
Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

author:Fun talk about the earth class


Earth is a special class, and every nation is a classmate in this class.

Two days ago, when introducing his submarine development strategy, Ah Zhong, a member of the Earth Class Study Committee, said that the strategy for China's submarine development in the future is to "have both nuclear and conventional weapons, with nuclear as the mainstay."

Originally, this was just Ah Zhong's own development plan, but I didn't expect that after the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar in the Earth class, and the students began to spread the news in private, and the more it spread, the more it changed.

Pakistan: Have you heard that the submarine strategy of China and Colombia has changed, and in the future, we will focus on nuclear submarines.

Afghanistan: What? Is the technology of the nuclear submarine of Afghanistan and China stronger than that of Aramco?

Saudi Arabia: Pass it on, Afghanistan and China are finally going to be the boss, I heard that they are going to build 20 nuclear submarines, specifically staring at US aircraft carriers!

Hungary: What, Afghanistan and China are going to build 50 of the most advanced nuclear submarines? Still ready to sell me 10 boats?

Mexico: Ami, why are you still staying at home, run for your life, study committee member Ah Zhong has built 100 nuclear submarines, and has surrounded all your east and west coasts of the United States, ready to beat you!

Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

Ami, the leader of the earth class, was lying on the beach beautifully, enjoying the sun, when she was suddenly shouted by her neighbor Mexico through the courtyard wall, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He was stunned for a second, then swooped over and hurriedly called his military department.

Ami: Hey, it's me! Afghanistan and China surrounded our family with 100 nuclear submarines? What? Didn't find it? Mexico knows what you're eating, and you don't even notice it, so quickly gather my little brother and prepare to meet the enemy.

After a while, the younger brothers of the Ami family, such as Ami and Japan, Canada, etc., rushed to Ami's house sweating profusely.

A-Ying: What's wrong, I was having dinner when your family called and said that the sky was falling, what happened?

Ami: You're still in the mood to eat, but you don't know that Ah Zhong surrounded me with 100 nuclear submarines?

The younger brothers of Ami looked at each other, no one spoke, and finally the Hungarian classmates who were forcibly brought in spoke quietly.

Hungary: Isn't it 50? How come it is that in the blink of an eye, there are 100 ships?

Ami: Huh? You know? What's going on?

Hungary: I ...... I've heard about it, but I don't know the specifics!

Art Commissioner Afa couldn't help but speak.

Alpha: Okay, calm down, as soon as I heard the news, I knew it was fake, and it must have been out of shape when it was circulated. Not to mention anything else, Afghanistan and China are using 100 nuclear submarines to surround you and the United States, can I still come to your house smoothly? When I call Ah Zhong and ask, the truth will be revealed.

Ami: Okay, then you can ask quickly.

Alpha began to make phone calls.

Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

The submarine launches missiles from under the water

Alpha: Ah Zhong, yes, I'm Alpha. Hey, don't mention it, my family doesn't parade every day, I'm used to it. Thank you for your concern, I called today because I heard the news that there are rumors that you are ready to send 100 nuclear submarines to surround Aramco...... Alas, don't scold, I'm not stupid, I don't believe it, I just want to find out, where did this rumor come from? Hey, your submarine development strategy has changed, it used to be ...... Both nuclear and regular, mainly constant; I understand this, that is, your Chinese submarines are used for coastal defense, so conventional submarines are enough. So now...... Oh oh oh, it's nuclear-oriented! I can understand, I can understand, after all, you have a lot of interests in the ocean! Well, well, don't worry, I definitely don't believe rumors, I don't spread rumors. Okay, okay, that's it.

Ah Fa said, hung up the phone, and Ami, the squad leader next to him, hurriedly asked.

Ami: What do you say?

Afa: Okay, don't be nervous, A-Zhong said, what 100 nuclear submarines surround the United States, fools can't believe it...... Well, this seems to have scolded me, in short, there is nothing to do, it's just that not long ago, he changed his submarine development strategy, and he plans to focus on the development of nuclear submarines in the future, nothing serious.

Ami let out a sigh of relief, then became furious.

Ami: Who is it? Who is spreading rumors, is there still a king law in the earth class? Is there still a law! In the future, those who spread rumors will all be pulled to the square and hit their brains 200 times.


Ami: What are you pulling my sleeve for?

Japan: Ami, you can't do this, the whole earth class, just count you Americans love to spread rumors, not long ago you let us spread rumors everywhere, saying that the study committee member A Zhong gave sports committee member Afghanistan and Russia aid weapons and ammunition, have you forgotten?

