
Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

author:Wisdom Life Newspaper

In everyone's youth, there may be a song of light. Perhaps, it is "The First Time" where the breath is sad and the heart keeps shaking; Perhaps, it is the "Promise" of a lifetime of happiness; Perhaps, it is the "fairy tale" that happiness and joy are the endings...... His singing, clean and sincere, gentle with firmness, lonely with perseverance, giving you and me in youth, the power to bravely pursue love, but also to us now, full of youthful memories.

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

On June 22, the 2024 Guangliang "I'm Not Lonely Tonight 2.0" tour will start in Shanghai as scheduled! Ten years ago, Guangliang made a promise with fans at the Shanghai concert to see you in Shanghai ten years later. Now, he came to the appointment with the memories of countless people's youth. Huazhu Club, a direct booking platform for hotel members under Huazhu Club, also invited members and fans to watch this not lonely concert in an exclusive box.

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

Loneliness, loneliness wherever you flee

Loneliness and the need to live in harmony with it

It can be the prince you love in fairy tales

It can also be a man who calmly faces his own losses in life

- "I'm Not Alone Tonight"

With the theme of "Lonely Planet", the film does not set Guangliang's role in the micro film, but allows every fan to sit in an open form and find their own role positioning......

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

01. "Mitsura's repertoire has always been my private collection"

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

Mr. Tse and his wife, a platinum member of the Chinese Lodging Club

In Mr. Xie's view, Guangliang is a name that has been deeply imprinted into the memory of youth without deliberately emphasizing.

From a young and ignorant teenager to a mature and stable young man, time passes, but the love is undiminished, Guangliang's songs are still treasured in Mr. Xie's song list, which arouses Mr. Xie's inner throbbing and memories from time to time.

So when I saw the "Huazhu Club invites you to come to the concert" member fan activity and the "Guangliang" concert appeared, I immediately signed up. "I didn't expect to be so lucky to be drawn." Mr. Xie said.

But that's not all. When he brought his wife to the concert site, he also found that this was an exclusive box for members of the China Lodging Club, "The box of the China Lodging Club is almost facing the middle of the stage, and the audio-visual effect is shocking." Mr. Xie said, "The most impressive thing is that when the whole audience sang 'Courage', everyone turned off the light sticks and turned on the mobile phone screen to wave together. We sat in the box, and we could clearly see the infield waving mobile phones together in chorus, and the scene was so shocking. ”

Leaving him and his wife with unforgettable memories in their lives, Mr. Xie was full of praise for the benefits of the Huazhu Club. "I hope that Huazhu Club will launch more fan activities in the future, such as member weekend activities, as long as you stay in the event hotel, you can participate in camping, handicrafts and other exclusive member activities, I will be very willing to bring my wife to participate together."

02. "This is my second time winning the lottery and I'm lucky! ”

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

Ms. Xu, a platinum member of Huazhu Club, and her children

Ms. Xu is a super lucky star! In the last 2 concerts, she won tickets through Huazhu Club points interaction.

"Last month's Xicheng Boys concert was drawn with 288 Huazhu Club points. After listening to the concert, the child has been imitating playing drums, playing guitar, and humming songs at home. I thought I'd take him to feel it again when I had a chance in the future. So when she saw the new session, she immediately signed up, but she didn't expect to be drawn again.

Songs such as "Fairy Tale", "The First Time" and "Promise" are songs that Ms. Xu often listened to when she was an adolescent, "Guangliang's songs warm people's hearts and give people upward strength, so I want to take my children to experience his music live." Ms. Xu said.

"The scene was very lively, especially the chorus. Guangliang is very good at mobilizing the atmosphere of the scene, and we are moved to tears for a while, and laugh for a while. Recalling the concert scene, Ms. Xu was very excited, and she also "loved" the China Residence Club even more. "Horizontal comparison shows that the fan activities of Huazhu Club are genuine and more colorful. Now I have developed the habit of browsing the Huazhuhui APP every day. Ms. Xu said that it was because of this habit that she was able to understand and participate in the event for the first time.

