
The brain hole is really big, the Philippine kidnapping was planned by the United States behind it, and netizens are beginning to doubt the United States again!

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
The brain hole is really big, the Philippine kidnapping was planned by the United States behind it, and netizens are beginning to doubt the United States again!

Sometimes I don't know if netizens are trying to be reckless or thinking so in their hearts, the Internet comment area can really see the various states of life, some opinions are also colliding, and many netizens in the Philippine kidnapping case are also clear.

Two of our compatriots were kidnapped in the Philippines and had their tickets ripped up after a ransom was paid.

I believe that anyone with a simple sense of justice would not want to see such news, but I did not expect that after the announcement of this incident, some netizens opened their brains and even suspected that there was something about the United States behind it.

Some netizens linked the Philippine kidnapping case with the United States, which also made me suddenly think of a news two years ago, if you still have an impression.

Two years ago, a heavy rain in Zhengzhou caused a lot of injuries, and some people even claimed that it was a heavy rain in Zhengzhou, which was caused by the meteorological weapons of the United States.

I don't know what you think about this issue?

Many times when I see some news, I am very shocked and confused.

Some netizens said when they saw the Philippine kidnapping:

This kidnapping case reveals strangeness and conspiracy, and I personally doubt that the CIA and other forces are behind it.

Because, after the previous finger severance incident, China and Africa have given each other a bottom line.

Since then, the Philippines has basically died down, and the rescue of injured fishermen has also been reported to the Chinese side.

Now, such an incident has suddenly been exposed, and it looks like a kidnapping on the surface, but it's hard to say if there is a promoter behind it! Whether there are people who are dissatisfied with the Philippines not playing, I am very skeptical.

I don't know why netizens have such an opinion, there is a connection between a kidnapping case and the CIA, is the CIA really so boring and engaged in a kidnapping case, just to make some extra money?

In fact, the media also gave details, and the Philippine police revealed such a point of view, if it is okay to give two or three hundred thousand yuan, if the amount is large, the ticket will be torn up.

The brain hole is really big, the Philippine kidnapping was planned by the United States behind it, and netizens are beginning to doubt the United States again!

In fact, from the comprehensive media and some news on the Internet, we have clearly come to a conclusion that kidnapping is not a particularly sensational news in the Philippines, look at it from another angle.

If the kidnapping and tearing of tickets happened in China, it must be a particularly major bad incident, and it will definitely be a very sensational in society, but from the views of the media about the Philippine police, it can be inferred that the Philippine police have experienced a lot of kidnapping, and they have a lot of experience, so they have come to such a judgment.

Some netizens are really brain-opening, and a kidnapping case can be linked to the United States, I really can't figure it out.

In the comment area of a social platform, many people are still talking cool things, and sometimes I am also curious that our compatriots have been hurt, and some people not only do not feel worried and nervous, but say cool things in the comment area.

I noticed that some netizens expressed such an opinion:

The Philippines is a big market for the medical device foreign trade industry, so these two executives in the medical industry went to the Philippines, it can be said that this is completely a bureau, but it is clear that the parties do not know that they are in the bureau, and they cannot use a "victim advantage" to infer as soon as something happens, saying that others should not go to the Philippines.

The brain hole is really big, the Philippine kidnapping was planned by the United States behind it, and netizens are beginning to doubt the United States again!

I also got some details from the relevant media, two executives ran to the Philippines on June 20, and were torn up on June 24, and the middle-aged man went to the Philippines on a business trip to talk about business, I think this is a very normal phenomenon, of course, this is definitely a tragedy.

The pillars of the family are gone, leaving the wife and children and gray-haired parents, who must be quite uncomfortable and aggrieved, in addition, the views of some netizens are really unimaginable and unacceptable.

Some netizens hyped up that this matter has something to do with the United States, is there any evidence?

In fact, if you meet a reasonable person, then you can be reasonable, if you meet an unreasonable person, then there is no point in reasoning.

Because you'll never be able to wake up someone who's pretending to be asleep.

Sometimes the Internet is so magical, netizens from all over the world express all kinds of opinions, and some extreme remarks can be seen everywhere.

Some netizens are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they begin to question and inference without any evidence, to be honest, it is quite boring, they do not care about the compatriots in our country, do not call for the investigation and punishment of the murderer, but instead point out the country on the Internet, all kinds of inferences, and come as soon as they open their mouths.

I also noticed that some netizens emphasized that 3 million was given, which is a lot of money in the Philippines, and it will almost certainly be torn up.

According to the news revealed by the comprehensive media, the local Philippine police said that this is indeed a bureau, and it was a matter of tearing up the ticket before the bureau was set up, in fact, it is quite sad to see such news, our compatriots ran abroad in order to talk about business and business, and were torn up and kidnapped by people, which is really uncomfortable.

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