
The 2023 Honggutan District Comprehensive Assessment Summary and Commendation Conference was held

author:Red Valley Beach release

On July 1, the 2023 Honggutan District Comprehensive Assessment Summary and Commendation Conference was held. Tu Xiaohui, secretary of the district party committee, attended and spoke. He stressed that the whole region should anchor the target positioning of the capital and the first district, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Jiangxi, focus on the goal and requirements of "going ahead, striving for the first, and doing good deeds", closely follow the acceleration of the construction of "one hub and four centers", drum up the entrepreneurial spirit of the officers, temper the style of overcoming difficulties, and do a solid job in stabilizing growth, promoting reform, adjusting structure, benefiting people's livelihood, preventing risks, and ensuring stability, so as to promote high-quality economic and social development and party building to achieve new results.

The 2023 Honggutan District Comprehensive Assessment Summary and Commendation Conference was held

Liu Guangrong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting. Wan Xiaojuan, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Wu Shaochen, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Tao Guoqiang, Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, and other leaders of the four sets of teams in the district, the Procurator General of the District People's Procuratorate, and members of the leadership team of the Nanchang Future Science City Management Committee attended the meeting. The meeting reported the results of the 2023 district-wide comprehensive assessment, and the district leaders presented awards to the winning representatives. Weidong Sub-district and District Development and Reform Commission spoke at the meeting as representatives of the first class of the district's assessment.

The 2023 Honggutan District Comprehensive Assessment Summary and Commendation Conference was held

Tu Xiaohui pointed out that comprehensive assessment is the "baton" to promote high-quality development and the "judge" to test the responsibilities of cadres. The whole region should accurately grasp the situation, turn pressure into motivation, change from passive to active, and ordinary to extraordinary, further strengthen the confidence to achieve success in difficulties, maintain the determination to make progress in the midst of work, continue to conserve development momentum, improve the quality and efficiency of development, improve people's livelihood and well-being, consolidate the foundation of party building, and promote high-quality development with stronger momentum, more confidence, and brighter results.

Regarding the comprehensive assessment in 2024, Tu Xiaohui requested,

-- It is necessary to closely follow the main line of development. All localities and departments in the region shall, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the district party committee and the district government, set the goals and tasks determined at the beginning of the year, make good use of the parallel mechanism of "professional investment promotion + national investment", widely carry out chain main investment, capital investment, platform investment, and business investment, and strive to promote the implementation of more high-quality projects.

-- It is necessary to strengthen innovation-driven. It is necessary to increase the proportion of leading enterprises in the digital economy, investment in scientific and technological research and development and innovation momentum, and many shortcomings and weaknesses such as the landing and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It is necessary to speed up the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone, and enhance the energy level and competitiveness of industrial development.

-- It is necessary to improve the functions of the city. It is necessary to focus on the strategic deployment of building a comprehensive transportation hub in the city, and smooth the external and internal circulation channels. We will continue to implement urban renewal actions to comprehensively improve the quality of urban functions. We will continue to fight the battle of "blue sky, clear water, and pure land", effectively protect lucid waters and lush mountains, improve the ecological environment, and consolidate ecological advantages.

-- Improving people's livelihood and well-being. It is necessary to always adhere to the fundamental mission of seeking happiness for the people, thoroughly implement the employment priority strategy, hold 100 school recruitment, Spring Breeze Action and other recruitment activities on a regular basis, support all kinds of business entities to stabilize and expand their posts, promote fuller and higher-quality employment, and continuously improve the people's sense of happiness.

-- It is necessary to improve the level of governance. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of distress and bottom-line thinking, with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", make overall plans to do a good job in security work in various fields such as politics, ideology, network, and economy, comprehensively strengthen risk prevention and control in key areas such as finance, real estate, and government debt, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no regional systemic risks.

-- It is necessary to strengthen party building. It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, improve the quality level of party building, consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, unswervingly uphold discipline and anti-corruption, promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for the realization of high-quality economic and social development in the whole region.

Tu Xiaohui emphasized that it is necessary to closely combine the economic and social development situation of the whole region, the work requirements of superiors, and the promotion of key work, etc., and continue to optimize and improve the assessment methods to ensure that the assessment work is more scientific and accurate, high-quality and efficient, and truly accurate, true and realistic. It is necessary to strictly control political standards, carry out comprehensive assessment and political quality examination at the same time, and conduct an all-round, multi-angle, and in-depth examination of the political quality of leading cadres. We must adhere to targeted policies. It is necessary to take the "Year of Implementation" activity as an opportunity to vigorously guard against formalism and bureaucracy in the process of organizing and implementing the comprehensive assessment, and promote the work of reducing the burden on the grassroots in depth and in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to reflect objectivity and fairness. Strengthen close-range assessments, gain an in-depth understanding of the real evaluation of the masses, and pay attention to the subjective feelings of the masses. It is necessary to strengthen the application of results. Do a good job in the "second half of the article" of the assessment, and stimulate the sense of honor of the vast number of cadres to rush to be the first and the sense of urgency to catch up and surpass. The whole region must muster the courage to "break through", show the state of "fighting", strengthen the determination to "fight", riveting the enthusiasm of "solidity", forge ahead, forge ahead, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the times, the people, and history.

The 2023 Honggutan District Comprehensive Assessment Summary and Commendation Conference was held

When presiding over the meeting, Liu Guangrong emphasized that it is necessary to unify thinking, concentrate on starting again, and earnestly unify thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the district party committee and the district government, consciously raise the benchmark, take the initiative to benchmark against the table, take responsibility for each other, support each other, and go all out to promote the work of the whole region to a new level and create new achievements. It is necessary to anchor the goal, consolidate the responsibility and make further efforts, effectively enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility, identify the crux of the problem, make concerted efforts to tackle the weak points and key points, ensure that all work is carried out in a timely manner, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development in Honggutan District. It is necessary to firmly establish and practice the correct concept of political performance, strengthen the sense of striving for the first, adhere to the assessment of pressure, promote development, and change the style, and strive to promote the work of all fronts to catch up with and surpass the carry and strive for the first-class.

Source: Organization Department of the District Party Committee, District Financial Media Center

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