As a platinum member, Ms. Xu has a high level of recognition of the China Lodging Club, which stems from the good experience of staying in the China Lodging Club over the years: "I feel that I can't find fault with the hotels I have booked in the China Lodging Club. Now as long as I book a hotel, I must choose Huazhu Club. Ms. Xu said that she also wants to save more points, and as soon as there is a suitable membership activity, she can participate immediately.

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

03. "Sincerity can create fairytale beauty"

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

Mr. Wong, a member of the Chinese Lodging Club

Mr. Huang, another "koi" member, said that although he is not an avid fan of Guangliang, he loves many of Guangliang's works. "I first liked Guangliang because of the song "Fairy Tale". At this concert, Guangliang sang "Fairy Tale" with all the fans, which was really moving, like returning to his youth.

For Mr. Huang, the benefits of this Huazhu Club are full of sincerity, and it is like a "fairy tale" as a beautiful life experience for him. According to Mr. Huang, because of the nature of his work, he travels all year round, and every time he travels, he will give priority to booking all seasons hotels under Huazhu Club. "I love the whole season, it really feels like home, not only the gym, laundry, but also coffee that can be drunk 24 hours a day, I love it." Mr. Huang said in the message.

After experiencing this fan activity, Mr. Huang also wants to continue to deepen his understanding of China Lodging Club: "I hope to launch some trial stay benefits for its high-end hotels in the future, and I want to try different types of hotel brands of China Lodging Club." ”

04. "A healing singer is a better match for a healing hotel!" ”

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

Through the registration of Huazhu Club points, Mr. Qin, a platinum member, also successfully obtained the quota for the Guangliang Shanghai concert. In Mr. Qin's mind, Guangliang is a soul singer who can soothe people's hearts. Whenever I feel down, as soon as I hear his warm voice, I immediately feel healed. And Huazhu Club seems to be extremely consistent with Guangliang's temperament, and has a kind of warm and healing power.

Mr. Qin is a business travel maniac and spends more than 200 days a year on business. Since he started working, he has been using the Huazhu Club APP to book rooms. It is inevitable that he will be lonely when he goes away for a long time, but Huazhu Club Hotel will always make him feel at home with a warm and comfortable environment and meticulous service. "It is often said that going out and taking care of yourself is the greatest comfort to those who care about you." For Mr. Qin, every time he stays at the hotel, he is relieved and assured, and he has long been accustomed to the high-quality experience provided by the club, and he trusts the club very much.

As this trust gradually expanded, he was also very active in the various membership activities launched by Huazhu Club. Because he can accumulate a lot of points on business trips every year, Mr. Qin hopes to exchange points for more tangible benefits. "When I usually go out with my family, I usually choose to redeem my points for a room, and I feel that the points of the Huazhu Club are very valuable and real." Mr. Qin said, "I hope that I can redeem my points for Jay Chou concert tickets in the future!" ”

Please come and listen to the Guangliang concert! The angle of view is still the C position

The launch of the "Huazhu Club invites you to listen to the concert" member fan activity is no accident. Huazhu Club has been continuously listening to the voices of members, thinking about what members think, and introducing member privileges that better understand members when they need them. This year, Huazhu Club will upgrade the most popular "points for housing" rights and interests among members to a super benefit of 5% off all points for housing; Upgrade the uncertain rights and interests of platinum members to "upgrade the room with vouchers online"; It also customizes the "Huazhu Club Travel" pet fan tour for members, as well as the "Huazhu Club Life" that uses word-of-mouth hotel goodies to pet fans...... Let the 239 million+ members of Huazhu Club continue to enjoy more exclusive experiences.

This time, Huazhu will accompany you to Guangliang's ten-year appointment, and next, Huazhu will launch more pet fan benefits to accompany members through more ten years.

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