henan Photographers Association joined hands with caring enterprises to carry out the "July 1st" condolences to old party members and lonely elderly people in Zhanggou Village, Caidian Township, Ruyang.

Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

It was the height of summer, the scorching sun was in the sky, the scorching sun was scorching the skin of every caring person, and the volunteers of the Light of Photography were soaked in clothes and sweating like rain, but they still ran in the streets and alleys of Zhanggou Village, taking photos for the old party members, sending holiday gifts and heartfelt blessings. The volunteers had a cordial conversation with the old party members, listened to the stories told by the old party members, recalled the history of the party, read the oath of joining the party, recalled the course of struggle, and thanked them for their contributions to the cause of the party and the country. On the same day, the volunteers of the Volunteer Service Committee of the Henan Photographers Association took nearly 100 happy photos for the old party members and lonely elderly people in the village.

Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities
Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

Photography volunteers, together with Zu Liangjun, director of the Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shi Yongwei, deputy general manager of Henan Tongda Cable Co., Ltd., and other relevant leaders, brought condolences worth more than 10,000 yuan such as Arowana edible oil and rice to visit the 84-year-old old party member Jin Maolin, Jin Jie, a five-guarantee household, Wang Zhiguo, a low-income household, and Jin Yaowa, Li Gaixiang, and other 102 households.

Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

Song Yuwei, the first secretary of Zhanggou Village in the village, introduced to everyone that today's condolences to the objects of condolences are party members who have been in the party for more than 50 years, party members who have difficulties in life, widows of old soldiers, and seriously ill old people.

Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

"The old party members have worked hard for the party's cause all their lives, which is our precious wealth, and the old party members are old, and as time goes by, we will have fewer and fewer opportunities to be grateful. The July 1st Party Day is coming, we love these old people, do a little bit to help them, and hope that the old party members will enjoy their old age in peace. The sincere words of Shi Yongwei, deputy general manager of Henan Tongda Cable Co., Ltd., expressed the common aspirations of all the volunteers on the scene. Everyone said that they would carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and pass on the activities of caring for old party members and giving love to them.

Greetings spread the party's feelings, and every word of care warms people's hearts. This condolence activity reflects the care of the Volunteer Service Committee of the Henan Photographers Association and the caring enterprise for the old party members, so that the old party members can truly feel the warmth and care of the party, the government and the social family, increase the happiness and sense of belonging of the old party members, highlight the sense of social responsibility and mission of the enterprise, and transmit the positive energy of the society, which will also inspire young party members to take the old party members as an example, inherit the red gene, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, and make unremitting efforts for the cause of the party!

Special Committee News | Volunteer Service Committee of the Provincial Photography Association: Carry out "July 1st" activities

Review: Wei Yafei

Editor: Yang Junqi

Source: Volunteer Service Committee of Henan Photographers Association

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