
was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

author:Pioneer Valley Film and Television Entertainment Review
was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be
was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Text: Lele

Pioneer Valley

"Not being popular is the original sin."

In the entertainment industry, which has always been known as "Vanity Fair", the positioning of stars is also clearly defined:

Red, not red.

After becoming popular, you will be glorious, and enjoy applause and flowers.

is not popular, but it is in an embarrassing situation, sad and humble, which is not much better than bullying in the workplace.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

was forcibly pulled out to play "edge ball", was treated as an "air man", and was ridiculed and abused......

In addition to attitude, there are many influences at work.

For example, the role in hand was "snatched" by someone with more status, such as being watched by onlookers in intimate scenes......

It can only be said that how beautiful a star is after becoming popular, and how humble he is before becoming popular.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Jiang Yan

"Oh Mom, I love disco."

Yao Yuling's sentence in "South to North" is enough for many girls to learn for a lifetime.

Actor Jiang Yan, also with this role, finally "raised her eyebrows".

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

In the just-concluded Magnolia, Jiang Yan successfully won the trophy of "Best Supporting Actress" with the role of "Xiao Yao".

There is no suspense, no controversy, only applause and deserved.

The long dress, shining brightly, Jiang Yan after thanking her, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth and tears in the corner of her eyes.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After receiving the trophy, Jiang Yan also received blessings and congratulations from countless friends.

For example, the "neighbors" Jin Chen and Bai Jingting in "South to North" sent congratulations as soon as possible, and the pattern immediately opened.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

All the friends in the variety show "Chinese Restaurant" congratulated their "family" Jiang Yan one by one.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

But for Jiang Yan, maybe she is happier not only to receive awards and recognition, but that she will finally not become the object of "bullying" by some people because she is "not popular".

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Many years ago, in a variety show, Jiang Yan was forced to become the "center of the conversation".

The reason is very simple, among the actresses in her peers, she has the smallest coffee position.

Song Dandan and Lin Chiling don't need to say much, Jin Chen at that time, fans and topics were much better than Jiang Yan.

For the staff, Jiang Yan has become the "soft persimmon".

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

At an event by the sea, in order to build momentum, the program team provided Jiang Yan, who originally had a swimsuit, with a set of three-point styles, plus a one-yard smaller blouse.

Jiang Yan was also uncomfortable during the recording, and she was trying to cover it up.

But the coat is too small to even pull the zipper, and the good figure can be seen at a glance.

Because of this incident, it also directly affected Jiang Yan's later feelings, making her ridiculed by her future mother-in-law.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

In her relationship with Zhu Yuchen, a mother's treasure man, Jiang Yan is wholeheartedly devoted to the man, and she has to take care of the other party's diet and daily life after work.

But because of the participation of Zhu Yuchen's mother, and other factors, this relationship still came to an end.

There is a reason for the breakup that is even more ridiculous: Jiang Yan once dressed scantily and behaved frivolously in the show.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After that, Kang Yeon never made her love life public again, and she didn't even participate in reality shows anymore.

In addition to enjoying his own life, he is fully engaged in work and filming.

But she didn't have enough coffee positions, and she was not treated well at work.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

In an interview, Jiang Yan generously talked about her experience.

finally got a role, but after the cooperating actor arrived at the scene, he relied on his own coffee position to exert pressure:

I don't want to work with her, I have my own actors I want to work with.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

As soon as the words fell, Wang Han on the side answered directly: Is it a heavy responsibility?

It seems that the matter of being changed roles really happened to Jiang Yan.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Therefore, Jiang Yan, who was holding the Magnolia Trophy, thanked the director Zheng Xiaolong for the first time and thanked the director for giving him a masterpiece.

With the addition of awards, her acting skills were seen by the audience, and after experiencing so much unfairness, Jiang Yan finally became "popular"!

Maybe from now on, something like a swimsuit won't happen to her again.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be


Now when it comes to Zhao Liying, her status has long been a first-line star in the circle.

Xianxia dramas that have taken out hundreds of millions of broadcasts, there are pension dramas such as "Know", and through dramas such as "The Wind Blows in the Summer", it has successfully transformed from a small flower to an actor.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Especially in the Spring Festival file "Article 20", her performance amazed countless audiences, and the "national teacher" Zhang Yimou.

Such a status and reputation make Zhao Liying unbeatable among the many 85 flowers, far ahead.

But before that, she had experienced much more unfairness and embarrassment than Jiang Yan!

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

is not a professional actor, and was born in the draft, so that for many years, Zhao Liying's label only had two words:


was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After becoming the spokesperson of Dior, she introduced the brand in English, but she was ridiculed for her strange pronunciation in English and couldn't get on the stage.

Big brands are only dressed in the market.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

At this time, Zhao Liying is already in the position of a first-line flower, and she is still inevitably ridiculed.

It is not difficult to see how difficult her situation was before she became popular.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Because she has no background and is not a professional background, Zhao Liying was often ridiculed as soon as she debuted:

The round face is too rustic, and she can't play the heroine, so she can only play the maid.

As soon as the path of being an actor began, someone defined her.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

"Why are you pouting like a pig when you're acting?"

