
The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

author:Life is a bit of a material

"Lao Zhang, can your body still withstand a few tosses? The doctor's words are not taken seriously? Uncle Li, an old friend, looked at Uncle Zhang, who had just returned from the hospital, and asked with concern and reproach.

Uncle Zhang, 69 years old, recently went around the hospital due to cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor repeatedly told him to pay attention to his health.

That day, Uncle Zhang suddenly coughed violently while watching TV at home, and his son Xiao Zhang hurriedly sent him to the hospital.

After some examination, the doctor found that Uncle Zhang had high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, which increased his risk of cerebral hemorrhage at night. The doctor solemnly told him to take his medicine on time, and also listed a series of life precautions.

But Uncle Zhang, after returning home, he thought that he usually didn't have any serious illnesses, and he took the medicine on time, but he still had his own work and diet as he wanted.

That night, he played mahjong and drank tea again, only to feel dizzy when he came home. At night, Uncle Zhang suffered another cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed on the bed.

"Uncle Zhang, you really can't ignore this situation anymore. When people are old, they have to serve the old, and they can't do what they want anymore! The doctor sighed.

This time, the doctor gave Uncle Zhang a more detailed examination and told him the seriousness of the attack. The doctor said: "Cerebral hemorrhage is not a trivial matter, especially in your case, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and irregular work and rest, it is really difficult to reverse the problem." ”

The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

Causes of cerebral hemorrhage

"Why does Uncle Zhang suffer from cerebral hemorrhage frequently?" There was a bit of heaviness in the doctor's words.

"Intracerebral hemorrhage, which sounds like a frightening condition, is actually the result of the combined effect of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis." The doctor began to explain in detail, "High blood pressure puts the blood vessel wall under excessive pressure for a long time, just like blowing up a balloon, the more the balloon wall blows up, the thinner it gets, and finally bursts.

Arteriosclerosis, on the other hand, makes the walls of blood vessels stiff and unsmooth, and blood flow is not smooth, which is more likely to cause blood vessels to rupture and bleed in some weak points. ”

The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

He further elaborated that for elderly patients like Uncle Zhang, blood vessels have been "tortured" for many years, and they are themselves relatively fragile.

Add to that if you have a long history of high blood pressure, the walls of your blood vessels are like a rope that is constantly worn out and will break one day. Arteriosclerosis is even worse, which makes the condition of the blood vessel walls worse and greatly increases the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

"So, Uncle Zhang, you see, cerebral hemorrhage does not happen for no reason, it has a series of complex pathological processes behind it." The doctor's words were filled with a bit of helplessness and regret, "We hope that you can truly understand these reasons, so that you can pay more attention to your health and actively change your lifestyle to avoid such a tragedy from happening again." ”

The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

To prevent intracerebral hemorrhage. What can older people do?

"Now that we understand the severity of intracerebral hemorrhage and the reasons behind it, let's talk about how to effectively prevent intracerebral hemorrhage." There was a bit of firmness in the doctor's words, and he knew the importance of prevention for high-risk patients like Uncle Zhang.

"The key to preventing cerebral hemorrhage is to control the two 'culprits' of hypertension and arteriosclerosis." The doctor began to explain in detail, "For hypertension, we must monitor it regularly, and once we find abnormal blood pressure, we must seek medical attention in time, take medicine according to the doctor's instructions, and control blood pressure within the normal range."

The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

At the same time, we should also pay attention to reducing salt intake in life and eat more potassium-rich foods, such as bananas and potatoes, which can help lower blood pressure. ”

"And for arteriosclerosis, although it is difficult to completely avoid it with age, we can slow its progression through a healthy lifestyle."

The doctor continued, "For example, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can cause damage to blood vessels and accelerate the process of arteriosclerosis. Another thing is to maintain a moderate amount of exercise, exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance the elasticity of blood vessels.

Of course, diet is also very important, we should try to eat as little as braised pork, cakes and other foods, and eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. ”

The 69-year-old uncle suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night, and the doctor sighed: Don't do it when you're old, it's too freewheeling

"In addition to these, there are a few other precautions that deserve our attention." The doctor adds, "Get enough sleep to give our body enough rest. Avoid overexertion and emotion, which can put some pressure on our blood vessels. There is also a need for regular physical examinations to detect and deal with possible vascular problems in a timely manner. ”

"Preventing intracerebral hemorrhage is a long-term and multifaceted process." The doctor's words were full of encouragement, "Uncle Zhang, as long as you can adhere to these precautions, I believe you will be able to stay away from the threat of cerebral hemorrhage and enjoy a healthy and happy old age." ”