
The clash was fierce, and Israel was short of troops and began to fight the idea of ultra-Orthodoxy

author:Flying in space

According to the Associated Press and the Times of Israel website, on June 30, local time, thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews held a protest in Jerusalem to boycott compulsory military service, and some threw stones and lit fires in the streets. They attacked the cars of ultra-Orthodox officials and angrily denounced the politicians for their inaction.

The clash was fierce, and Israel was short of troops and began to fight the idea of ultra-Orthodoxy

The boomerang that Israel threw out hit itself on the head so quickly. According to the data published in the propaganda of the war report, Israel was a great victory, and the casualty rate was outrageously low.

What now? There is a shortage of soldiers in Israel, why is there a shortage? It shouldn't be

The clash was fierce, and Israel was short of troops and began to fight the idea of ultra-Orthodoxy

And at present, even an extremely decent person like Haredi, who is exempted from conscription all year round, has to be pulled to fill in the line, can't other factions stand it? Are there no soldiers to be drafted?

What is even more noteworthy is that if the bill passes, it will not only require conscription, but the age of conscription will be lowered from 26 to 21. This is the big move. To what extent is there a shortage of troops at the front? Would you want to come big at a time, is the quantity gap so big?

The clash was fierce, and Israel was short of troops and began to fight the idea of ultra-Orthodoxy

Of course, people will not stand stupidly and do nothing, protest and march one by one, and the so-called civilized people have also started to light fires, throw stones, and block traffic on the streets. Sure enough, when it comes to the end, it should be urgent

The only variable depends on the attitude of the orthodox party, and if it is normally for the sake of the orthodox faction and withdraws from the cabinet, the government will have to be dissolved and re-elected. If you think about the current situation of the country, there is no escape from filling in the line.

The clash was fierce, and Israel was short of troops and began to fight the idea of ultra-Orthodoxy

The ultra-Orthodox leaders have not yet decided, and it is very difficult to decide, and the incident will continue to escalate before the result will be known, so let's wait and see

PS: It's not easy to create, please don't reprint

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