
Can the economy still prosper when the population declines? The comment area is heart-piercing and broken! It's time to reflect, why?

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
Can the economy still prosper when the population declines? The comment area is heart-piercing and broken! It's time to reflect, why?

Everyone has seen the current situation, the population decline is an obvious thing, and many netizens are still quite shocked after seeing some of the published data.

At a recent forum of economists, someone asked whether the economy could return to prosperity if the population declined.

I believe that such questions are not only those of economists, but also of many naïve netizens.

This news quickly became a hot search, and the popularity remained high, there were tens of thousands of messages and comments in the comment area, and sometimes when I saw some comments, I could really feel the various states of life, and I had to sigh that with the development of things to a certain extent, the deformation of action is something that many people do not want to see.

It cannot be avoided that the population decline will definitely bring about a chain reaction, and now the number of teachers in some areas has also been reduced, and there are people in hospitals who complain about the emptiness of obstetrics and gynecology, but in addition, we are all aware of some phenomena.

Some netizens lamented that the salary was 4300 ten years ago and the salary is still 4300 ten years later, so many years, our economy has prospered and prices have risen, but the increase in wages cannot keep up with the rise in prices at all.

There is no harm if there is no comparison, and some real estate, car prices and everyone's wages form a huge and strong contrast.

I can often hear some experts say that we want to stimulate consumption, to be honest, I hear the words stimulate consumption quite disgusting, in real life, you will often find those who need stimulation who are the people?

For example, if someone is depressed or someone is sick, the doctor will tell the patient that they may have been stimulated, so you wonder if it's really good to stimulate consumption.

The word stimulation itself has a derogatory connotation, and it is very easy to bring side effects, just like a person who needs to be given an anesthetic and does not go for surgery after the anesthetic.

Isn't that anesthetic just a blank shot?

What's more, after the anesthetic, you have to continue to inject the anesthetic every once in a while, so the side effects will appear.

Can the economy still prosper when the population declines? The comment area is heart-piercing and broken! It's time to reflect, why?

There was a saying on the Internet before, how can there be any quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you.

Now this sentence has quietly changed, and it has become that if you don't have a good time, someone is riding on your head.

From the change in the atmosphere of the Internet, we can also notice some phenomena.

At the same time as the population is declining, the opinion of some netizens is that if you don't have money, don't have children, think about yourself who is poor and miserable.

And opinions like this have been shared by many netizens, which has explained quite a lot of problems.

In today's social climate, money and material things are quite important, and this phenomenon is implicitly told to you about this atmosphere and judgment through various social channels.

In fact, to put it bluntly, if there are good welfare and protection of everyone's worries in place, then the problem of population decline will be naturally solved.

The current situation is that most young people feel that they are under pressure, and the three problems of housing prices, education and health care are quite complicated.

The second is some public opinion on the Internet, the core manufacturing industry has declined, and the export foreign sales data are not very optimistic.

And the money in everyone's pocket is also closely related to the market economic environment.

Can the economy still prosper when the population declines? The comment area is heart-piercing and broken! It's time to reflect, why?

For many young people, there is a significant proportion of people who belong to the state of "Buddha-nature", and these people do not pay attention to social news and do not pay attention to international news.

Living in their own small world every day, these people feel that housing, cars, childbirth and follow-up expenses, as well as taking care of their own pension, is a particularly big burden and expense.

When I felt that I couldn't afford it, I naturally chose the state of "Buddha nature", which is often referred to as "lying flat" on the Internet.

The decline in the population, in fact, from another point of view, is that the working population has declined, and if there are fewer and fewer young adults, then the labor force will inevitably decline.

In fact, if you still have an impression, we used to often see the words "demographic dividend" in textbooks, but now that we think about it carefully, the words "demographic dividend" are really not good, and it also makes many netizens feel disgusted.

Nowadays, there is a lot of talk on the Internet about energetic seniors.

Dead young man.

It is not unreasonable for netizens to have such views and arguments.

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