
Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

author:Custom home circles

On June 30, the 2024 Bay Area Assured Consumption Education Public Welfare Trip - Entering Enterprises and "Promoting Safe Consumption and Building a Beautiful Housing" Shengdu Quality Open Day was held in Guangzhou.

On June 30, the 2024 Bay Area Assured Consumption Education Public Welfare Trip - Entering Enterprises and "Promoting Safe Consumption and Building a Beautiful Residence" Shengdu Quality Open Day was held in Guangzhou. Leaders from Guangdong Product Quality Brand Promotion Association, Guangzhou Property Management Industry Association, Shell, Shengdu Decoration and other leaders, media and consumer representatives attended.

On the same day, Shengdu led the guests and consumers to visit the transparent construction site, and carried out a series of activities such as consumer knowledge and legal popularization, and assured consumption forum.

In the event of a transparent construction site, Shengdu invites industry partners to witness the peace of mind and quality home decoration

Under the leadership of Zhang Zhonglin, the person in charge of Guangzhou Shengdu Quality Management Center, the guests first visited the transparent construction site of Shengdu and observed all aspects of home improvement construction on the spot. Through the real listening, seeing and feeling of the on-site construction site, we can fully understand the quality management of Shengdu. Subsequently, the guests also visited the exhibition hall of the Panyu Experience Hall in the Holy Capital and intuitively felt the charm of intelligent home decoration.

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

The holy capital is fully equipped with a transparent construction site

In the past two years, driven by the joint efforts of new policies and new measures, the home improvement industry has developed rapidly. At the same time, the introduction of policies such as "renovation of old houses" and "trade-in of the old" in Guangzhou has also increased the demand for high-quality decoration in the local area. How to efficiently carry out home improvement consumer education and effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers has become a key issue for the government and the industry.

At the meeting, Luo Wenyu, president of the Guangdong Famous Enterprise Brand Protection Association, executive chairman of the Guangdong Product Quality Brand Promotion Association, and head of the Guangzhou Product Quality Consumer Education Base, said: "Home improvement is the top priority of people's better life, and home improvement and home furnishing enterprises must effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, maintain market order and sustainable development, and only in this way can we win the trust of consumers." ”

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Luo Wenyu

Liu Xu, deputy secretary-general of Guangzhou Property Management Industry Association, said: "I hope that in the future, Shengdu can continue to promote quality construction, build a good brand trusted by consumers, and establish a quality benchmark in the industry." ”

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Liu Xu

Li Bao, general manager of Guangzhou Region of Shengdu Decoration, said: "Quality is an eternal topic, and Shengdu pursues quality and is committed to moving forward in the direction of service that makes consumers truly feel at ease. ”

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Li Bao

According to the provisions of the T/GDQBA 07-2023 "Specification for the Creation of Assured Consumption Education Bases in the Bay Area", after months of research and investigation, guidance and cultivation, strict review and publicity process, in line with the requirements of providing consumers with quality science popularization, observation experience, authenticity identification, product evaluation, special lectures, popular science goods or service consumption knowledge, and disseminating consumer rights protection laws and regulations and consumer warnings, the first "Bay Area Home Improvement and Home Service Consumer Education Base" in the Greater Bay Area officially settled in Guangzhou Shengdu Panyu Store. And it is jointly built by the Guangdong Provincial Product Quality Brand Promotion Association, Guangzhou Product Quality Consumption Education Base, and Shengdu Decoration.

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Supporting a beautiful and peaceful home, Shengdu is equipped to help consumers achieve peace of mind

Quality and service experience are the foundation of brands in the home improvement industry. At the scene, Liang Hongli, the person in charge of the quality management center of Beike complete business line, shared the quality report, she said: "From the whole process of quality inspection from the start to the completion, to the 400 service hotline, 'quality zero distance' and other service support, and then to the 'Ten Fears, Ten Promises' service commitment, Shengdu has always been working hard to strengthen quality construction." ”

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Liang Hongli

For the healthy development of an industry, in addition to the normative guidance of government associations and the integrity management of enterprises themselves, consumers' active participation and self-protection awareness are also very important. In this regard, the 12315 Consumer Rights Protection Service Station of the Guangdong Provincial Product Quality and Brand Promotion Association sent 5 lawyers from Guangdong Yuetong Law Firm to provide legal consulting services to consumers on the spot, and lawyer Zhang Dongyu carried out a popular science lecture on consumer rights protection knowledge.

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Zhang Dongyu

Zhang Chao, head of the legal center of Beike complete business line, also gave a professional interpretation of the content of the "Report on Consumer Pit Avoidance in the Home Improvement Industry", and conveyed efficient and practical home improvement knowledge to consumers. Zhang Chao said that in the process of home decoration, consumers should pay attention to the ten common problems including cooperation mode, decoration team, budget quotation, contract signing, scheme design, payment method, material purchase, acceptance standard, warranty period, and decoration and transformation, so as to achieve decoration and avoid pitfalls.

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Zhang Chao

Consumption is not only a process of buying and selling, but also the building of trust. At the subsequent "Rest Assured Consumption" forum, the leaders of the association, Beike, Shengdu, media and consumer representatives conducted in-depth discussions on how to create a truly reassuring and reassuring consumption environment for consumers.

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Rest assured consumer forum

Zhu Dingxiang, president of the Guangdong Provincial Product Quality Brand Promotion Association and professor of the Party School of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, said: "Institutions and enterprises need to effectively enhance the awareness of consumer rights protection and create a safe and secure consumption environment. ”

Join hands with various forces to build "safe consumption" Shengdu held the 2024 Quality Decoration Open Day

Zhu Dingxiang

For a long time, Shengdu has been committed to providing consumers with high-quality complete services, not only writing the "customer ten fears, Shengdu ten promises" service system into the contract, but also setting up an independent supervision department to strictly control the quality in accordance with the construction standards and ensure the quality of delivery. At the same time, Shengdu has also been trying to promote the healthy development of the home improvement industry by aggregating industry forces and educating consumers on knowledge.

It is believed that in the future, Shengdu will continue to practice the original intention of a better life, explore diversified service forms, escort consumers to consume with peace of mind, and help "better living".

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