
The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

author:Happy business hall
Disclaimer: All articles have official and reliable sources of information, which have been repeated in the article.


As a pillar industry of the country, real estate was once an ideal paradise for investors, and many people took advantage of the east wind of the times to change their fate.

But after the Evergrande thunderstorm, in addition to the buyers with a debt, there are many investors who have lost their money, and this time the median group's thunderstorm has bankrupted 150,000 investors, and what is even more heart-wrenching is that the debt of the median group is 1.2 trillion more than Evergrande.

So how did the median go from glory to loneliness? What about these 150,000 investors?

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

The history of the trillion group

When it comes to the median group, many people may be relatively unfamiliar, but when it comes to the famous singer Mao Amin, many people must know that Xie Zhikun, the founder of the median group, is Mao Amin's husband, and after the two got married, they had a pair of children.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

In 1961, Xie Zhikun was born in Wuying District, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, which is a place famous for its Korean pine, so the forestry here is very developed, and many families rely on the mountains and water to eat water, and the people here rely on wood for their livelihood.

At that time, all families basically had a distinctive feature, that is, more people and less food, because most families were mostly children, and the Xie family was no exception.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

Xie is the fifth oldest in the family, and there are still four older brothers and sisters, and his parents are ordinary workers in the forestry farm, so when he was very young, Xie Zhikun realized that life is not easy, and it is this difficulty that has become the seed of his perseverance in starting a business in the future.

At that time, there were very big changes, but for Xie Zhikun, who was still a child, there was not much change, and many people wanted to change their fate, but they didn't know what to do.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

Knowing that Xie Zhikun's eldest brother used himself to prove that his fate can really be changed overnight, the reason why he said this is because his eldest brother Xie Zhichun didn't want to live his life in a daze like ordinary people after joining the work.

So in his spare time, Xie Zhichun studied hard, and because of this, after resuming the college entrance examination in the first year, Xie Zhichun was successfully admitted to the university and became a student in the Department of Chemistry of Heilongjiang University.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

After graduation, Xie Zhichun successfully stepped into the career with his own efforts, and with the transfer of work, Xie Zhichun began to set foot in the financial field, and made remarkable achievements.

Inspired by his eldest brother, Xie also wants to change his life through his own efforts, although he is still a printer in his first year, but this does not prevent him from dreaming.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

It is precisely because of this that Xie Zhikun was able to seize the turning point of fate when he was able to seize it, and it turned out that the printing plant where he was working at that time was on the verge of bankruptcy because of poor efficiency.

Under these circumstances, Xie stepped forward and contracted this enterprise with extraordinary courage and wisdom, not only bringing it back to life, but also accumulating a precious first pot of gold for himself.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

In 1995, Zhongzhi Group came into being, taking advantage of the east wind of reform, from a small city in the northeast to the whole country and even the world.

In the 21st century, under the leadership of Xie Zhikun, Zhongzhi Group has gradually expanded into the financial field and successfully won the highway construction project.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

But in 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States swept the world, and in order to ensure that the mainland's economy was not affected, the Chinese government directly allocated 4 trillion yuan to stimulate the economy.

Under this policy, the median group began to recover rapidly and achieve rapid expansion, and then moved its headquarters to Beijing, which once became a leader in the industry.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

As the strength of the group grows stronger, its business scope has gradually begun to expand to energy, resources, real estate, finance and other fields, and has gradually built a diversified business empire with total assets of up to 3.6 trillion yuan.

But it is such a behemoth, once there is a huge change in the decision-making level, resulting in its decision-making mistakes, then the ashes may be a matter of moments.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

Bankruptcy liquidation was declared

Recalling the time of Evergrande's thunderstorm, the overwhelming news on the Internet made people have a deeper understanding of the risks of the real estate industry.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

Although Zhongzhi Group may not be as well-known as Evergrande in the public eye, it is also a calling existence in the capital market, so when it announced bankruptcy and liquidation, many people were not only surprised, but also sad, after all, many people invested money in the stock market.

