
[Prosecutor reminds] The new type of cyberbullying is more terrible than "human flesh search".

author:Shaanxi Baojimei County Procuratorate

"Doxing" leaks privacy and is not trivial, but now there is another kind of online violence that is even worse than "doxing", that is, online "unboxing".

[Prosecutor reminds] The new type of cyberbullying is more terrible than "human flesh search".

Case review

[Prosecutor reminds] The new type of cyberbullying is more terrible than "human flesh search".

The person who "gave a gift" to Xiaomei was one of her fans. Xiaomei once replied to him during the live broadcast. Fans were furious,

found the "unboxing" black ash product and started what he thought was a "prank". It wasn't until the police came to the door that the fan found out he had broken the law

The motivation of the "box opener".

There are various motives behind such behaviors, some may be to vent personal anger, some may be to attract attention, win traffic and personal "position", and some extremists will create online contradictions, provoke disputes, and disrupt the normal order of the Internet through "opening the box". In addition, there are some "box openers" who have turned "box opening" into a business, providing special "box opening" services for others to seek illegal benefits. Some people who want to "open the box" of others but do not have the corresponding technology can buy this kind of "open box" service for money, illegally obtain and disseminate other people's privacy, interfere with the normal life of others, etc.

"Unboxing" harms others and oneself

Recently, the media has reported a number of "unboxing" incidents, which not only cause distress to the lives of the victims and bring huge physical and mental harm, but also the relevant behind-the-scenes gangs that lead the "unboxing" have also been taken criminal coercive measures on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, infringing on citizens' personal information, and illegally intruding into computer information systems.

Links to legal provisions

The "Guiding Opinions on Punishing Online Violence and Crimes in Accordance with Law" clearly stipulates

Organizing "doxing" to illegally collect and publish citizens' personal information to an unspecified number of people, where the circumstances are serious and meet the requirements of article 253-1 of the Criminal Law, is to be convicted and punished as the crime of infringing on citizens' personal information.

Prosecutor cautioned

[Prosecutor reminds] The new type of cyberbullying is more terrible than "human flesh search".

Finally, the prosecutor admonished everyone:

Regardless of motivation

"Unboxing" is an illegal act of violating the privacy of others

You need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility

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