
Origin-Finding Methods for Language Learning: On "Tracing the Origin", "Exploring the Source" and "Evidence-based"

author:Danhua Road

In May 2015, the article "A Preliminary Study on Classical Chinese Teaching - Teaching Feelings" published in "Language Construction" <口技>is the initial exploration of traceable teaching, and then followed Qian Menglong teacher to promote the teaching concept throughout the country, and gradually formed a complete idea of the traceability method of language learning.

Due to Mr. Qian's advanced age and a few years of the epidemic, the author once dropped out of writing to take care of housework and was busy with household chores and manual farming. However, although time and energy are limited, the thinking about the teaching of origin tracing has not stopped. Because I have been immersed in Taoist culture for a long time, in 2020, when I read the article "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" in the United States, I found that the psychological principles explained in scientific language had already been expounded by the Taoist Zhuangzi more than 2,000 years ago, which made me more firm in the correctness and practical significance of the exploration of tracing the origins of teaching. Therefore, I took advantage of the evening rest time to complete a book manuscript "Heart Travel-The Way of Self-Enjoyment" in March 2022, which further improved and supported the traceability teaching from the concept of the two contents, combined with my own experience and experience.

In the book "Heart Travel: The Way of Self-Enjoyment", the author mentions the word "evidence-based" many times, such as Chapter 8 "Several Reviews of Life, Evidence-based Conversion to Taoism", Chapter 9 "Evidence-based Happiness Mechanism, Confirming Taoist Thought", and Section 2 "Evidence-based Psychology, Happiness at Your Fingertips". Since this book implies the meaning of the concept of traceability teaching, why not call these "evidence-based" as "traceability"?

Or, conversely, why did the author summarize the teaching philosophy as "tracing the origin of language learning" instead of "evidence-based method of language learning"? What are the similarities and differences between traceability and evidence-based? Let me elaborate on it here.

The so-called "traceability" can be known from the literal meaning, which is the meaning of "tracing the source". Tracing the origin originally means "going upstream to find the place of origin", and it is generally more used in the metaphorical sense, that is, to explore the origin by metaphor. The "origin" of Chinese reading refers to the exploration of the author's creative intention, creative background and personal experience, the background of the times, the author's different works in various periods, and the creation of other authors of the same era with the help of the Internet and library materials, so as to further understand the true intention and expression of the author's words.

However, this kind of traceability, "knowing people and discussing the world" in order to sit in the right seat, is not the ultimate goal, but only an entry point for reading. The logical thinking ability and comprehensive analysis ability cultivated by students in the process of tracing the source, as well as the invisible increase and accumulation of reading volume, and the natural formation of reading ability, are more important. In particular, the joy and joy of reading that students get from it can naturally form an internal motivation to learn, which is the fundamental reason for them to benefit more.

Therefore, the results of "knowing people and discussing the world" after tracing the origin are not important for understanding the author and his work or not. However, this is not to say that the "origin" reading is fruitless and just a muddled account. The more important result is not to "know people and discuss the world", but more to improve the reader's ability, the leap in thinking, and the cultivation of learning and reading interest.

Based on this understanding, I think that some teachers have complained about "tracing the origin" before, and believe that blindly emphasizing "knowing people and discussing the world" is likely to cause stereotypes and subjective interpretations of original works, and even far-fetched and affect the correct understanding of their words. Therefore, the author believes that the significance of tracing the origin is not only to try to further understand the author's works with the help of in-depth reading of relevant materials, but also to use it as an entry point for reading and learning, so that students can fall in love with reading and learning, stimulate their interest in reading and learning, and feel great joy and happiness in their full attention and selfless devotion, so as to promote their interest in exploring the truth, researching knowledge, independent thinking, and innovative research, which is of great significance to individuals and society. Especially in the age of generative AI. Therefore, the author finally changed "traceability" to "source exploration".

The so-called "evidence-based" literally means "following evidence", which originally meant "evidence-based practice". Evidence-based practice, initially used in medicine, integrates the best available research evidence with one's own expertise and the patient's values. The concept of evidence-based medicine began at the end of the twentieth century – I first saw evidence-based through a Taoist book on Chinese medicine – and then swept through the entire medical field, and its influence continued to expand, and penetrated into other social fields, thus forming evidence-based psychotherapy, the search for the whole sociology, and evidence-based pedagogy......

The principle of evidence-based education (EBE) is that educational practices should be based on the best available scientific evidence, rather than tradition, personal judgment, or other influences. Evidence-based education is related to evidence-based teaching, evidence-based learning, and school effectiveness research.

