
Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrated the party's determination, there is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and anti-corruption is always on the road

author:Blue sky north

There is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and the fight against corruption is always on the way, and Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrate the party's determination

Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrated the party's determination, there is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and anti-corruption is always on the road

(The pictures in this article are all video screenshots)

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the current affairs are hot

【Northern Vision】

(Don't follow the trend, don't follow the crowd, different perspectives, don't tempt likes)

According to CCTV authoritative news: The Political Bureau of the Central Committee made a decision: to expel Li Shangfu's party membership, Wei Fenghe's party membership, and terminate the qualification of the party's 20th National Congress representative. Previously, the Central Military Commission had decided to issue the military status of the two and cancel their ranks.

Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe are both former state councilors and ministers of national defense, Wei Fenghe is a general of the Rocket Army, and Li Shangfu is an army general, which can be said to be a high position in the army.

The fall of these two tigers in the army has aroused the attention and heated discussion of public opinion.

Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrated the party's determination, there is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and anti-corruption is always on the road
Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrated the party's determination, there is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and anti-corruption is always on the road

For us ordinary people, how do we view this incident?

In the past, there was a saying in the community, that is, if you don't fight corruption, you will lose the country, and if you don't fight corruption, you will lose the party. But a large number of facts show that such fears are unwarranted.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has held high the sword of anti-corruption and adhered to no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance. With the courage of scraping bones to cure poison and the courage of a strong man to break his wrist, and the determination to use fierce medicine to remove scabies and re-enforce chaos, scrape bones to cure poison, and turn the blade inward to remove the tumor and clear the source.

No matter how high the position is and how big the official position is, we will never tolerate those who dare not stop against the wind and ensure the purity of the party.

This time, Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe were dismissed, once again demonstrated the determination and courage of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core to fight corruption under high pressure, and also showed that there is no safe island and no safe haven in the fight against corruption.

So, some people are worried that this will cause damage to the image of the country and the army, and will it have an impact on the international community?

As a matter of fact, there is no need to worry about this kind of worry, because if we cover up and fail to investigate and deal with corrupt elements, it will damage the image of the country and the army, and weaken the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the army.

The bold anti-corruption campaign has also sent a special signal to the world that the Communist Party of China is strong and powerful.

The Minister of Defense is the defense minister of a country, and two high-ranking and powerful military tigers were taken down at the same time, and China is still calm.

Li Shangfu, Wei Fenghe, and the fall of the horse once again demonstrated the party's determination, there is no safe haven in the fight against corruption, and anti-corruption is always on the road

This is exactly what it is:

The sun shines brightly,

The rivers are flowing thousands of miles away.

Anti-corruption is always on the way,

The heart of the party and the hearts of the people are connected.

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【Northern Vision】

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