
Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away in the game, his sister questioned that the treatment was not timely, and netizens quarreled after responding!

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away in the game, his sister questioned that the treatment was not timely, and netizens quarreled after responding!

On July 1, the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association issued an announcement saying that in the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly fainted and died after being sent to the hospital due to ineffective rescue.

This incident quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, and it can be clearly seen through the video that during the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, accompanied by convulsions.

Through public information inquiry, it is proved that the young player is only 17 years old this year, and he has won a lot of honors in the field of badminton before that.

The current situation is that the news released by some media and the news given by Zhang Shijie's sister have contradictory emotions, according to the media, Zhang Zhijie passed out during the game, and the rescue was ineffective.

However, Zhang Zhijie's sister expressed doubts, believing that it was because of the untimely rescue that led to such a situation.

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister's point of view, when she faints and has convulsions, she should be rescued on the spot.

In addition, there are some details that have also aroused the suspicion of many netizens, while the medical staff equipped by the event organizer are on the field, there is no first-aid equipment in the venue, that is, although there are ambulance personnel, there are no corresponding professional facilities, so in the face of a sudden emergency, it is not possible. Prompt treatment.

In addition, when fainting occurs, it should be rescued in time, and the golden four minutes of rescue are missed.

The first aid measures did not keep up at all, so Zhang Zhijie's sister had huge doubts.

In fact, through the video, we can also observe that after fainting, there were no medical staff who came forward to check and treat it at the first time, but were stunned for a long time, and it was late in the audience's stunned and surprised waiting, I don't know if it was because everyone didn't react for a while, or if they couldn't play casually without permission, or that there were both factors.

Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away in the game, his sister questioned that the treatment was not timely, and netizens quarreled after responding!

I believe that this kind of situation is what all netizens do not want to see, it is quite difficult to train an athlete, and a 17-year-old player can be found through public information.

He has won the 2022 National U Series Badminton Competition U15-17 Finals 15-year-old group men's singles champion, the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's singles champion and men's team champion, the 2024 Netherlands Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion, and the 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's team champion.

There are a lot of honors, and he is quite young, it can be said that the future is very good, according to the performance of Zhang Shijie's video, some professionals speculate that it is likely to be sudden cardiac death, and the event party may have missed the best time to use AED, badminton matches.

This incident made many netizens feel sad, especially netizens who like badminton, 17-year-old children participate in the competition, and suddenly there is a world of separation, and no one can accept it.

Of course, the saddest thing is his parents and family, and the current situation is that the official issued a notice in a timely manner, but there are still too many questions, how can a good person say that it is gone?

Sports have a certain degree of risk, but the handling of emergencies is a bit sloppy and unprofessional, which is also what many netizens question.

It stands to reason that in an international competition, then professional medical personnel should first be professional medical equipment. Waiting at any time, why can't you get timely treatment after fainting during the game?

Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away in the game, his sister questioned that the treatment was not timely, and netizens quarreled after responding!

Right now. After the official response, many netizens still quarreled on the Internet, some questioned, and some were dissatisfied.

Of course, there is no way to satisfy everyone in this matter, but it is everyone's vision to pursue a fair and just answer, and I have noticed that netizens have such a point of view.

The Indonesian organizers should bear a certain responsibility to do a good job in the follow-up guarantee work in such a major competition.

When an athlete has an emergency, professional medical personnel should carry out a timely treatment, but it is obvious that from the video, this kind of treatment is long overdue, which is also very. Netizens are dissatisfied.

From another point of view, the work of the Indonesian Organizing Committee in professional competitions is a bit backward and untimely, and it should provide better protection for the lives and dignity of athletes in this regard. And it didn't happen.

Some of the details in it are quite magical indeed.

Our coaches and team doctors were all stopped outside, watching our athletes lying on the ground, and they could only do something in a hurry.

There is a question here, that is, in such an unexpected situation, should we follow the rules of international competitions, or should we break through the barriers and quickly run to the side of the team members to check the situation?

Combined with the scenario, a lesson is also drawn, in the face of emergencies, some regulations need to be broken, and there must be flexible means and skills.