
Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

author:Kobold History

01 Floor Observatory Taoist Temple:

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Scenic spots: Louguantai is located in Donglou Village, Louguan Town, Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, known as "the first blessed land in the world". It is located at the northern foot of Zhongnan Mountain, with beautiful scenery, pleasant environment, green mountains and green waters, lush forests and bamboos, and green shade covering the sky. There are abundant natural landscapes and cultural relics in the scenic area.

Attraction features and highlights: Louguantai is a famous Taoist resort in China, with Zhou and Qin relics, Han and Tang monuments, and landscape scenery. Among them, there are more than 60 historic sites including Lao Tzu's scripture platform, Yin Xi stargazing tower, Qin Shi Huang Qing Temple, Han Wu Emperor Wangxian Palace, Daqin Temple Tower, etc. In addition, there are scenic spots such as alchemy furnace, Luzu Cave, and Shangshan Pond. The history of Louguantai can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, which played an important role in the royal channel, reached its peak in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and is now revitalized.

Evaluation and word-of-mouth: Louguantai attracts many tourists with its unique natural scenery and rich history and culture. The evaluation and reputation of the scenic spot are good, and tourists have highly praised the beauty of its environment and the protection of historic sites. People appreciate the historical value and cultural connotation of the Louguantai, and are satisfied with the management and service of the scenic spot.

02 Qingyang Palace:

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Scenic spots: Qingyang Palace, located in Qingyang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, is known as "the first Taoist temple in western Sichuan" and "the first jungle in southwest China", and is a famous Taoist palace. It was built in the Zhou Dynasty, and most of the existing buildings were rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty, covering an area of about 120,000 square meters.

Attraction features and highlights: The main buildings of Qingyang Palace include the mountain gate, the Sanqing Palace, the Tang King Palace, etc. The Mixed Yuan Hall and the Bagua Pavilion in the palace are the most spectacular and ornate buildings, and the Bagua Pavilion enshrines the statue of Lao Tzu riding a green ox. The most precious cultural relics in Qingyang Palace is a "Collection of Taoism", which is considered to be the most complete preserved version in the world and has important value for the study of Taoism.

Evaluation and word-of-mouth: As an important Taoist palace, Qingyang Palace has attracted the attention and love of tourists. People give high praise to its architectural style and heritage preservation, and consider it a scenic spot with historical value and cultural connotation. Tourists generally praise the visit experience and service attitude of Qingyang Palace.

03 Zhongyue Temple:

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Scenic spots: Zhongyue Temple is located in Zhongyue Street, Dengfeng City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, built in the Qin Dynasty, and is a place to worship the gods of Taimur Mountain. It is the crown of the ancestral hall in Zhongzhou, and it is also the existing large-scale and relatively well-preserved ancient building complex in the five mountains, with a total area of nearly 110,000 square meters.

Attraction features and highlights: Zhongyue Temple is backed by Huanggai Peak, facing the Jade Case Mountain, Zhouzhi County Louguantai Taoist Temple is one of the famous Taoist holy places in China, located in Donglou Village, Louguan Town, Zhouzhi County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Louguantai Taoist Temple is famous for its long history, magnificent natural scenery and rich cultural heritage.

Louguantai Taoist Temple is located at the northern foot of Zhongnan Mountain, surrounded by mountains, with beautiful scenery. The mountains and rivers here are green, the forests are lush and the bamboos are cultivated, and the trees are shady. There are many natural landscapes and cultural relics in the scenic area. These include the relics of the Zhou and Qin dynasties, the Han and Tang dynasties, and Taoist architecture. Tourists can enjoy more than 60 historic sites such as Lao Tzu's Sutra Platform, Yin Xi Stargazing Tower, Qin Shi Huang Qing Temple, Han Wu Emperor Wangxian Palace, Daqin Temple Tower, etc. In addition, there are scenic spots such as alchemy furnace, Luzu Cave, and Shangshan Pond.

The history of Louguantai Taoist Temple can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty and played an important role in the royal family's belief in Taoism. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Louguantai reached its heyday and became the center of Taoism at that time. In recent years, the tower has been revitalized and protected, attracting many tourists to visit.

