
Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

author:Walk through the shadows


Looking at the entertainment industry, which star doesn't have any black material?

But it can still be mixed well, but it is just whitewashed in some other ways.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

But for the national child star Zhang Yishan, no matter which way he goes, he can't wash his name.

Until now, the popularity has fallen and the resources have been missing, and after all, it has come to the same ending as the article.

Looking back at Zhang Yishan, he drove high and walked low, up and down, but it was still "cool" after all.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Child star debut

The child star debuted and can be praised as the "son of the nation", Zhang Yishan is one of the few actors.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

When he was 12 years old, Zhang Yishan played a supporting role named Tong Le in the TV series "Little Soldier Zhang Ga".

Although there are not many scenes, Zhang Yishan stands out among many child stars with his innate aura and natural performance. His image in round-framed glasses, as well as his lively and clever performance, left a deep impression on the audience.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2005, a sitcom "Family with Children" can be said to have made Zhang Yishan completely popular.

In this drama, Zhang Yishan played the naughty and eccentric Liu Xing.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

This role seems to be tailor-made for him, and it perfectly fits his own lively and active personality.

Liu Xing's every expression and action is full of childish innocence, and it is witty and humorous.

Zhang Yishan interpreted this role vividly, making the audience laugh while also feeling the innocent and lovely side of the children.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

With the continuous popularity of "Family with Children", Zhang Yishan's popularity has also risen.

Zhang Yishan's performance not only won the love of the audience, but even industry insiders praised Zhang Yishan's performance, which paved the way for Zhang Yishan's next career development.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Acting exploded

It is actually very difficult for a child star to become a powerful actor.

is like Tinker Bell, his performance when he was a child was impeccable, but when he grew up, he jumped out of the role of a child star and watched his performance again, which was actually not so amazing, and it was much darker after that.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Therefore, it is actually very challenging for Zhang Yishan to become a powerful actor, but Zhang Yishan has overcome them all.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2010, 18-year-old Zhang Yishan was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy with an excellent score of 78 points beyond the score line, starting his professional acting career.

During the four years at the Beijing Film Academy, Zhang Yishan almost did not take on the act, but devoted himself to professional learning.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

This decision caused a lot of controversy at the time, and some people thought that he was wasting a good time and missing out on the best opportunity to develop. However, Zhang Yishan insisted on his choice, and he knew that only a solid acting foundation could allow him to gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry.

During his time at the school, Zhang Yishan devoted himself to studying acting skills and participated in many school practice projects.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

He not only trained hard in acting classes, but also actively participated in various stage performances, honing his line skills and physical expression.

After graduation, Zhang Yishan was not in a hurry to make a comeback, he patiently waited for the role that suited him.

It wasn't until 2016 that the opportunity finally came.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In the online drama "Residual Sin", Zhang Yishan played a police academy student with a complex personality.

Zhang Yishan interprets the role of Yu Sin very well, from a ruffian police academy student to an undercover agent with ideas and brains, Zhang Yishan's acting skills show an amazing sense of layering.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

His delicate facial expressions, natural and fluent body language, and accurate grasp of the character's psychology all show the results of his four years of study at Nortel.

The success of "Residual Sin" is not only reflected in its 4 billion views, but more importantly, it allows the audience to see a new Zhang Yishan.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

This drama completely broke people's inherent impression of his "Liu Xing" image, showing a mature and multi-faceted actor image.

While the success of "Residual Sin" has brought more opportunities to Zhang Yishan, it has also brought many challenges.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Bad drama

For actors, maintaining their own image and carefully choosing scripts are necessary conditions for an actor to be evergreen.

But for the young Zhang Yishan, he did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

When Zhang Yishan was deeply trapped in the predicament of the child star "Liu Xing", he immersed himself in learning, and used several years of precipitation and study in Nortel's professional field to endorse himself and open up another possibility for his career.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Zhang Yishan used a "Residual Sin" to prove that his strength is not enough, he wants to challenge more themes and possibilities.

However, Zhang Yishan ignored the most important point, an excellent actor is not able to challenge all genres, but to achieve one genre to the extreme.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2017, Zhang Yishan starred in "Seven Me".

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Zhang Yishan in the play plays 7 people with split personalities, it is said that this kind of drama, if it is played well, it will definitely be an explosive existence, but what is the final result?

Unexpectedly, after the show was broadcast, there were bad reviews, which made Zhang Yishan's acting skills, which finally got up, questioned.

More terrifying is yet to come.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2020, Zhang Yishan starred as Wei Xiaobao in "The Story of Deer and Ding".

