
How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

author:Sister Hua is an accountant



Log in to the National Unified and Standardized Electronic Tax Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "New Electronic Tax Bureau"), swipe the page to the [Tax Digital Account] section, and select [Invoice Business] to log in to the electronic invoice service platform.

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?
How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?



The invoice account page of the pilot taxpayers of the new electronic tax bureau has changed from the original [tax digital account].


How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

The function of the original electronic invoice service platform [Tax Digital Account] was renamed as [Invoice Business].


How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

For the taxpayers who are invoicing and using bills, the system displays two major sections: [Billing Business Handling] and [Invoice Business Handling].

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

Figure 1: New Electronic Tax Bureau Pilot Taxpayers Log in to the Electronic Invoice Service Platform for Invoice Business (Invoicing + Invoicing)


How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

For the pilot taxpayers who use digital electronic tickets, the system only displays the [Ticket Business Handling] section.

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

Figure 2: Taxpayers of the new e-tax bureau pilot log in to the invoice business of the e-invoice service platform (ticket only)

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

For taxpayers who need to check the deduction, the operation path of the invoice deduction check is: [Invoice Business] - [Invoice Business Handling] - [Invoice Checking Confirmation] to handle the deduction and check of the input invoice.

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

If you want to know the taxpayer information, tax credit level and taxpayer label above the original e-invoice service platform, you can click [Account Overview] to view.

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?

The taxpayer tab above the tax digital account on the original e-ticket platform has been moved to the top of the [Account Overview].

How does the new e-tax bureau log in to the e-invoice service platform to check the invoice deduction?


Please statistically confirm the checked VAT deduction vouchers before the declaration of general VAT taxpayers! If there is no confirmation of statistics, the input check will not take effect, and the "one-window" comparison will not pass, which will affect the recovery and invoicing of your unit allocation.

"Disclaimer: The pictures and data come from the Internet, and the reprint is only for communication and learning, if there is any copyright problem, please contact the author to delete"

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