
(End) My fiancé wants to withdraw from the marriage and marry the pregnant Oiran lady, I didn't make a fuss, waiting for him to finish

author:Entertainment has melons

This story is fictional, please do not sit in the right seat, please read it rationally

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My fiancé Cui Xiaohouye,

provoked a storm in Yangzhou City and fell in love with an Oiran.

The Oiran was also a ruthless man.

gave up all his belongings to redeem himself, and soon grew his belly, just to be a concubine for the little marquis.

In order to marry her, the little marquis personally came to the door to withdraw from his marriage with me, and even threatened to marry her only in this life.

Just as everyone was waiting to see my excitement, I unhurriedly took out the divorce letter from my cuff and threw it with a playful face.


It's not that your Lu family withdrew from my son-in-law's marriage, but that my son-in-law's family doesn't look down on you at all!

(End) My fiancé wants to withdraw from the marriage and marry the pregnant Oiran lady, I didn't make a fuss, waiting for him to finish


On the day my fiancé Lu Zhili came to my home, I was practicing calligraphy in my room.

I saw my personal maid Ming Dan hurrying into the room with her skirt.

"Miss, something happened, Lu Xiaohou personally came to the door to withdraw his relatives, what should I do?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help frowning, and immediately got up and asked Ming Dan to wash and change clothes for me.

In fact, I expected that Lu Zhili would come to the door to withdraw from his relatives.

The marriage contract between me and Lu Zhili was originally made by the grandfathers of both parties.

I had never even met him.

At that time, my father-in-law's family was still a hot presence in Beijing, and the two elders were old friends. However, my father and brother died on the battlefield later, and the status of my father-in-law's family is now different from what it used to be.

The Lu family proposed to withdraw from the marriage and find another in-law who is the right person, which is also reasonable.

It's just that I didn't expect him to be so anxious.

Not long after taking the Oiran from Yangzhou into the house, he came to the door in person.

I really can't wait for a moment.

After washing, Ming Dan and I walked straight to the front yard.

I saw a man dressed in a dark robe standing in the hall, and a richly dressed woman sitting in front of him.

Presumably this is Lu Zhili and his mother.

The man's face was handsome, but there was a faint hint of anger between his eyebrows.

On this side, I was sure that I had no eye for him.

When my mother saw me coming, she couldn't help but come forward in surprise and helped me to the side chair, and asked worriedly:

"Qionghua, why did you come here, didn't you let you recuperate in the room?"

Looking at my mother's concerned gaze, I immediately showed a reassuring smile, indicating that it was okay.

Suddenly, a sharp male voice broke the gentle atmosphere between me and my mother.

"Miss Yue, it's really as frail and sick as the rumors say."

I saw that Lu Zhili, who was standing on the side, looked me up and down with a contemptuous expression, and his brows furrowed even deeper.

I have been weak since I was a child, and fortune tellers once said that I would not live to live to the end of my life.

But my family felt sorry for me and searched for remedies for me, so I lived for two more years.

My father and mother don't like outsiders to talk about this matter, not to mention, the person in front of me is humiliating me with this matter.

My mother was about to get up and say something, but I was the first to reply to him:

"Lu Gongzi laughed, when I saw it today, I found that Lu Gongzi was also as unruly as the rumors said."

"I'm just about to welcome the Oiran lady into the door, and I'll come to the door today to withdraw from the marriage, I'm afraid I've already tasted the taste of gentle township."

After speaking, Lu Zhili, who was originally playful, was suddenly speechless.

It's not because I poked him in the heart, but because I was surprised that a woman who had lived in the boudoir for a long time would have such a temper.

Perhaps, in his eyes, I am just a weak woman who can only embroider flowers and play the piano at home all day long, and after marriage, I will only be like a silk flower, surrounding him to say something about his family's shortcomings. Marrying me was nothing more than torture for him, who had always taken an unusual path.

It is said that people are like their names, but Lu Zhili did the opposite.

Everyone in Beijing knows that the little marquis of the Lu family is the most unruly and unconventional, but he can achieve something.

When he was seventeen years old, he didn't know what kind of magic he had.