Ami: Uh...... If you want to talk more, in short, if anyone spreads rumors to scare me in the future, I will play him for his brain. It's not a big deal this time, otherwise the entire Earth class will have to play well?

Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

Russian submarine visits Cuba

Disciplinary Committee Member Ah Ying suddenly sighed and began to speak.

A-Ying: Ami, don't be in a hurry to be happy, I heard you right, just now Ah Zhong said on the phone that the development strategy of his submarine will become "both nuclear and conventional, with nuclear as the mainstay", right?

Ami: yes, I heard that too, so what? He used to shout something about "having both nuclear and conventional weapons", didn't nothing happen?

A-Ying: If I'm not mistaken, in the past, it was "both nuclear and conventional, and the main thing was constant", that is to say, in the past, the development strategy of Argentine-Chinese submarines was mainly based on conventional submarines. As we all know, conventional submarines are subject to the power system and cannot lurk in the open ocean for a long time, so they cannot assume the role of strategic deterrence, and can only be used for coastal defense. But now that Afghanistan and China have decided to focus on nuclear-powered submarines, this is more troublesome!

Ami: Haha, A-Ying, you're too worried. I know that the nuclear-powered submarine of the Azerbaijani family is moving, like a tractor, and I can hear it across the Pacific Ocean, and it is not worth mentioning, it is not worth mentioning.

A-Ying didn't speak, and looked at Ami with the expression of a fool, and Ami was a little uncomfortable.

Ami: Why are you looking at me like that? Am I not right?

A-Ying: Of course not, when did you have the old yellow calendar, the latest 096 of the Chinese family, it is said that the mute level is the same as that of your most advanced submarines in the United States and Russia, don't you know?

Ami: I know, but 096 has always been in the concept, I haven't seen the real thing, who knows if he didn't make it?

A-Ying: That's the key. The 094 nuclear submarine of the Azhongjia has been studied a long time ago, and the 094B is also available, but did he say anything about "both nuclear and conventional, mainly nuclear"?

Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

The Navy's aircraft carrier formations are dispatched, and there are generally submarines underwater

Ami: Yes, his 094 nuclear submarine is okay, it has been studied a long time ago, why not "nuclear-oriented" at that time?

Alpha: I understand, what Ah Ying means is that Ah Zhong did not shout this slogan before, because he was not satisfied with the nuclear-powered submarine technology produced by his family, and there was no mass production. And now that they have shouted "nuclear-oriented", it shows that Argentina and China are confident enough in the technology of their 096 strategic nuclear submarines, so they dare to openly say that they will "focus on nuclear" in the future. This is just like when the J-20 first came out, it was subject to the engine, and A-Zhong was not easy to mass-produce, but now his squadron is changing to the J-20 from squadron to squadron, which shows that people's technology is mature!

A-Ying nodded.

A-Ying: That's right, and with the powerful shipbuilding industry of the A-Zhong family, as long as his technology is mature, then he can get "dumplings" again, do you remember the speed at which the 055 drive was put into service? 10,000 tons of drive, he went into the water one-on-one, and the earth class didn't do this!

Canada: What is the 055 drive, now the Arab and Chinese aircraft carriers have begun to be launched one-on-one.

Ami: Huh? When is it a thing, isn't it just a 003 ship?

Canada: And a drone carrier! It's been in the dockyard for a long time, don't you know?

When the squad leader Ami heard this, his face turned gloomy again.

Ami: So, it's still not good for me?

Hungary: That's not necessarily, Ami, as long as you don't go around causing trouble and provoking Ah Zhong, he won't bother to deal with you!

A-Ying: The good news is that the A-China family has not yet built 100 nuclear-powered submarines to surround you; The bad news is that, according to Ah Zhong's consistent hidden temperament, since he has now shouted out the submarine development strategy of "focusing on nuclear weapons," it means that once you want to deal with him, he is really capable of building dozens of nuclear-powered submarines in a short period of time.

Earth class story: After 055 and the aircraft carrier, China's nuclear submarines are also going to "dumplings"?

Japan: What's the good news? It's just that the immediate shooting was changed to Ling Chi's execution! If it were me, it would be better to die directly, than to watch the other party surpass me in an all-round way, but there is no way.

Ami couldn't hold back any longer and kicked him to the ground.

Ami: If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb person!

The Japanese classmates dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, so they had to be silent.

Ami: Alright, since you have nothing to do, I'll go count my nuclear submarines.

And just like that, today's story is over again.

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