
Under the platform, we will crack down on those who incite Sino-Japanese confrontation, ultra-nationalism, and provoke trouble

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
Under the platform, we will crack down on those who incite Sino-Japanese confrontation, ultra-nationalism, and provoke trouble
Under the platform, we will crack down on those who incite Sino-Japanese confrontation, ultra-nationalism, and provoke trouble

This is really a wave of unsettled waves, quite a feeling that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings, which also confirms the sentence, tomorrow and accidents.

You never know which one will come first.

It is undeniable that there are some netizens on the Internet who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, but they are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they will quickly start conflicts and provoke confrontation.

Many times, the extreme remarks of some netizens are quite a headache.

In recent days, many netizens have also become clear that Tencent, NetEase and other platforms have issued announcements to crack down on inciting confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalism.

It can be clearly seen from the notices issued by multiple platforms that severe warnings have been given to these behaviors, and some netizens who like to stir up trouble have been given a head start.

Subconsciously, everyone also knows that it's okay not to make some extreme remarks on the Internet, especially those remarks about national sentiments, sometimes they are very emotional, and some netizens are very enthusiastic when they encounter things.

In the comment area of the knife wounding incident in Suzhou High-tech Zone, you can clearly see that some netizens actually clapped their hands.

I don't know if some netizens are simply trying to be reckless, or if they really think so in their hearts, you can really see the various states of life in the comment area, and the extreme remarks of some netizens really give everyone quite a headache.

We must admit one thing, that is, the murderer who stabbed people in Suzhou attacked women and children, which is obviously against everyone's simple morality, and it is also an extreme violent incident, and such a thing must be dealt with seriously, and it cannot be encouraged and praised.

This kind of thing is in some comment areas, and some netizens applaud this matter is really incomprehensible, which is obviously a kind of xenophobic sentiment spreading, and while publishing hate speech, it also leads to "action deformation" in the relevant comment area.

The intuitive feeling is that there are a large number of people on the Internet who support and encourage this kind of thing.

It's really embarrassing.

Under the platform, we will crack down on those who incite Sino-Japanese confrontation, ultra-nationalism, and provoke trouble

If this extreme emotion is amplified, it will have a particularly bad effect.

If you still have an impression, many years ago, there was a person named Cai Yang who smashed a Japanese car and was later sentenced.

Some media interviewed Cai Yang's uncle a few years ago, and Cai Yang's uncle replied like this: "It would be good if only the car was smashed and not the person was smashed at that time, and the state would take care of the car smashing, and he would not be imprisoned." ”

I don't know what kind of feeling you will have in your heart when you see such news, but according to our simple understanding, it is particularly incomprehensible.

There is also a saying among the people, which is called one person doing things and one person being responsible.

If this hatred spreads and forms a chain reaction, surely everyone will think in their hearts that they should be hurt by those innocent people?

Of course, I believe that the vast majority of netizens on the Internet are patriotic, and it is precisely because everyone has such simple feelings that they are treating some things. At the same time, we should not dig into the horns of the bull and constantly spread hatred on the Internet, provoking such extreme practices, which will only have a bad impact.

Under the platform, we will crack down on those who incite Sino-Japanese confrontation, ultra-nationalism, and provoke trouble

At the graduation ceremony, some people shouted that they wanted to go to the places where the motherland needed them most, but they applied to foreign schools, and some people shouted patriotism, and as a result, they put their property abroad and sent their children abroad.

Shouting national patriots, they will defect when they are in battle.

There is also a saying on the Internet, called listening to his words, watching his deeds, we don't look at what others say, but look at the actual actions of others, now the major Internet platforms have given the news, which is changed to another angle, in fact, you can also see the official proposition, for the Internet to provoke netizens is also a wake-up call.

Of course, as soon as this news was released, it quickly caused an uproar among many netizens, and some netizens who had left extreme remarks in the Internet comment area before completely broke their defenses, and they couldn't figure it out anyway, it would be such a result, it would be such a wind direction.

Netizens who liked to stir up trouble before were dumbfounded.

Even some netizens started some lame remarks again, and talked about some other things, from another point of view, if some extreme events happen abroad, should we have such an incident here?

This is a complete confusing statement and a naïve and ridiculous point of view.

Instead of elevating yourself, you should belittle your enemies.

According to such logical thinking, some netizens are indeed quite hateful.