Don't put aside the title inherited by your family, you have to earn your own fame.

But he always looks like a gentleman on weekdays, who would believe that he could be admitted?

Seeing that everyone didn't believe him, he directly picked up the scissors and cut his hair to show his intentions.

After that, he shrunk to study at home day by day, and within two years, he was named a lifter.

Seeing that he was talented, the Lu family was busy thinking about letting him continue the scientific examination, so as to ensure that they could still produce a top talent.

But who knew that Lu Zhili directly dropped the letter and went north to join the army.

As soon as this incident came out, the Lu family sent people to the border overnight to look for him, but there was no news, and the Lu family was in a hurry.

In the end, it was Lu's father who went to investigate one by one, and then Lu Zhili was recovered.

At that time, he was already the commander of the army and mingled with the soldiers.

After going back, Lu Zhili was locked up at home for more than half a year, and after he came out, he threatened to go south to do business.

He said that the merchants were the last of the merchants, and he wanted to see how the merchants became the end of the world.

This time, the Xie family couldn't bear it anymore and asked for family law.

After Lu Zhili was fully injured, he took advantage of the night to carry a small burden and got into the carriage heading south.

It's been another three years.

When he came back, he had already used a thousand taels of gold to buy the largest restaurant in the capital and renamed it Yingjin Tower.

As soon as this incident came out, the wind direction of the entire capital changed.

The family that used to be disdainful of Lu Zhili is now in a hurry.

If nothing else, he rushed to Lu Zhili's extraordinary talent, and no matter what he did, he could earn his own world.

Because of this, my marriage to him has been put on hold.

Nowadays, the world only knows that Xiao Hou Lu can excel, saying that I, Yue Qionghua, are not worthy of him.

But they didn't know that I was also scornful of Lu Zhili's actions.

Perhaps, he Lu Zhili is a smart person and can make a small success in some places.

But in my eyes, it's not enough.

I think that the three generations of my father-in-law's family are loyal and good, my father and brother protect the family and defend the country, all of them died on the battlefield, and all of them are loyal and brave people who stand up to the sky.

Now, he, Lu Zhili, wants to personally come to the door to slap my Yue's family in the face for a woman from a Qinglou from Yangzhou.

This is obviously bullying my Yue family and no one, and I am humiliating in a hurry!

I can't bear this!

(End) My fiancé wants to withdraw from the marriage and marry the pregnant Oiran lady, I didn't make a fuss, waiting for him to finish


Seeing the atmosphere between me and Lu Zhili, Mrs. Lu became more and more tense, and immediately laughed out loud and said:

"Qionghua, you dissipate your anger first, we came today to discuss the marriage of the two of you."

After speaking, he turned his head to his mother and smiled:

"Mrs. Yue, you also know that the two dolls were still young when they got married, but I am afraid that the two will have a discordant temperament and become a resentful couple."

"It's better for the two of them to become brothers and sisters, and there is still a care in Beijing."

Hearing this, the mother sneered and categorically refused:

"We understand the kindness of your mansion, we Qionghua have our own brothers, and the sons and daughters of the Yue family have all died in the country, but we don't dare to climb high with you."

I secretly applauded my mother in my heart, which was polite, but the implication was that he was not worthy of Lu Zhili.

Both father and brother died in battle to protect the family and defend the country, loyal to the family and country, and protected the people.

Although he Lu Zhili is a little clever, he is not worthy of comparison with my father and brother.

Looking at the gradually difficult faces of Mrs. Lu and Lu Zhili, I immediately added:

"The little marquis is not afraid of the words of the world and is with his beloved woman, although the other party's identity is not worthy of elegance, but Qionghua still admires, I wish the two a hundred years together!"

As I spoke, I handed the divorce letter that had been prepared in my cuff to Lu Zhili.

This is tantamount to telling them that it's not that your Lu family withdrew from our Yue family's marriage, but that my Yue family doesn't look down on you at all.

Because you Lu Zhili has a loss of personal morality!

When my mother saw that I was resolute and resolute, she couldn't help but smile at me with satisfaction.

