
The central media angrily criticized: the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"! Netizens were completely boiling

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
The central media angrily criticized: the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"! Netizens were completely boiling

Sometimes when I see some news, I am really angry, I don't know what these people think, they have embezzled and embezzled all the subsidies for rural children's meals.

We all know that no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education.

How many years have such slogans been shouted, but some local people have turned a blind eye, not only turned a blind eye, but also threw these slogans out of the clouds, and sometimes have to sigh that once the power is not restrained, the consequences will be very terrifying.

In the past few days, the media has released such a news, 66 counties have used about 2 billion yuan of rural students' nutritious meal subsidies to repay government debts, in addition, there are some details that are quite intriguing.

Some of the misappropriated funds have been repaid, some have been cashed out through donations and other means, and some units have directly transferred the misappropriated money.

It became a welfare and sent to the staff, these people began to grab food from the children's mouths, which really makes people feel particularly angry, and the nutritious meals for rural compulsory education students are originally related to whether the majority of rural children can eat well and eat healthily, but let's see now, can this situation make everyone angry.

Now the situation is that public opinion is very large, and public opinion is also very large, and the comment area is basically a one-sided criticism voice, and many netizens can be said to be scolding in the comment area.

CCTV also published an article, "Rural Students' Nutritious Meal Subsidy Is Not Tang Monk Meat", CCTV media personally went down and violently attacked such a phenomenon.

And in the article, it is also emphasized that resolutely cutting off the "black hand" that snatches food from the mouths of children, and ensuring that every insufficient amount of money is used on students, requires a multi-pronged approach, whether it is directly embezzled, squeezed out in disguise or colluded to arbitrage, all of which stem from the cage of the system that has not yet been tightened in some places, so that some people who have "crooked thoughts" have a chance to take advantage of it.

The central media angrily criticized: the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"! Netizens were completely boiling

Once power is not checked, the consequences are very terrible, and this requires a good monitoring mechanism.

The media has also repeatedly emphasized this point.

In fact, from another point of view, so many local counties take the cost of nutritious meals for rural children, can they not know that this is snatching food from the children's mouths?

These people know very well, but they still do it, and they do it blatantly and without scruples, trampling the law under their feet, putting the health of students outside the clouds, these people have lost their principles, abandoned the bottom line, and the phenomenon of moral decline is hopeless.

Using rural students' meal subsidies to repay debts and arbitrage funds is really a loss of conscience.

Once people have no bottom line, they will use these careful things elsewhere, and they would rather let students shut their mouths and not eat, rather than let the staff not open the pot, whether it is disguised appropriation or direct appropriation in the open.

All show the real deeds of some local people, which is a criminal act, not just a matter of corruption.

And the media can expose this matter, which is a kind of progress and an attitude.

Many netizens also called for fairness and justice, serious handling in accordance with laws and regulations, and accountability in place, in order to meet everyone's vision.

The central media angrily criticized: the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat"! Netizens were completely boiling

You say these people, how bold are they?

About 2 billion yuan of funds in 66 counties have been occupied and misappropriated, and how many students will be allocated this money to rural nutritious meals?

Sometimes some of the questions are quite appalling when you think about them carefully.

Once people have no awe, no restraints, anything can be done, for such a thing, must be severely punished, to play the role of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, in order to have a deterrent warning effect, I think this matter can be observed as a classic case, as a benchmark event to think.

Many netizens are quite angry about this, I think anger is right, there is no justice without anger, the simple vision of most netizens.

That is, to give children a healthy development environment, can not let such things continue, this will damage the credibility, but also chill everyone's heart, such chaos, is really unbearable.

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