
Don't get into trouble, it turns out to be troublesome; Don't be afraid to get into trouble, and your career will go smoothly.

author:Three talkers

The essence of making money is to solve trouble, and the size of the trouble determines the size of your wallet.

You set up a roadside stall to sell snacks, solve the problem of eating for passers-by, solve small troubles, and make small money; When you build a house in the city, you solve the problem of people's housing, solve big troubles, and make a lot of money.

In terms of attitude towards trouble, there is a strange phenomenon:

People from poor families of origin have been instilled not to cause trouble since childhood, and as a result, they are constantly in trouble; People who are rich in their original families have been taught not to be afraid of getting into trouble since childhood, and their careers have been smooth.

Don't get into trouble, it turns out to be troublesome; Don't be afraid to get into trouble, and your career will go smoothly.

There's a rule in Murphy's Law: If you're worried about something happening, it's more likely to happen.

To put it bluntly, the more the poor are afraid of getting into trouble, the more trouble they will have.

01. There is no extra time to deal with trouble

The reason why people are poor is that, in addition to the bad habits of eating and being lazy, they have no foundation, no connections, and no ideas.

I don't know how to make money faster, and I don't know what to rely on to make money, so I rely on myself for everything. In order to live a normal life, basically all the time is basically around making money, and there is no extra time to deal with trouble, even if there is time, it is spent on finding ways to make money.

If the income from work is not high, increase the working hours and exchange the time for money. Just like assembly line workers, if they only work eight hours, they don't have much money at all, and most people rely on overtime pay to get a good income.

I've seen vegetable vendors who start at three in the morning and stay busy until the evening. After a short break, I am busy calculating the day's revenue and preparing for tomorrow's business, day after day.

02. There is no extra energy to deal with trouble

Poor families have spent all their energy just for the family's food and drink, and they don't have extra energy to deal with troubles, even if they have energy, they think about how to increase their income, after all, only by increasing their income can they fundamentally solve the problem and make the family happier.

The uncle who drove the truck next door, every time he came back from the car, the first thing he did was to lie down and sleep, and he didn't do anything.

Those who have driven a truck or followed a car know how exhausting a long-distance freight trip is, not only requiring long-term and high-intensity concentration, but also usually not resting well, but also worrying about car conditions, road conditions, and weather.

When I got home, I was free of pressure, my whole body was relaxed, and I naturally just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

03. Inability to solve troubles

Income is the compensation for solving problems, and the reason why ordinary people are ordinary is that their ability to solve problems is limited, and the ability of poor people to solve problems is even more limited.

A common phenomenon in poor families is that they are easily emotional, and their parents will get mad, scold, and even beat people at every turn.

To put it bluntly, it is annoyed and angry, unable to solve the problem, irritable, leading to emotional out-of-control, plus the bottom is heavily influenced by morality, the concept of hierarchy is strong, and it is taken for granted to beat and scold the younger generation and even the partner.

Therefore, people from poor families, in order to save themselves snacks, instill their children from an early age not to cause trouble, but the trouble will not come because they are afraid of it, but it will not appear because it can be solved.

This leads to constant troubles, quarrels between poor families, and chickens and dogs jumping all day long.

Don't get into trouble, it turns out to be troublesome; Don't be afraid to get into trouble, and your career will go smoothly.

On the contrary, the rich do better in this area, they understand the trouble, and they have the ability to solve the problem, even if they are irritable, they will not hide from it, but face it directly.

Their daily routine is to deal with trouble, no rich person is idle all day long, how can it be so simple to make money, the bigger the business, the bigger the trouble, the more.

01. Money can afford to lose

The reason why a rich person is called a rich person is that money is visible to the naked eye.

If you have money, you can lose, and if you can afford to lose, your mentality is naturally much better. Small troubles will cost small money, big troubles will cost big money, anyway, the things that money can solve are not big things.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, life ups and downs, the rich have already experienced all kinds of turbulence in the current situation, and they are much calmer about the coming and going of money.

Apple's Steve Jobs was like this, he was kicked out as the founder of the company, but it did not prevent him from starting a new business, setting up other companies, and still living well.

In the end, when Apple encountered a crisis, it was invited by Apple to go back to fight the fire, thus building Apple into a world-class company.

02. Cognition and vision

Making money is the result, and there is a unique cognition and vision behind it, and the cognition and vision of the rich are incomparable to ordinary people, and naturally, their thinking is different from that of ordinary people.

They understand very well that trouble cannot be avoided, and only by facing it and overcoming it can it get out of your troubles.

Therefore, for children to get into trouble, they are more to accompany or educate children to face and solve, children in the process of facing trouble and solving troubles again and again, ability, cognition, mentality gradually grow, naturally more mature than other peers.

When the opportunity comes, it will be smoother and easier to succeed.

There is no road in vain in life, every step counts

03. Have successful experience

Many people understand a lot of truths and still have a lot of bad things in this life, which is essentially a lack of practical opportunities, and it is difficult to integrate the universal principles into the blood, bones, muscle memory, and daily behavior.

As a result, when things happen, my mind is blank, and I completely forget about those truths.

The rich are different, no rich person has gone all the way, not experienced one after another vicious battles, this experience of constantly fighting in the face of vicious battles and finally winning, so that they can deal with troubles more confidently and calmly, and understand that troubles are always short-lived, there are no hurdles that cannot be overcome, only people who give up.

Before Jack Ma founded Alibaba, he also went through many start-ups, all of which ultimately failed, but these have become the stepping stones to Alibaba's success in the future.

Don't get into trouble, it turns out to be troublesome; Don't be afraid to get into trouble, and your career will go smoothly.

Finally, I would like to say

When trouble comes, it is instinct to escape, and human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but in the end, you will find that there is no way to escape.

Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to meet the enemy, life is troubles on top of trouble, and avoiding troubles can only temporarily stay away from troubles, but it cannot fundamentally solve troubles.

Only by facing it and solving it can we truly solve the trouble, and can we remove the fear of trouble from the heart.

The next time trouble comes again, you can deal with it calmly, and eventually become a person with stronger and stronger ability, and become a person who is more and more good at solving problems, so as to take off the hat of poverty, cut off the gene of poverty, and live a happy life.