At this moment, Lu Zhili's face was comparable to the charred bottom of the pot.

He has always acted perversely, his eyes are above the top, and he has always been the only one who looks down on others, and there is no room for others to reject him.

Now that they have been slapped in the face, the two families will be completely torn apart in the future.

But I was relieved.

It's their rudeness in the first place, if they really have the sincerity to withdraw from the marriage and let me find another lover, why bother to drag me to this day?

Knowing that after I was dismissed from the marriage in public, I would inevitably be criticized by the people around me, but I still did this, without any regard for the decency of the two families.

In that case, then there is no need for me to accommodate you anymore!

After they left, my mother took my hand and patted me on the back distressedly: "Qionghua, now that you have broken off with the Lu family, I have nothing else to ask for, I just hope that you can marry a wishful husband, and I can rest assured." ”

As he spoke, he pulled out a post from his cuff.

"This post was specially kept for you by your Aunt Wenjun, and before the Hibiscus banquet next month, you should visit her."

Aunt Wen Jun in her mother's mouth is her mother's close friend, and she is also His Majesty's favorite concubine Rong Guifei today.

She personally invited me to the Furong banquet, just because she was planning for me in the future.

The banquet came up with the noble daughters of the family in Beijing, and the purpose was nothing more than to choose a concubine for the three princes born to Concubine Rong.

Seeing my mother like this, I couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Since my father and brother left, my mother has supported the whole family alone, and I can often see her hiding in the room alone to wash her face with tears, and now that I am an adult, I still have to worry about my future, but I can't do anything for her.

Although I am not in a hurry to get married, if this can make my mother feel more at ease, I am willing to do what she wants.

After putting the prayer post away, I began to prepare to enter the palace to visit the concubine.

Before the banquet, I met with the concubine Niangniang in Yikun Palace.

I was about to step forward to salute when my mother stopped me and told me to look up.

"How many years have passed, and you and your mother are really like when you were young, as if they were carved out of a mold."

"Come, just come and sit down, you don't need to be polite to me."

With that, the concubine got up and pulled me to her side, smiling and chatting with me.

"I've heard about you and the son of the Lu family, good boy, it's really hard for you."

"After the divorce, do you have other plans, but your mother has personally sent a letter asking me to find a good family for you."

is the same as Aunt Wen Jun in her impression, even if she is a noble concubine, she is still so warm-hearted.

But I no longer have any expectations for men and women.

"Niangniang, don't hide it, Qionghua has no intention of getting married now, and this time I came just to ask my mother to feel at ease."

The concubine is straightforward, so I don't go around the bend with her anymore, presumably she has her own measure in her heart.

Hearing this, I didn't know that Niangniang actually showed regret on her face, and said ambiguously:

"In that case, I'm afraid someone will be disappointed."

I was puzzled, and I asked positively, but the concubine didn't say much.

On the way home, I was thinking about how to make my mother feel at ease.

As soon as he was not paying attention, he bumped into a child in rags.

The boy immediately apologized to me, and before I could reply, he hurried away.

I didn't think much about it, and was about to continue walking forward when suddenly a clear male voice came from behind me:

"I didn't learn well at a young age, so I became a pickpocket on the street."

It's not loud, but it's clear enough.

Thinking of the little boy who had just collided with me, I subconsciously reached for the purse around my waist, and sure enough, it was gone.

I hurriedly turned around and walked past the crowd of onlookers in three steps and two steps.

I saw a young man in a moon-white robe, holding the child's belt in one hand and my purse in the other.

I thanked him and reached out to take the purse he handed over.

It may be caused by the two of them missing in the process of scrambling, and the original old purse was torn a crack, leaking out the copper coins inside.

I looked up at the young man in white in front of me and begged him to let go of the child.

Then he reached out and handed the boy two copper plates, told him to buy food, and then let him go.

The crowd who had come to see the excitement saw that the matter had been resolved, and there was no fun, so they quickly dispersed.

When I was about to ask the man in white for his name, and when I came to thank him in the future, he opened his mouth first:

"You're still so kind."