04 Maoshan Provincial Temple:

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Scenic spots: Maoshan Taoist Institute is located in Maoshan Town, Jurong City, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, and is an important Taoist mountain. The history of Maoshan Taoist Temple can be traced back to 153 B.C., and the ancestors of the mountain were the three brothers of Maoshan. Maoshan used to have 257 palaces and temples, with more than 5,000 houses. Now there are still three palaces and five views, the three palaces are Chongxi Wanshou Palace, Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, Yuanfu Wanning Palace, and the five views are Deyou Temple, Renyou Temple, Yuchen Temple, Baiyun Temple, and Ganyuan Temple.

Attraction features and highlights: As a Taoist temple, Maoshan Taoist Temple has a long history and religious significance. It is one of the larger Taoist temples in China and is known as the essence of Maoshan Mountain. Maoshan Taoist Temple enshrines Taoist statues and is a place of Taoist belief and practice. Although the temple has been damaged by fires and wars many times throughout its history, some of its buildings, such as the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace and the Yuanfu Wanning Palace, have been restored by the government and reopened to the public.

Evaluation and word-of-mouth: Maoshan Taoist Institute has attracted the attention and love of tourists. Although it was damaged by the war and the Cultural Revolution, the restoration work of the temple was supported and invested by the government. Visitors appreciate the historical value and religious significance of Maoshan Taoist Temple, which is considered an important Taoist cultural heritage. The restoration and opening of the Maoshan Provincial Temple has provided a better visiting experience for tourists and has received positive reviews.

05 Laoshan Taiqing Palace:

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Scenic spots: Laoshan Taiqing Palace is located in Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, and is located at the foot of Laoshan Pantao Peak. Laoshan is a Taoist temple with a long history and a large scale, and Taiqing Palace is one of the important ones. Taiqing Palace covers a total area of 30,000 square meters, with a construction area of 2,500 square meters.

Attraction features and highlights: Laoshan Taiqing Palace is known as the small Jiangnan and the house of the gods in the north, and is an important place for Laoshan Taoism. Its history can be traced back to 140 B.C., built by the TOP Taoist priest Li Zhexuan, enshrined the statue of the Three Emperors, originally named "Three Emperors Nunnery", and later renamed "Taiqing Palace". Taiqing Palace was once the ancestral court of the Quanzhen Suishan School of Taoism, attracting many Taoist believers. The architectural style of the palace is unique, including the mountain gate, the Sanguan Palace, etc., showing the majesty and magnificence of the ancient Chinese palace view.

Evaluation and word of mouth: As an important Taoist palace, Laoshan Taiqing Palace is loved by tourists. It is known as the essence of Laoshan Mountain and attracts many Taoist believers and culture lovers. Visitors appreciate the architectural style and historical background of Taiqing Palace, which is considered a site of religious and cultural value.

06 Baopu Dowon

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Construction year: 266-420 Jin Dynasty

Location: Geling Mountain, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Scenic spots: Baopu Taoist Temple is a Taoist temple dedicated to the famous Taoist, chemist and pharmacist Ge Hong. It is located on Geling Mountain in the West Lake District and is one of the key palaces in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The temple is surrounded by natural landscapes, and the greenery and clear streams of Geling Mountain add to the natural beauty of the scenic spot. In addition, there are a number of ancient buildings preserved in the Taoist Temple, which show the style and art of ancient Chinese architecture.

Attraction features and highlights: As one of the three main courtyards of West Lake, Baopu Daoyuan has unique historical and cultural value. It enshrines Patriarch Ge Hong, an important representative of the Taoist school and an outstanding contributor to the fields of chemistry and medicine. The buildings in the Taoist courtyard are well preserved, among which the main hall Gexian Palace, Banxian Thatched Cottage, Hongmei Pavilion and so on all have a simple and elegant style, reflecting the characteristics of traditional Chinese architecture.

Reviews and Reputation: Baopu Daoyuan has been praised for its historical background and cultural connotations. Visitors appreciate the natural environment and landscape around the temple, and also speak highly of the preservation and restoration of the ancient buildings. Visitors can feel the tranquility and peace of mind while learning about the essence of ancient Chinese Taoist culture.

07 Taoist Temple of the Patriarch's Palace

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Construction year: 266-420 Jin Dynasty

Key palace view

Location: Group 5, Qingcheng Village, Qingchengshan Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

Scenic spots natural and cultural landscape: Patriarch Hall Taoist Temple, formerly known as Zhenwu Palace, Qingdu Temple, also known as Cave Sky Temple, is located in the right rear side of the Tianshi Cave mountainside, the surrounding environment is quiet. In the landscape environment of Qingcheng Mountain, it is famous for its small and exquisite courtyard house architecture, surrounded by streams and bridges.