She couldn't remember how many times she'd heard something like that.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Once in the crew for the New Year, Zhao Liying, who was not popular, was directly ignored by everyone, and no one cared about it in the crew.

In the end, her friend Zhang Rui found her and cooked her a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner at the hotel.

This meal became one of the few warmth in Zhao Liying in those years.

After the resources gradually improved, she often took Zhang Rui and his girlfriend with her when filming.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

But the most difficult thing for fans and audiences is when filming the movie "Palace Lock Agarwood".

This not only left a permanent wound for Zhao Liying, but also left a huge psychological shadow.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

In "Palace Lock Agarwood", Zhao Liying has an intimate scene wearing only a belly pocket, and the scale can be called the largest in the whole play.

Under normal circumstances, when shooting this kind of scene, the director will clear the scene in advance to avoid embarrassment for the actors, and also to protect the privacy of the actors.

But when the filming really started, the scene was densely packed with people, watching Zhao Liying's belly pocket shape throughout the whole process.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhao Liying completed this intimate scene, in which there is no need to say much about the sourness.

In the end, the explanation given by the staff was also perfunctory: it was too busy and forgot to clear the site.

It can only be said that the actor is not popular, and in the entertainment industry, he is at a disadvantage.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After going through those "not popular" years, today's Zhao Liying has already relied on her acting skills to successfully transform, and her popularity and coffee position have increased by many levels.

Now that she is filming again, not only will she no longer encounter the embarrassment of "forgetting to clear the scene", but she also has her own choice.

She has become Dior's double spokesperson, and she may never be ridiculed for her "accent soil" again.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Zhang Xiaofei

also experienced this embarrassment, as well as actor Zhang Xiaofei.

On the comedy stage, she is a "blind date maniac", and together with comedians such as Jia Ling and Xu Juncong, she brings countless laughs to the audience.

But behind the applause, what Zhang Xiaofei experienced was a years-long "embarrassment of not being popular".

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

When going to the crew to interview for a role, the director would laugh at her appearance to her face:

You look a little weird!

This is a big blow to a girl.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

In order to prove his acting skills and get more opportunities, Zhang Xiaofei went on a variety show.

But here, she once again deeply realized what it means to be "not popular and being bullied".

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

cooperated with Zhang Xiaofei is actor Sun Qian, who is also the actor of "Cui Jinxi" in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

With such excellent works, Sun Qian is naturally proud and thinks that she is superior.

Therefore, in the cooperation between the two, she has always had the upper hand.

didn't say the right word, changed the script, and put Zhang Xiaofei aside.

Seeing that he was about to go on stage, Zhang Xiaofei didn't know what his script had changed.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

The ending on the stage is obvious, Sun Qian successfully advanced, and Zhang Xiaofei was eliminated.

After all, at that time, no one dared to believe that Zhang Xiaofei, a comedian, would win the trophy of the Golden Rooster Actress in the future.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Of course, Zhang Xiaofei's embarrassment is not only on the stage, but even the class reunion is the one who is ridiculed.

When recording the show with Yuan Shanshan and other Beiying classmates, Zhang Xiaofei was ridiculed by Yuan Shanshan many times for not taking a bath, snoring, etc.

Such a secret topic was not only used to ridicule boys, but also mentioned many times in front of the camera.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After that, Zhang Xiaofei could only clarify himself on his social account: I really don't snore, and I don't expect a few of them to apologize.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

When participating in some award events and large-scale dinners, Zhang Xiaofei's situation was even more embarrassing and embarrassing to the naked eye.

After arriving at the event site, Jia Ling, Shen Teng and others quickly began to greet the people around them, sitting together to play mahjong waiting room, and Zhang Xiaofei was ignored.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Even when everyone got together for dinner, Zhang Xiaofei didn't even have a stool, so he could only wander around the venue in an awkward circle.

Later, someone still saw it, so they temporarily added a stool to her.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

After "Hello, Li Huanying", Zhang Xiaofei's situation is completely different.

With a box office of billions, he became the "mother" in the audience's mouth, and after winning the Golden Rooster Movie, he rose to coffee at the fastest speed.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

From the original lack of seats, I sat in the front row of the venue;

From a few hundred yuan of clothes on his body, he has become a luxury brand of haute couture......

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Even Yuan Shanshan, who once mocked her for snoring in the show, took the initiative to stand up and apologize, and rubbed a handful of traffic fiercely.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

From no one cares about it to being hot, Zhang Xiaofei only used one movie, and behind the popularity and non-popularity, there is the most real human affection in the entertainment industry.

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be


Zhao Liying, Zhang Xiaofei, and now Jiang Yan have all had similar experiences.

How beautiful it is now, how hot it is, how humble it used to be, how embarrassing and helpless it was.

"Appearance is justice, and not being popular is the original sin."

Is this phenomenon in the entertainment industry the reality of Vanity Fair or an almost deformed human society?

was forced to "rub the edges" and was scolded for "looking like a pig", the actress was so popular and beautiful, but how humble she used to be

Some references:

"South to North"

Magnolia Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival

"Palace Lock Agarwood"

"Hello, Li Huanying"

Article 20