At this time, his face was warm and his tone was gentle, as if he was chatting with an old friend, and he was completely devoid of his previous sharpness.

Seeing him like this, I replied unhurriedly:

"If there is a choice, I don't think he would want to live like this."

"In the end, I can't decide whether I can help him or not, but it's up to me to decide whether to do it or not."

"It's just—"

Then I changed my words: "Does Childe know me?" ”

I threw the question to him.

After listening to my question, the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Maybe Miss Yue doesn't remember me, but it's okay, I will definitely visit in the future."

When the man had finished speaking, he turned and departed.

When I wanted to continue to ask him why he knew my surname was Yue, he was long gone.

Later, I did meet him again, but at the hibiscus feast.


At the hibiscus banquet, I was dressed plainly and deliberately chose a secluded corner to sit.

I don't know who proposed to invite everyone to play drumming and passing flowers, with the concubine's bag as the head.

The drums were about to stop, and the bag fell right into my hand.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on me.

Not long ago, I divorced the little marquis of the Lu family, and this matter was spread in Beijing, and few people didn't know about it.

Now most of the people at this banquet are full of curiosity about me, curious about what kind of woman dared to take the initiative to withdraw from the Lu family.

"I have heard for a long time that the Yue family is a general, and Sister Yue is a general's daughter, why not open our eyes for women who have lived in the boudoir for a long time, and do a sword dance?"

Following the prestige, I am no stranger to the woman who said this, she is the daughter of Shen Ge's hometown.

Shen Qianjin is now discussing marriage with the little marquis of the Lu family, saying that Mrs. Lu attaches great importance to this family business.

Seeing that there was a faint hostility in Shen Fuxue's eyes, I knew in my heart where her hostility came from.

The Lu family was divorced by me, and now she is discussing marriage with her, which invisibly seems to be pressed by me.

Thinking of this, I smiled helplessly in my heart, got up and bowed to everyone in a proper manner, and said without hurry:

"Qionghua is frail and has never learned to dance a sword, thanks to everyone's refusal to give up, a special flute song is played."

After saying that, I glanced at Ming Dan and asked her to fetch the flute I had prepared.

"This song is called Liangzhou Song, and it is my father's favorite song, and it is ugly."

At first, the sound of the flute was intense, like a battle between two armies.

Later, the sound of the flute gradually turned desolate, like a sad song in the desert.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of flutes.

I saw that the man in white who met me in the market that day, this time he was dressed in green clothes and came with a clear breeze and a bright moon.

I was a little surprised, but I was able to finish the piece without any problems.

After finishing the song, I looked around and said aloud:

"Everyone in the world says that the defeat of my Yue family is not worthy of matching the Lu family, but the men of my Yue family are all killed on the battlefield."

"If there is no one in my Yue family, I will be the first to stand up and disagree."

"Qionghua, the daughter of the Yue family, although she has been weak since she was a child, she has also learned medical skills, and she will definitely live up to her family teachings and serve the country and the people in the future."

After speaking, the hall was silent.

After a long time, the man in Tsing Yi took the lead in shouting hello, stroking his palms and laughing:

"Miss Yue's flute is melodious, and there are many thoughts in it, which is really heartfelt."

"There is a woman in the Yue family like this, which shows that her family style is upright, and the palace appreciates it very much."

At this time, the concubine Niangniang who was sitting on the upper seat also echoed with a smile:

"Rong He is right, although Qionghua is a woman, she has such a great ambition in her heart, and she is really a model of a woman in the world."

Hearing this, I understood.

It turned out that this man was Xiao Ronghe, the third highness of the noble concubine.

Just as I was thinking like this, Xiao Ronghe happened to look at me and happened to make eye contact with me.

I saw that he smiled gently, his eyes were clear, and the sunlight sprinkled on him seemed to be filled with a river of stars.

Since he helped me in this way, I couldn't help but have a little more respect for him in my heart.

After that day, the rumors about me in Beijing stopped and rose again like the wind.

