
After more than 30 years, the fears of Europe have returned, and the United States may take Europe without blood


For a long time, the fear of Russia in European countries was deeply rooted in the entire political environment. During the Soviet period, the huge nuclear arsenal and long-range, medium- and short-range missiles became a nightmare for many European countries, and they could only join forces with the United States. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this fear was applied to Russia. And now, there is news that after more than 30 years, the fears of Europe have returned.

According to "Russia Today", Putin recently announced that he will be ready to resume the production of land-based medium-range missiles and shorter-range missiles, as well as global deployment. It is clear that if the Russian-Ukrainian conflict intensifies, all of Europe will be covered by Russian missiles. Europe's most feared thing is coming again. According to Putin, Russia has been insisting on fulfilling the INF Treaty for many years, and even if the United States unilaterally tore up the agreement in 2019, Russia did not choose to produce intermediate-range missiles. As long as the United States does not carry out a global deployment, Russia has not broken through the limits of this treaty. Over the past few decades, Russia has been destroying a large number of its own missiles of various types because of the INF Treaty signed by the Soviet Union and the United States. Of these, the United States destroyed 859, while Russia destroyed 1,752.

After more than 30 years, the fears of Europe have returned, and the United States may take Europe without blood

In fact, Putin did this in October last year. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister has suggested that Russia's reasons for unilaterally adhering to the INF Treaty are disappearing because of the actions of the United States and its Western allies. During this period, the United States first deployed intermediate-range missiles in Europe and then in the Philippines, and the United States actually deployed threatening means at both ends of the East and the West. Last week, the United States was even preparing to plan the establishment of a global "nuclear supremacy" mechanism, testing intercontinental missiles that can carry out nuclear strikes, and modifying B-52 bombers to increase the capability of nuclear strikes in the air. It can be said that in just a few years, the United States has successively tore up the two most crucial agreements, the "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" and the "Strategic Arms Treaty," in turn. In this case, Russia's preparation of countermeasures and retaliatory measures can be said to be expected.

After more than 30 years, the fears of Europe have returned, and the United States may take Europe without blood

We also mentioned in the previous program that the United States has been doing so many things, which has been stimulating Russia to upgrade its strategic arrangement and push the situation to the level of nuclear war, which is nothing more than 3 factors. One is to maintain control over Europe. As we said at the beginning, Russia has begun to resume the production and deployment of intermediate-range missiles, which is equivalent to the most feared thing in Europe, and it will be returned after 30 years. Europe can only rely on the United States in the short term, which can allow the United States to continue to control European dominance. The second factor is that the hegemonic system is collapsing, and global multipolarization is constantly impacting the US hegemonic system; in order to stop this trend, the United States, which is already on a downward slope, has no good way to do it. The third factor is that in the recent election, the Biden Group's advantage is getting smaller and smaller, and even because of the recent election debate, it has chilled the hearts of many Americans. Internal cohesion can only be promoted through some radical measures and external threats. And Trump, who is not clear with Russia, has become the target of Biden's use.

This situation is also extremely bad for China. The in-depth cooperation between China and Russia is essentially the result of anti-American demand. If Russia wants to break the boat, can China remain on the sidelines? Putin's recent exchanges with North Korea and Vietnam seem to have verified this point. If the situation is completely overturned, I am afraid that China will inevitably be involved in it. In this regard, China may also have to prepare for the worst in advance.

After more than 30 years, the fears of Europe have returned, and the United States may take Europe without blood

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