
Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

author:Suqian Classical Education

Work hard and create good results

Strive to set sail and write a new chapter

2023-2004 Semester 2 Final Meeting

On the afternoon of July 1, Zhongwu Junior High School held the final work summary meeting of the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year in Zhongwu Hall, which aimed to comprehensively review the work results of this semester, summarize lessons and lessons, and clarify the work direction and goals of the new semester. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Ding Haibing and attended by all faculty and staff.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School
Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Looking back on the first semester: a panorama of the work of various departments

Review and summary

The heads of relevant departments reported on the work of each department. Combined with specific data and cases, they introduced in detail the achievements and experiences of education and teaching, student management, teaching and research innovation, etc. Among them, some teaching innovations and teaching and research achievements attracted extensive attention from the participants.

Ma Sifu, director of the curriculum center, introduced in detail the new measures and achievements of the teaching reform of the "Chengxian School" of Zhongwu Junior High School under the concept of "three learnings", and put forward the goal of "using one or two years to deepen the reform of the 'Chengxian School' from the vertical and horizontal directions, explore large-unit teaching and interdisciplinary comprehensive education, march to version 3.0, and realize the goal of the rebirth of the classroom teaching of the 'Chengxian School' from the model to the invisible".

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Gao Peng, director of the Teacher Development Center, introduced the current situation of the school's teacher team, and introduced in detail the construction of the young teacher team and the team of teaching and research preparation team leaders and the outstanding achievements made.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Chen Fucheng, director of the Student Development Center, gave a report on the topic of "Strengthening the Construction of the Team of Class Teachers and Promoting the High-quality Development of the School", from three aspects: attaching importance to the construction of teacher morality, holding a good theme class meeting, and building a growth platform, and pointed out the shortcomings in the current work and put forward improvement measures.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

The core of the five educations is to educate people in an all-round way, and to educate people not only has cultural education, moral education, but also sports education, art education and labor education. Xu Honghai, director of the Jianya Center, introduced the work of sports and health art this semester from four aspects: sports, health, art and labor education.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

In 2023, Zhongwu Junior High School Restaurant was rated as the first batch of "Nutrition Restaurants in Jiangsu Province". Gao Chunhua, director of the Beverage Service Center, introduced some practices and achievements of school canteen management from the aspects of management system construction, financial supervision, food procurement and acceptance, food safety and hygiene of the school canteen.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

The leaders in charge of the school commented on the work of each department.

Lu Hongqing, Secretary of the School Discipline Inspection Commission, commented on and summarized the teaching and other work;

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Vice President Jiang Chanhui commented and summarized the work of teaching and research;

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Liu Zhaohui, member of the party committee of the school, commented and summarized the work of moral education and safety;

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Vice President Chen Tao commented and summarized the work of sports, health and art;

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Fu Ning, member of the party committee of the school, commented and summarized the work of logistics and informatization.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

Set sail on a new journey: work results showcase

and planning for the future

Chen Liangzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the school, summarized and deployed the relevant work of the school. He pointed out that in the 2023-2024 school year, Zhongwu Junior High School will focus on comprehensively improving the quality of schooling, promoting the development of each student, and accelerating the professional growth of teachers. He hopes that in the new school year and the new semester, all the faculty and staff can continue to temper their thinking, strengthen their work style, improve the quality of management, take the moral cultivation as the starting point, strengthen the best belief, keep in mind the mission, move forward bravely, and make every effort to build a modern junior high school that is a model in the city, well-known in the province and has a strong Confucian heritage.

Work hard to create good results, strive to set sail and write a new chapter - City Zhongwu Junior High School

This meeting is not only a review and summary of the work of the past semester, but also a prospect and encouragement for the future. Through this meeting, the whole school staff have a clearer understanding of the development of the school and clarify the direction of future efforts. Everyone said that they would devote themselves to the work and study of the new school year with more enthusiasm and a more pragmatic style, and jointly contribute to the development of the school.

Source: City Zhongwu Junior High School