It's just that this time the rumor is no longer that the daughter of the Yue family is not worthy of Lu Xiaohou, but that the Lu family is not strict, so that the future heir can marry a Yangzhou thin horse to enter the door, and it is really a wise move for the Yue family to retreat from this family.

Not only that, but for a while, many children of officials and eunuchs in Beijing came to the door to ask to marry me.

But I rejected them all.

Without him, since it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow, there is no need for them to add flowers to me.

I have made up my mind to leave Beijing and go to the border pass where my father and brother were stationed, to heal the people and soldiers there.

As the saying goes, a long illness becomes a good doctor, and I have been sick for many years, and I have also studied the art of Qihuang.

At first, my mother was worried that my body would not be able to adapt to the harsh environment of the land over there, but she would never agree.

But seeing that I had made up my mind, and that I didn't want to be contaminated with the rights and wrongs of Beijing again, he nodded and agreed.

On the second day, I sent a letter, asking my father's and brother's comrades-in-arms to take care of me.


On the day I left Beijing, I never thought that Lu Zhili would be waiting for me at the gate of the city.

When I saw him again, he was much more emaciated.

I pretended not to see him, and told the groom to leave quickly.

Unexpectedly, when he saw that I was ignoring him, he immediately stepped forward to stop the carriage in its way.

"Qionghua, I apologize to you for what you did before, and now Red Sleeves is also forced to leave by her mother."

"My mother asked me to marry the Shen family again, you know that I don't like Miss Boudoir at all."

"If I had known that you were such a woman, I would never have quit this family business, Qionghua, you give me another chance!"

"This time, I will not live up to you."

Lu Zhili's tone was anxious, and he wanted to step forward and take my hand as he spoke.

Hearing this, I couldn't help frowning and turned sideways to avoid the hand he was about to grab.

"Master Lu Xiaohou, I thought you could marry your beloved woman without fear of the world, but you are a lover."

"Now it seems that he is also a coward, whether it is Red Sleeves or Shen Fuxue, I feel worthless for them."

"As the saying goes, a good horse doesn't eat back grass, I hope that the little marquis is self-respecting, and there are many people in Beijing, so don't lose your identity."

After that, I stopped looking at him and went straight back to the carriage.

Lu Zhili saw that I was still unmoved in the face of his weakness, and wanted to stop again, but was interrupted by a ridicule.

"Master Lu Xiaohou is really a very shameless person, and after rushing to refuse people, he begged others to change their minds."

"I'm afraid that the city wall is not as thick as your face."

I saw Xiao Ronghe dressed in a red power suit and came riding a horse alone.

This time, he didn't dress as plain as before, but he had the air of a young man in fresh clothes.

It makes people can't take their eyes off.

"The noble concubine Niang Yi ordered the palace to come and escort Miss Yue to Jiayan Pass."

"Unrelated personnel are not allowed to stop it."

When Xiao Ronghe said this, he bit the four words of irrelevant personnel very hard, and stared straight at Lu Zhili's face.

I'm afraid that others won't understand this, so I'm going to hear it to him.

Hearing this, Ming Dan on the side laughed out loud with a snort.

At this time, Lu Zhili's face was a little darker than the inkstone used by his father in the past.

Because of Xiao Rong's presence, Lu Zhili didn't dare to stop him anymore.

I saw him gritting his teeth, and he was extremely reluctant to turn sideways to make way for us.

On the way to Jiayan Pass, I couldn't help but ask, was it really the concubine Niangniang who asked him to escort me?

Xiao Ronghe didn't speak, just looked at me and smiled very happily.

Seeing that I could not ask anything, he spoke again:

"As a prince, this palace can naturally go to the border to contribute to protecting the family and defending the country."

"You are a woman who still has this mentality, and I am an eight-foot man, so I can't just watch you risk your life and not be moved, right?"

As soon as these words came out, I seemed to understand something, and looked back at him on the horse.

That's it, since Xiao Rong and I are comrades of the same heart, why don't we go on hand in hand?

Anyway, we're going to be in the future.


(End) My fiancé wants to withdraw from the marriage and marry the pregnant Oiran lady, I didn't make a fuss, waiting for him to finish

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This content is fiction, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.

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