
The hand of local debt has reached out to children's nutritious meals, and foreign aid to children has been appropriated and deducted internally

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
The hand of local debt has reached out to children's nutritious meals, and foreign aid to children has been appropriated and deducted internally

A professor published such an opinion on the Internet:

How can there be such a reason in the world when their parents give all the delicious food to other people's children, and their own children are still hungry, but the parents ask the hungry children to love their parents?

If you regularly follow international news on the Internet, you should have some impressions.

For example, we have a package of free brunch and nutrition packages for primary school students in seven countries, which includes a number of assistance.

These programs address the basic needs of primary school students in these countries, and also improve the learning outcomes and health of primary school students in these countries, and there are some details that can be revealed to you.

For example, we launched the Smiling Kids program in Myanmar, which provides $300 per person per year in nutrition assistance to 1 million poor children in 12 states at a cost of $300 million.

In addition to this, we have also proposed a package for children from other countries, and various kinds of assistance are continuous.

Sometimes I have to sigh that there is no harm without contrast, and this contrast is still such a huge and strong contrast.

On the one hand, we have provided various assistance to children in other countries, and on the other hand, we have embezzled the subsidies for nutritious meals for our rural students.

There are media reports about such a thing, from 2021 to August 2023.

Prior to this, 66 counties had misappropriated 1.95 billion yuan in student meal subsidy funds, of which the subsidy funds were used to pay off government debts, as well as some other expenditures.

Among them, it was also specifically emphasized that the principal embezzled 380,000 yuan of students' nutritious breakfast subsidy funds and was sentenced to more than a year in prison.

The hand of local debt has reached out to children's nutritious meals, and foreign aid to children has been appropriated and deducted internally

For the special funds for poor areas, special management should have been provided so that the local people can get convenience, especially for rural construction and other related special funds, which should be used more cautiously.

However, everyone is also aware that the media has exposed a lot of various cases of special funds in rural areas, such as the fraud of water conservancy facilities, and now it has been exposed that the funds for breakfast of rural primary school students have been misappropriated, deducted, cut corners, and shoddy procurement standards and supervision processes have been criticized.

On the issue of nutritional meal supplements for rural students, there is a phenomenon that many netizens have experienced, for example, some netizens who have gone to school in rural areas, sometimes the school will send a milk, but in fact, a situation like this should be every week, every day there should be a milk on the desk.

But some schools only show up once a week, which means that on four days out of five, the milk that should be on the desks disappears.

Of course, some of the phenomena that the media talked about this time are quite shocking.

For example, collusion.

Everyone joined forces to embezzle special funds, and there are also disguised squeezing mentioned by the media, the most hateful of which is that the media said so, and some were directly misappropriated.

It is quite shocking to see that it has been directly misappropriated, whether it is disguised occupation, collusion and theft, or some catering units operating in violation of regulations and committing fraud, which involves a problem.

The hand of local debt has reached out to children's nutritious meals, and foreign aid to children has been appropriated and deducted internally

Whether it is disguised occupation or collusion and theft, according to the lines in the movie, it is called a clever name.

However, some people even directly embezzled it, and even saved the step of setting up a clever name.

What a grief for everyone.

In other words.

Formalism is too lazy to tidy up.

From another point of view, such blatant and direct appropriation throws the law out of the sky, which is a violation of the law.

In the traditional education we received from childhood, there are many positive teachings, and some people not only forget, but also go in the opposite direction.

Whether it is the media or social experience, it tells us a simple truth.

That is, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, no matter how hard you can't be miserable for children, such a propaganda slogan is well known, but if you look at what was exposed by the media this time, some people blatantly deceive, disguised special funds, and even directly embezzled them openly.

These people have not only violated the law, but have long forgotten their original intentions.

Personally, I think that what the media exposes is definitely a social phenomenon, and such a phenomenon may still exist in other places, which should be observed as a typical case, and let everyone know that there is a subsidy for meals in our rural schools.

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