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Zhang Yishan originally wanted to show his versatility, but he didn't expect this drama to make Zhang Yishan's reputation decline and become a bad actor.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Zhang Yishan in the play was evaluated for lacking extreme humor and failing to capture the essence of Wei Xiaobao's role.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Moreover, "Residual Sin" is in the front, compared with the two, naturally the reputation of "The Legend of Deer and Ding" will not be so good.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article
Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

If an actor encounters a bad drama, after all, no one is sharp-eyed, but if several dramas are bad in a row, it is the actor's problem.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

But what is surprising is that Zhang Yishan was not overwhelmed by the bad drama, but his feelings became the last straw that crushed him.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Confused feelings

If the entertainment industry is the most unacceptable to fans, it is the confusion of celebrities' feelings, especially cheating and juniors, which are the most unacceptable to fans.

Take Li Xiaolu as an example, during her marriage, she got involved with rap PG, and after being exposed, Li Xiaolu, who had excellent acting skills, never returned to the showbiz, and could only look at her appearance and become an Internet celebrity blogger.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

There is also one of the most obvious examples, the article with Ma Yili.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

The article cheated on Yao Di during his marriage to Ma Yili, even if the article's acting skills exploded, there were many masterpieces, and he won many awards, as long as he was labeled as emotionally confused, he couldn't get along in the entertainment industry anyway.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Until he divorced Ma Yili for many years, the article also tried to make a comeback many times, but it still failed to make a splash.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

So what does all this have to do with Zhang Yishan? It does have a bit of a relationship.

After Zhang Yishan's fire, he also committed the common problem of a man in the entertainment industry, seeing one loves the other.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Zhang Yishan once said in an interview that if he is in love, he will not announce it, and he does not want his private feelings to be active in the public eye.

But Zhang Yishan has been photographed by the media many times dating Song Yanfei, but neither party has made it public.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

It wasn't until Zhang Yishan was photographed by the media that Zhang Yishan and a black-haired girl were intimately holding hands, that the news of Song Yanfei's unilateral breakup with Zhang Yishan was obtained.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

But just when the public was still eating melons, why did Zhang Yishan break up with Song Yanfei, Zhang Yishan was photographed with a yellow-haired girl in an intimate relationship.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Not only that, but the media broke out that Zhang Yishan went to the bar with the article to call an escort, and finally refused to pay.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Things were exposed one after another, and Zhang Yishan's image as a hot-blooded young man collapsed instantly, which was ten times more serious than his bad script.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In addition to emotional problems, some of Zhang Yishan's inappropriate behavior in public has also sparked controversy.

In 2016, he was photographed interacting with a male friend on the street late at night.

In the photo, Zhang Yishan not only kissed the man, but also "went up and down".

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

As soon as these photos were exposed, they immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. Although some people think that it may just be a joke between friends, many people still question Zhang Yishan's sexual orientation.

Immediately afterwards, some media took photos of Zhang Yishan urinating on the street.

This series of incidents seriously damaged Zhang Yishan's public image and caused him to fall from the image of the "son of the nation" to the altar.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2020, Zhang Yishan caused controversy due to traffic violations, and he was photographed driving a Porsche sports car driving on the yellow line at the corner, and was punished by the traffic police on the spot.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2023, Zhang Yishan will once again fall into the whirlpool of scandals, and the media has repeatedly taken photos of him going in and out of bars and apartments with different women, and even kissing in the car.

Although Zhang himself did not respond to the scandals, these incidents undoubtedly caused further damage to his public image.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article


Since the word-of-mouth failure of "The Legend of Deer and Ding", the number of works he starred in has decreased significantly, and the quality is uneven.

In 2021, although the movie "Genius Game" he participated in had a certain market response, it failed to cause much of a sensation.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

In 2022, he played the leading role in the TV series "The Legend of Yunxiang", but the ratings and word-of-mouth of the show failed to meet expectations. In some questions.

What's more noteworthy is that Zhang Yishan's once proud acting skills have also been questioned.

In some recent works, audiences and critics alike have pointed out that his performances lack novelty and even show signs of regression.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

And the exposure of Zhang Yishan's love life damaged his image and greatly reduced his commercial value.

According to industry insiders, many brands are starting to be cautious about cooperating with Zhang Yishan. This is why we rarely see Zhang Yishan on the big screen now.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

At this time, Zhang Yishan also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he began to try various ways to "whitewash", but in vain.

He tried to do reality shows with some people who were new to the entertainment industry, played supporting roles in some shows, and seriously contributed his acting skills in the play, but in vain after all.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article

Although Zhang Yishan is still young, he still walked on the same end as the article.

Falling Zhang Yishan: After all, it still ended up in the same way as the article


Zhang Yishan has gone from the dazzling light of the child star era, to the rise of the acting school, and then to the dual challenges of career and image that he is facing today, every stage is impressive.

In the face of the current predicament, Zhang Yishan's road to reshaping his public image and reviving his acting career is not destined to be smooth, but it also provides him with an opportunity to reposition himself.

Zhang Yishan's experience has also sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry, reminding every artist that while pursuing career success, they should also pay attention to the cultivation of personal morality and the maintenance of public image.

Only by organically combining professional ability and personal accomplishment can we achieve long-term development in this rapidly changing industry.

There is still a long way to go, do you think Zhang Yishan still has a chance to turn over?

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