Evidence-based education and evidence-based teaching are produced under the influence of evidence-based medicine, and they are also the products of the scientific movement of Western education. David Hargreaves, a professor of education at the University of Cambridge, first proposed the concept of evidence-based teaching in 1996, arguing that teachers should be like doctors, making evidence-based teaching decisions and implementing teaching behaviors. At the same time, with the rise of the scientific movement of education, the advancement of educational measurement and educational evaluation research, experience-based teaching has gradually transformed into evidence-based teaching, and since then, evidence-based teaching has entered the research field of scholars.

In 2001, Robert Maezano, an American expert in curriculum and instruction, conducted a systematic study on effective classroom teaching strategies and published "Nine Evidence-based Strategies for Effective Classroom Teaching to Improve Academic Performance", which conducted an in-depth discussion of the evidence of evidence-based teaching. In 2009, Gcoff Petty, a British teaching expert, published the book "Evidence-based Teaching", which conducted a systematic study on evidence-based teaching. The core of evidence-based teaching lies in the implementation of evidence-based teaching, emphasizing the rationalization, scientificization and visualization of the teaching process, which provides a mechanism and fulcrum for reflecting on and improving experience-led teaching and subjective teaching in current teaching practice, and also provides a new perspective for teaching reform and teaching quality improvement. (School of Primary Education, Hainan Normal University, Cui Youxing, "On the Connotation, Structure and Value of Evidence-based Teaching")

It can be seen that evidence-based is more based on the understanding and respect for science and laws, and traceability is more about tracing the reasons for the formation of things, and understanding the real causes and ins and outs of things by touching the vine and touching the melon, which is used in reading to try to restore the author's motivation and writing connotation with the help of text traceability. Therefore, the humanities are more suitable for "traceability" than "evidence-based". However, compared with the emphasis on the results of "tracing the source", "source exploration" emphasizes the process, emphasizes the "true interest", and emphasizes the extraordinary significance and important value of selfless happiness obtained in the process for individual growth, so "source exploration" is obviously more suitable for teaching.

Origin-Finding Methods for Language Learning: On "Tracing the Origin", "Exploring the Source" and "Evidence-based"

About the Author:

Yao Danhua, born in Shanghai in 1970, pen name Zhiyin Qiusheng, is an educational explorer and education practitioner, an independent writer, the initiator of the Chinese learning traceability method, and a disseminator of Taoist culture.

For many years, he has won the honorary titles of Outstanding Instructor of Shanghai Classical Poetry Writing Competition, Outstanding Instructor of Shanghai Ancient Poetry Reading Competition, and Outstanding Instructor of Shanghai Middle School Students' Composition Competition. The cover character of the front page of the journal "Language World", the journal of the Chinese Chinese Newspaper Association, introduced the teaching record of "Yugong Moving Mountains" on the whole page.

National Academic Seminar on "Integrating Traditional Culture into Chinese Curriculum", National Seminar on Righteous Language, National Seminar on Improving Classroom Wisdom Teaching Ability in Primary and Secondary Schools, "Four Places" Language Seminar, "Tracing the Origin of Reading Henan Xiangcheng Promotion Activities", "Tracing the Origin of Reading" Academic Report in Shenzhen and Dongguan, Hanzhong "Tracing the Footprints of Masters and Exploring the Source of Reading" National Training Program Lecture, "Life is Wonderful because of Encounters with Masters" Nanjing Jianye Middle School Reading Guided Reading Interactive Activities, Teacher training of Yunnan Kunming Experimental School (Tianjiao Campus) affiliated to Sichuan Normal University, "The 13th Annual Conference of the Research Center for Guided Reading and Writing of the Chinese Literature Research Association and the 23rd Annual Conference of Henan Province", and the special guest of the "100 people and 1000 fields" famous teachers of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education went to Pinghu City to teach.

One of the special guests and keynote speakers of many Chinese teaching activities such as the "Fourth Chinese Curriculum Expo of Henan Province", "Educator Forum", "Menglong Poetry" Poetry Education Micro Forum, "Shanghai Taoliyuan School Teaching Seminar Micro Lecture", Nanjing 13th Middle School Language Seminar, Dongguan Songshan Lake Experimental School Language Seminar, Henan Yucheng Chunlai School Symposium Speaker, National Traceability Guided Reading Teaching Demonstration Course "For Learning", "Chen Taiqiu and Friends Period" and "Back".

"Taizhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Jiaxing" five languages special seminar on ancient poetry special guest judge, corporate culture course "Classical Poetry and the Realm of Life", community public welfare lecture "Tracing the Origin of Reading Family Promotion", large-scale public welfare lecture "We learn Chinese like this today", "junior high school Chinese learning guidance", "standing at the height of comprehensive language literacy research examination" guest speaker.

Origin-Finding Methods for Language Learning: On "Tracing the Origin", "Exploring the Source" and "Evidence-based"

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