
When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

author:Zhang Zhuo, a rheumatology and immunology expert

When trying to conceive, the health of both spouses is crucial. In particular, whether hyperuricemia in men will affect fetal development has become a concern for many families. This article will break down this question in detail to help you better understand the effects of high uric acid in men trying to conceive.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

1. The effect of high uric acid on male fertility

1. Sperm quality

Although high uric acid itself does not directly affect sperm quality, metabolic syndrome (such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, etc.) that may be triggered by long-term high uric acid may adversely affect sperm quality. These metabolic abnormalities may affect sperm production, maturation, and motility, reducing the chance of conception success.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

2. Fertility

Rarely, high uric acid, which is uncontrolled for a long time, may indirectly impair male fertility. This may be due to impaired kidney function or other complications caused by high uric acid. This is rare and usually occurs in patients with very high uric acid levels that have not been effectively controlled for a long time.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

3. Drug effects

If a man is trying to conceive with urate-lowering drugs, he should carefully choose drugs that are not harmful to the fetus and use them under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, the drug should be stopped for a period of time before trying to conceive to ensure that the drug is completely metabolized out of the body to avoid potential risks to the fetus.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

2. Dealing with high uric acid in men who are trying to get pregnant

1. Lifestyle adjustments

Men who are trying to conceive should maintain a regular work and rest, moderate exercise and a healthy diet to reduce uric acid production and promote uric acid excretion. Avoiding high-purine foods, limiting fructose intake, and drinking enough water are all effective lifestyle modifications.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

2. Regular monitoring

Before trying to conceive, you should have a comprehensive physical health examination to understand your uric acid level and other relevant indicators. If high uric acid is a problem, uric acid levels should be monitored regularly and necessary treatment should be carried out according to the doctor's recommendations.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!

3. Regulate kidney metabolism

In the response to high uric acid in men who are trying to get pregnant, regulating kidney metabolism is an important link. The metabolic function of the kidneys directly affects the excretion efficiency of uric acid. Therefore, for men with high uric acid during pregnancy, regulating kidney metabolism and improving uric acid excretion ability is the key to reducing uric acid levels and maintaining kidney health.

When trying to get pregnant, will high uric acid in men affect fetal development? Gout expert Zhang Zhuo answers!