
How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In our cognition, the environment in India can definitely be regarded as dirty and messy, and some people joke that drinking a sip of Ganges water in India is equivalent to drinking half of the periodic table.

There are even a lot of superbugs in the Ganges, just looking at this is enough to see the environment of India, but there is one country where the environment can make India bow down, and this country is Bangladesh......

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Horrific population

Bangladesh is a country with 147,000 square kilometers of land, but it supports almost 170 million people, which means that the number of people per square kilometer in Bangladesh has reached 1,100.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere


This population density is eight times that of our country, and you must know that our country is already a large country with a population of about 9.6 million square kilometers and supports 1.4 billion people.

For Bangladesh, the population density is already very high, but the population of this country still likes to have children, because in this country, the status of women is not high, so they are always riveted to have boys.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

It is precisely because of the population problem that Bangladesh's social problems have also arisen a lot, and the number of people accommodated by a country is, to a certain extent, also affected by the carrying capacity of the environment.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

When the population is too large, the country will not be able to afford so many things, so there are some poor people who need to find a way to live, and they will look for some "special" ways to make money.

Due to the large number of people, many living conditions are also very poor, and some infrastructure is not able to accommodate so many people, we can often see Indian trains, not only full of people, but also full of people outside.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

In fact, this phenomenon does not only exist in India, but also in Bangladesh, and even worse, there are even more people hanging outside than sitting inside.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

This is not only the case with trains, but also with buses, which are very congested in Bangladesh due to the limited width of the roads.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Sometimes the car is not even as fast as walking, and in the cities of Bangladesh, the car is really difficult to drive, and sometimes the top speed can only reach 7 kilometers per hour.

Of course, the amount of garbage produced by so many people is naturally amazing, and in modern society, there is a lot of garbage that cannot be degraded by the natural environment.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Even if it does, there is a lot of waste that takes decades, or even centuries, to degrade, but the point is, they produce new waste every day.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Mountains of garbage

Due to the lack of good disposal methods, a lot of household garbage and industrial waste are piled up, and because there is no better disposal method, they can only pile up these garbage on the roadside.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

In fact, Bangladesh is not the only country that does this, and they will transport garbage out of the city and then dispose of it on the periphery of the city.

This has led to a phenomenon where the city is very clean, but outside the city, it stinks, and the water of the small river, which was originally clear, also stinks because of this, and the creatures inside will also suffer.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere


And in many cities in Bangladesh, there is also such a phenomenon, but their phenomenon is even more serious, and their cities are also full of garbage.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Because there are many people who lack toilets to use, this has led to the occurrence of a phenomenon that some people directly take off their pants in the field to solve the problem of three emergencies, regardless of men and women.

Originally, Bangladesh produced enough garbage and did not have enough capacity to deal with it, but in order to make more money, they also imported "foreign garbage" from abroad.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere


What is "foreign garbage"? Foreign garbage is imported solid waste, and some countries will send this garbage to some poor countries in order to keep their own country clean.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Of course, those developed countries will also give money to these countries, but in the absence of effective treatment, this will undoubtedly increase the burden on the environment.

For Bangladesh, this is the case, when the foreign garbage arrives in their country, they will look for something usable in the foreign garbage.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Sometimes it will be some clothes, but there are also a lot of germs on these clothes, which are very harmful to the human body, of course, it can't be just these, there may be other things.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

However, the things that can be effectively used are indeed very limited, and there may even be some medical waste, as we all know, there are many medical wastes, and they have been in contact with patients.

And those patients may have some infectious diseases, and when people come into contact with those medical wastes, they may be infected, which is a very scary thing.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

When people can't dispose of so much garbage, they use the "simplest" method, which is to gather the garbage together and burn it.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere


The harm of burning garbage is even greater, because some harmful substances will drift into the air with the fire, and if it rains again at this time, the harmful substances will enter the land with the rain, and crops will grow on the land.

In this way, the use of this method is simply a vicious circle, but because of the problem of development, they do not have the right to refuse, and these bring more harm to people than that.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

Impact on people's lives

The first level of the air index is ≤50, which is considered high-quality, and the highest level is >300, which can already be judged as heavy pollution.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere


In December last year, the air pollution level in Bangladesh's capital reached 325, which is already dangerous.

If people live in such an environment for a long time, it is very bad for the whole body, and after inhaling a large number of harmful substances, people will have a series of diseases such as fever and asthma.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

The effects of environmental pollution are not only respiratory problems, but also digestive disorders and even nervous system problems.

When people have physical problems, many people will definitely want to go to the hospital in the first time, but the medical conditions in Bangladesh are indeed limited, and they only have 3.8 doctors per 10,000 people.

How dirty is Bangladesh, which has made India admit defeat? Women defecate in the open and there is garbage everywhere

This also leads to the ......#长文创作激励计划 when people are sick and want to be treated#


[1] Beijing News - "Population Explosion! What does Bangladesh feed 170 million people? 》2021.6.11。

[2] China Xiaokang Network - "Poor sewage treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh has seriously threatened the health of local residents", July 15, 2023.

[3] People's Daily - "Where Did America's Plastic Waste Go?" More than 1 million tons are shipped to developing countries every year", June 29, 2019.

[4] China News Network - "2,400 tons of plastic waste per day, Bangladesh's environmental disaster intensifies", June 5, 2023.

[5] Xinhuanet - "Reuters: Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, air pollution to the "dangerous" level" 2023.12.29.

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