
It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

author:The Secret History of Fukan
It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

"There are only 10% of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, and 90% of it is dross, and traditional Chinese medicine must be reformed according to the principles of evidence-based medicine."

The person who said this sentence was neither a Western doctor who sells medicine, nor an ordinary person who doesn't know bullshit, but an academician of the Academy of Sciences with a professional academic background, he is He Zuoxiu, a theoretical physicist in the mainland.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

The culture of traditional Chinese medicine is obviously a treasure left by our ancestors from generation to generation, and it is a classic of the treasure house of Chinese medicine, but in the mouth of Academician He Zuoxiu, most of it has been compared to dross.

Suddenly, I understood why Chinese medicine is gradually going to be lonely, and even the academicians of the Academy of Sciences are sneering at traditional Chinese medicine, and how should we, ordinary people, pass on Chinese medicine?

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

In addition to saying that most of Chinese medicine is dross, He Zuoxiu also bombarded that Chinese medicine will only blow the theory that the five elements of yin and yang are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other all day long.

In He Zuoxiu's eyes, the five elements of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine are not scientific theories at all, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are mutually reinforcing, and it is really unconvincing to explain Chinese medicine, and it is more suitable to write novels about gods and monsters.

Friends who know Chinese medicine know that Chinese medicine is based on the five elements of yin and yang as the theoretical basis, and He Zuoxiu even complains about the foundation of Chinese medicine, isn't this to completely overthrow the foundation of Chinese medicine?

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory
As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Chinese medicine has formed a basic theory, if Chinese medicine is really a vain thing, why can it be passed down for thousands of years? From ancient times to the present, Chinese medicine does not know how many diseases have been eliminated and how many patients have been saved, so that our Chinese nation can reproduce and live endlessly.

If it is just a false name, how can so many people believe in the efficacy of Chinese medicine? To put it mildly, if there is no Chinese medicine, there may not be any Zuoxiu.

In 2018, the WHO included TCM in the medical compendium with global influence, and even international organizations such as the WHO have been recognized for TCM, but not by Academician He Zuoxiu.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

So what is the origin of this He Zuoxiu, and is a physicist really qualified to comment on Chinese medicine?

He Zuoxiu was born in Shanghai in 1927, graduated from the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University, and has published about 250 scientific papers, including "Philosophical Reflections on Quantum Conformance Field Theory" and "From Vitality to Particle Physics".
It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

In addition to the title of theoretical physicist, He Zuoxiu is also a philosopher of science and a sociologist of science, although there are many titles, but there is no such title as a medical scientist.

It is undeniable that He Zuoxiu does have certain achievements in scientific research, but it is limited to the scientific research specialty he is good at, if he is a biologist, the bombardment of Chinese medicine may be a little convincing, but physics and medicine are two completely unrelated majors, how can they be compared?

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

It stands to reason that those traditional cultures, including traditional Chinese medicine, the older people are, the more they should be aweed and protected, but young people don't care about traditional Chinese medicine, and He Zuoxiu, as an old man who is about to enter his nineties, has such a big opinion on Chinese medicine, which is really unreasonable.

Could it be said that after studying physical science all his life, he decided that the West was dead?

Although it is now a scientific society, everyone usually goes to see Western medicine and takes Western medicine when they are sick, but because they worship Western medicine, they cannot beat Chinese medicine to death with one stroke, because Chinese medicine and Western medicine are two fields, and they can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses without interfering with each other.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Western medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but Chinese medicine is from the inside out, the root of the disease is completely eradicated, some Western medicine can not cure the disease, Chinese medicine can cure the disease, for Academician He Zuoxiu, how to use scientific theories to explain it?

In real life, there are many things that cannot be explained by science, and these things are indeed real, but they obviously violate scientific common sense, and cannot be explained with existing scientific knowledge, so these things are not allowed to happen?

Don't think that after studying physics and science all your life, with some small achievements, and you are about to be 90 years old, you can dictate anything.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Human beings' understanding of nature, the universe, and even themselves may still be in a very shallow understanding, and there are still many mysteries waiting for human beings to explore in the future.

Many things in traditional Chinese medicine cannot be explained by science now, which does not just show that the ancestors were wise and knowledgeable, and discovered the mysteries of medicine so many years ahead of the West, so we should protect and inherit such cultural treasures.

Seeing Academician He Zuoxiu's explosive remarks, many netizens also expressed their opinions, and some netizens raised their own questions about He Zuoxiu.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Since it is said that Chinese medicine is dross, what have Chinese eaten to cure the doctor in the past thousands of years? Could it be that Western medicine has been around for thousands of years? In the final analysis, it doesn't have to rely on traditional Chinese medicine.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Another netizen said that Chinese medicine is indeed not a science, but a philosophy, and it is the highest philosophical concept about the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. If you insist on using science to explain Chinese medicine, then Chinese medicine is really not a science, and it does have philosophical elements in it.

And just when the mainland academicians shouted that Chinese medicine was dross, Japan and South Korea next door were frantically studying Chinese medicine.

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Obviously, the mainland is the birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine, but traditional Chinese medicine has not received due attention, but it is the two small countries next door, Japan and South Korea, with great ambitions, trying to completely absorb the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and integrate it into their own country.

The Koreans introduced our traditional Chinese medicine and made a slight adaptation themselves, changing the name to "Korean medicine" and "Korean acupuncture".

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

Japan has preemptively registered 70% of important patent pharmaceutical companies, and is still spending huge sums of money to acquire mainland Chinese medicine companies. Why is it that foreigners steal so justifiably? It's not because we don't take it seriously.

The dross of traditional Chinese medicine criticized by Academician He Zuoxiu is a medical treasure that other countries are trying to steal, doesn't this explain everything?

It's too explosive! Academician He Zuoxiu bombarded traditional Chinese medicine again: 90% of it is dross, and "criticized" the Five Elements Theory

The status of Chinese medicine in the hearts of Chinese cannot be shaken by the words of an academician alone, but those who sing about Chinese medicine must have other intentions in their hearts, and it is unknown what they think.

But I still want to advise Academician He Zuoxiu, at such an old age, since you have already made achievements, you should cherish your feathers and don't express your opinions on the Internet, especially in areas that you are not good at. Do you have to end up in ruin?

Finally, I also hope that our traditional Chinese medicine can be passed on in a steady stream and protect these cultures left by our ancestors.


Video V No. 3 - 2023-12-29: Japan and South Korea are eyeing traditional Chinese medicine, and the precious heritage of their ancestors must not be snatched away
Today's headlines - He Zuoxiu's personal account

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