Attractions features and highlights: The Patriarch's Hall is a Taoist temple with a long history, which was built in the Jin Dynasty and later rebuilt in the Tang Dynasty, and the existing temple building was built in the fourth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. It enshrines Emperor Zhenwu and Patriarch Zhang Sanfeng, and there are statues of gods such as Lu Dongbin and Tie Guan Li and eight immortal murals inside. In addition, the Patriarch's Hall also attracts cultural elements such as poetry and stone carvings.

Evaluation and word-of-mouth: The Taoist Temple of the Patriarch Hall is highly praised for its long history and architectural style. Tourists appreciate its unique charm in the secluded surroundings of Mount Qingcheng. The statues and murals of the gods in the temple are also popular with tourists. In addition, the Patriarch's Hall also attracts culture lovers and history researchers, and is of great significance for the study of Chinese Taoist culture and history.

08 Luofu Mountain Chongxu Ancient View

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Year of construction: 327

Key palace view

Location: Luofu Mountain, Luofu Avenue, Changning Town, Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province

Scenic spots: Chongxu Ancient View is located at the foot of Magu Peak in Zhuming Cave Scenic Area of Luofu Mountain, south of Bailian Lake. The environment of Luofu Mountain is characterized by mountains, lakes and vegetation, adding natural beauty to the ancient view of Chongxu.

Attraction features and highlights: Chongxu Ancient Temple was built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and restored during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is a quadrangle courtyard building, the main building is the Sanqing Treasure Palace, and also includes the mountain gate, the main hall and the side hall and other buildings. The construction area of Chongxu Ancient View is large, showing the style and characteristics of ancient architecture.

Reviews and word-of-mouth: Luofu Mountain Chongxu Ancient View is highly praised for its long history and magnificent architecture. Tourists appreciate its unique charm in the beautiful surroundings of Luofu Mountain. The architectural design and layout of the ancient temple are also praised by tourists. Visitors can feel the tranquility and grandeur of the atmosphere in the Chongxu Ancient Temple.

09 Heavenly Master Cave Taoist Temple

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Year of construction: 605-618

Key palace view

Location: Group 5, Qingcheng Village, Qingchengshan Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

Attractions: Natural and Cultural Landscapes:

The Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple is located in the Tianshi Cave of Qingcheng Mountain, which was built during the great cause of the Sui Dynasty and has been rebuilt and restored many times. It occupies a vast area, has a large construction area, and has a unique layout, which is divided into a number of courtyards of different sizes and shapes, which are connected to each other by a stone path that twists and turns, forming a complete ancient building complex.

Characteristics and highlights of scenic spots: Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple has high achievements in site selection, plane layout, architectural space treatment and artistic characteristics. It does not emphasize the central axis, but divides the complex into four areas according to the topography and use function, each with its own character and atmosphere. The architectural style of Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple is unique, showing the artistic charm of ancient Chinese architecture.

Reviews and Word of Mouth: The Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple is highly praised for its long history and architectural style. Tourists appreciate its unique charm in the beautiful surroundings of Mount Qingcheng. The architectural design and spatial treatment of the ancient temple are praised by tourists. For the study of the development and evolution of Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain, as well as the construction of Taoist buildings, the Taoist Temple of Tianshi Cave has important research value.

10 Zhenyue Palace

Top 10 oldest Taoist temples in China

Year of construction: 716

Key official views

Location: Under the west peak of the main peak area of Huashan Mountain, Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province

Scenic spot natural and cultural landscape: Zhenyue Palace is located under the west peak of Huashan, the surrounding environment is beautiful, surrounded by strange peaks and strange stones, green pines and cypresses, flowers and plants, creating a refreshing palace environment.

Attraction features and highlights: Zhenyue Palace was built in the Tang Dynasty and is one of the famous scenic spots in Huashan. It is an ancient palace building with a unique architectural style. The palace sits north to south, built according to the mountain, and blends in with the surrounding mountains. Zhenyue Palace is an important cultural heritage of Huashan and is listed as a key official view.

Reviews and Reputation: Zhenyue Palace is highly praised for its ancient history and unique architecture. Tourists appreciate its unique charm in the magnificent surroundings of Huashan. The architectural design and location of Zhenak Palace are praised by tourists. As a part of Huashan, it attracts many tourists and culture lovers.

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