So many people are very curious, why such a behemoth, in the case of enjoying national dividends, how can it be said that it is bankrupt? This has to talk about the company's operating model.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money
Information source: Financial circle: 2024-6-25 - Zhongzhi Group's 3.6 trillion assets have been wiped out, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

As we said above, the median group is an investment company, and its brilliance begins with its unique investment model, the decision-makers of the median group are good at seizing market opportunities, making large investments in potential listed companies, and increasing the market value of these companies through a series of capital operations, and cashing out at a high point to achieve huge profits.

This seemingly impeccable strategy has indeed made Zhongzhi Group a lot of money for a period of time, and its asset scale has rapidly swelled to 3.6 trillion yuan, becoming the focus of attention in the industry.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

Although this investment model has brought huge benefits to enterprises in the short term, from a long-term perspective, its risks are indeed very large, among which the impact of market supervision and regulatory policies on it is particularly significant.

With the tightening of the country's policies on the financial industry, especially the introduction of new regulations on the allocation of responsibilities for investment companies, Zhongzhi Group has been forced to take on more responsibilities that do not belong to them.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

According to the operation of the median group, generally after they obtain the company's shares, they will not interfere in its business decisions, and when the company's market value reaches the highest point, then they sell their shares and leave, so to speak, these companies are their ATMs.

However, with the introduction of the new policy, after the first shareholder declares bankruptcy, the second shareholder must accept it, which means that the ATM, which was once considered by the median, has now become a heavy burden for it, and at the same time, it has put the median capital chain under unprecedented pressure.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money
Information source: The official account of the website of the financial community - "248 enterprises in the planting system were applied for substantive merger and bankruptcy liquidation"

To add insult to injury, the sudden death of Xie Zhikun, the soul of Zhongzhi Group, brought a fatal blow to this already stormy group.

For Zhongwei Group, the existence of Xie Zhikun is its anchor, because he has used his excellent business vision and profound industry resources to lead Zhongzhi Group out of the predicament many times.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

However, after the accident of Xie Zhikun, the median group faced a leaderless situation, coupled with a series of problems such as the departure of senior executives, the withdrawal of investors, and the rupture of the capital chain, which caused the group to fall into unprecedented chaos and turmoil, and finally ended up in bankruptcy and liquidation.

Where should 150,000 investors go?

At the moment of the collapse of Zhongzhi Group, the shock it caused affected the financial markets of China and even the world, and it is particularly noteworthy that the fate of about 150,000 small and medium-sized investors was tightly engulfed by this sudden storm, their investment was hit hard, their life plans were disrupted, and their dreams and hopes seemed to come to naught overnight.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money
Information source: Bronco Finance official account - "29 years of stirring up the storm, trillions of "Chinese plants" completely come to an end! 》

Many of these investors have invested their hard-earned savings based on trust in Zhongzhi's past achievements, or attracted by its diversified business layout and seemingly solid market position.

Some of them directly purchased the financial products of Zhongzhi Group, such as trust plans and wealth management products, hoping to obtain stable returns; Some are buying shares of listed companies related to Zhongzhi Group through the secondary market, looking forward to capital appreciation brought by long-term growth.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

But with the news of the group's bankruptcy reorganization, these investments became precarious almost instantly, and many people faced the cruel reality of a significant reduction in principal, or even a full loss.

In the face of such a large-scale investor loss, the issue of compensation naturally becomes the focus, and theoretically, in the process of bankruptcy reorganization, all creditors, including investors, have the right to participate in the distribution of the bankruptcy estate in accordance with legal procedures.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

However, this process is complex and lengthy, and the priority of repayment determines that small and medium-sized investors are often in a lower position, and when the assets of Zhongzhi Group are liquidated and distributed, considering the huge scale of its liabilities, the assets available for debt repayment may be far from meeting the needs of all creditors, and the compensation that small and medium-sized investors can finally receive is likely to be minimal.

The business giant Zhongzhi has a debt of 3.6 trillion yuan, the business empire collapsed, and 150,000 billionaires have lost all their money

In addition, the possibility of compensation depends on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the specific design of the bankruptcy restructuring plan, the court's ruling, the intervention of regulators, and whether a third party is willing to step in and provide additional financial support.

In extreme cases, if Zhongzhi's assets are not enough to cover the debt after liquidation, investors may have to accept losses, which is undoubtedly an extremely painful result.

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