
The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

author:The gastronomic culture of the sea

July 15 is officially the busiest time of the year, and this year's dog days will last for a total of 40 days, from July 15 to August 23, a total of 40 days. During this period, we will also experience: from the beginning to the middle of the summer, as well as the four solar terms of small heat, big heat, beginning of autumn, and summer heat. In fact, from ancient times to the present, every special festival, in China's traditional culture, there is also its corresponding diet and health methods and exquisite, the following 4 folk customs and taboos, please refer to:

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Custom 1: At the beginning of the summer solstice, Sangeng arrived, and after eating dumplings, Fu came:

As the saying goes: the third watch of the summer solstice arrives at the beginning, and the blessing of eating dumplings comes! Because the dumplings resemble ingots, and the word "Fu" here is homophone with the "Fu" of Fu. Therefore, eating dumplings at the beginning of the year also has the beautiful meaning of welcoming auspiciousness and blessings. The dumpling filling of Futian dumplings is also particular, and leek stuffed dumplings are the best choice for Futian. There is also a folk saying to describe it like this: Futian leeks are fresh, and nutrition is fairy!

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Recommended recipe: leek egg shrimp skin dumplings

Step 1: Prepare 500 grams of leeks, clean them after picking them, then chop them with a kitchen knife and put them in a basin, prepare 5 eggs and beat them into a bowl to make egg liquid, and then fry them in an oil pan and fry them into broken eggs and put them in a bowl for later use.

Step 2: Put the chopped leeks and crushed eggs together, add a large handful of shrimp skin, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, MSG and edible salt, and then stir well, and the leek egg dumpling filling is ready.

Step 3: Prepare 150 dumpling wrappers bought from the noodle shop, then wrap the dumpling filling into it and wrap it all, pour water into the pot and boil, put the dumplings and cook for 15 minutes, add water in three times and boil the pot to eat.

Custom 2: A bowl of soup for a sheep, no need to prescribe medicine:

It has been spread among the people: a bowl of soup for a sheep, no need to prescribe medicine! Usually, people eat mutton at the winter solstice, or the cold three or nine days, the purpose is to replenish the body's yang energy. In fact, eating mutton on dog days is more particular, the ancients said: winter disease and summer treatment! In fact, eating some mutton on dog days can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish the yang and raise the yang, and drive away the cold evil, but also improve the body's immunity and stay away from diseases.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Recommended recipe: lamb and radish soup

Step 1: Prepare a leg of mutton, 1 large white radish, cut off the mutton on the leg of mutton, and then soak it in water to soak in bloody water. Then peel the white radish and cut it into small pieces for later use.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, bring the oil to a boil, add the green onion and mutton and stir-fry until fragrant, add boiling water, white radish, and two tablespoons of salt and simmer for 30 minutes. When the mutton is ripe and the soup is milky white, open the scourge and add a spoonful of MSG to taste and enhance the freshness, and it can be served.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Custom 3: Dog health taboos to remember: greedy 3 cool:

1: No food or drink cold

One of the dog days is to avoid eating too much cold, such as chilled watermelon, ice cream, and iced tea. Although these foods can cool down and quench thirst, if eaten in excess, especially during dog days, it will cause cold evil to invade the body, leading to deficiency of our spleen and stomach, and stomach diseases.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

2: Don't take cold showers

The second thing you can't do on dog days is to avoid taking a cold shower after sweating. Due to the high temperature of dog days in summer, the human body has its own function of regulating temperature: sweating. At this time, our pores are dilated, yang energy leaks out, if we are suddenly stimulated by a cold shower, it is easy to have a sudden stroke, or suffer from wind, cold, summer, dampness and cold, which is difficult to cure.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

3: Don't blow on the air conditioner

In addition, the third thing to do on dog days is to stay at home for a long time and blow air conditioning on the air conditioner. This causes our body to self-regulate its temperature imbalance. At the same time, it will also allow heat and dampness to return to the body, resulting in summer dampness and cold.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Custom 4: Hiding must be noon:

As the old saying goes: Hide must be noon! The meaning of this sentence is that the best time to escape the heat and heat on dog days is to find a quiet, cool and comfortable environment at noon and take an hour's lunch break. As the old saying goes: take a good lunch break and recover early! That's what it means. And this method is also one of the traditional health care methods that many of our middle-aged and elderly people have been using again.

The summer solstice Sangeng arrived at the beginning of the year, and the dumplings were eaten! Share the 4 customs taboos of dog days

Dog days are coming, keep in mind these 4 customs and taboos, and spend the summer smoothly and healthily! I am the sea food culture, sharing traditional food and traditional culture, if you also agree with my point of view and like my content, remember to like and follow the author. Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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